Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Jesus is EverythingThursday Matters- February 29, 2024
Everyday The Great I AM Think about how crazy it was for Moses to hear God speaking from a burning bush. It seems a little weird too. God speaks in love but He’s direct when He tells Moses, “Get to Egypt, get my people and GO!” And when Moses asks “What should I say to the people when they ask me your name?” it seems that God didn’t want to spend a lot of time telling Moses all the things He was, so He simply said in Exodus 3:14, “Tell My people I AM has sent Me to you!” “Okay, whatever that means”, Moses must have thought but upon “seeing” who God really was, Moses probably realized that I AM meant everything! God IS saying, “What you need… I AM! I AM your navigator, speaker, provider, comforter, and strength …I AM EVERYTHING YOU NEED when you need it. That gives me incredible hope to carry-on, and I hope it does for you too…everyday!” 2/28/2024
EvilWednesday Matters- February 28, 2024
Everyday The Enemy I have to constantly remind myself who the enemy is. It’s not other people like we so often think (not that the enemy doesn’t use people because he does) but he’s the real enemy. Satan’s everyday goal is for our destruction to break up relationships, friendships, families and marriages. God tells us in Ephesians 6 that our armor of six pieces isn’t gonna just jump on us but so we must put it on: 1) Helmet of Salvation-We are covered by Christ’s blood & we need to protect our thoughts 2) Belt of Truth-To combat the lies of the enemy 3) Breastplate of righteousness-we are made right in Christ 4) Shoes of Peace-We can receive peace no matter what 5) Shield of Faith-Holding on to God’s promises in faith no matter what happens 6) The Sword of the Spirit/The Word of God-This weapon is defensive & offensive. Put on the full armor of God and you will have victory to overcome the enemy …everyday. 2/27/2024
ThankfulnessTuesday Matters- February 27, 2024
Everyday Thanks for ALL Things I trust God’s love so I really try to obey what He asks from the Bible. But wow is Ephesians 5:20 a difficult scripture to follow; “Give thanks FOR all things?!” Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Nevertheless I had an amazing experience when applying this for a very difficult circumstance. Visiting a friend two years ago at the Mayo Clinic I had a huge anxiety attack alone in the hallway with hyper-ventilating…the whole works. Driving home the next day I heard God say; “Thank Me for the attack.” “What craziness was this?” I kinda laughed but did it anyway; “Thank You God for the anxiety attack.” I said it once but as I continued to repeat and thank Him for something so awful I began to sense His great love for me. The more I thanked Him the more I felt enveloped by His love so I also added, “You’re so nice to me.” I was so overwhelmed by His presence that I had to pull over because I was crying so hard. His ways are often my “whys?” But His ways always bring peace…everyday. 2/26/2024
ListeningMonday Matters-February 26, 2024
Everyday Sitting in Love You want to look up but you can’t because the burden you’re carrying is so heavy and you feel strange because the alter call at church was about going forward to pray for a prodigal child and your kids are all in church wondering, “What’s wrong with mom?” Others came forward to pray with those in front, but I sat alone. Then suddenly, a woman, the exact opposite of me, gentle and quiet, put her arm around me. Not a word was said but gradually more tears started rolling down my face and then I started to sob. This woman gave the love and understanding of Jesus, who also wept with loss and felt alone. She put her arms around me and just sat with me because she knew what my heart must be feeling. Jesus waits with us, sees our tears and cries with us. Sometimes He sends just the right person He can work through to meet us in our need…everyday. 2/23/2024
AddictFriday Matters- February 23, 2024
Everyday Perfection Addict It’s exhausting trying to run the treadmill to perfection. I got off it. It goes nowhere. Most of us, to some extent, need to be delivered from the fear of people and from caring too much about what others think. People who always need the approval of others desperately want everyone to see the way they look, the things they say, every action they take—they want people to say, “Perfect.” If we try to be perfect, we’ll be disappointed. You and I are imperfect human beings. An attitude shift is what needs to happen for things to change and never mind I told my husband earlier; “Today I feel like complaining and blaming someone else.” THAT’S always easier than taking personal responsibility but certainly not healthier. We need to be confident that God accepts us with our imperfections. He will continue to work in us but we don’t have to struggle to win His approval or the approval of others. God is for us…everyday. 2/22/2024
Trust IssuesThursday Matters- February 22, 2024
Everyday Love and Trust Is trusting and loving someone interrelated? Well, we can love without trusting. We can and should love someone imprisoned for theft as Hebrews 13:3 points out; “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” That does not mean we have to give them access to our bank account just to prove we “love” them. We show compassion for an alcoholic by offering our help. We also show compassion by not “enabling” the alcoholic by protecting them from consequences for their bad actions. Many times, consequences are the “severe mercy” that is needed to get their attention. The caution is to make sure we have not elected ourselves their jury and judge. It's the Holy Spirit who guides and directs us in how we should move forward in love which might be setting a boundary or not continuing in conversation with someone when they repeatedly spew out garbage to us. Trust in God who loves us no matter what…everyday. 2/21/2024
MiscarriageWednesday Matters- February 21, 2024
Everyday Baby Loss Debbie, what do you say to parents that are losing their little 16th month old boy to cancer? The parents are Christian but can’t understand why God won’t heal their baby? Can you help me with an answer? Nothing you say will make them feel like it’s fair. The best thing to say is, "I don't know why this is happening. I hate that it's happening and that you’re hurting. But I am not God, and I don't know why He has allowed this. You’re right that it isn't fair. Why doesn’t God fix the pain? He's a big God...tell Him how you feel. It won't stop for a moment His great love toward you. We want to fix the hurt for our friend or want God to fix it. Don’t try to speak for God. Take your friend out, listen to them cry or just sit beside them and say nothing. Even Jesus wept when He went to the grave of Lazarus. Just let friend know you you’re there and you care…everyday. 2/20/2024
RepentanceTuesday Matters- February 20, 2024
Everyday Kind David Repents King David was a great man who committed a great sin and he paid the consequences but he also received forgiveness because he was repentant. In Psalm 51, David’s repentance speech, we see that God desires truth in our inner beings. Make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart,” David pleads with God. That means if we want to receive God’s blessings, we must be honest with Him about our sins. Until we face the truth of our sins we can’t truly repent. Real repentance means we’re sorry enough to ask for forgiveness with the willingness to change. We need to be sorry for the hurt we’ve caused another instead of making excuses for our sin. David became a man after God’s own heart because he confessed his sin. Repentance brings forgiveness and freedom which always leads to healing and restoration, …everyday. 2/19/2024
JealousyMonday Matters-February 19, 2024
Everyday Jealousy Jealousy is one of the most dangerous poisons which can literally destroy us. It’s challenging because we know we shouldn’t be jealous so we pretend it’s not happening and we find reasons why the other person shouldn’t have success. A few years ago I watched a video of a woman I was mentoring. I was amazed at the talent and beauty she displayed on screen. But instead of feeling happy for her, I was jealous; “Why her?” I called my husband and said; “I’m jealous.” As soon as I brought my jealousy to the light it no longer had power over me. I was able to congratulate my friend on her success and the poison of envy did not infect me. I have a great friendship with this young woman and I’m proud of her. King Solomon asks; “Who can stand before jealousy?” No one can because it’s as cruel as the grave. Celebrate the successes of others and let God show you the gifts you have to celebrate YOU…everyday. 2/16/2024
Holy SpiritFriday Matters- February 16, 2024
Everyday Holy Spirit Home Are you listening? Jesus is speaking. Hear His voice; “You are forgiven. Today is a new day. God’s Word from Lamentations 3:23: “Great is My mercy. It’s new every morning and great is My faithfulness. Everyday I try to “be better” but no matter how strong my will and determination is I will fail without the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace working in me. Receiving God’s forgiveness means our soiled sin rags are washed clean made white by the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:14) and with reception of His grace we are then given the Holy Spirit making His home in us. There’s a whole lot of us who so wanted to be faithful, but who at times got beat-up by life and tested by trials. We have the bloodied garments of life’s tribulations, but through it all we clung to the faith. This is the Gospel of Grace. You’re not alone in this journey of life. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to fill you because it’s only by His strength that we can move forward in hope…everyday. |
January 2025