Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Gods Not DeadFriday Matters- June 28, 2024
Everyday God Is Alive You know that song, God’s not dead. He’s surely alive. It’s one the musical group The Newsboys sing about. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. And as Author and Pastor Timothy Keller explains, “Most people love those who love them, yet God loves and seeks even people who are His enemies.” The opposite of love is not anger, but indifference. “The more you love your son, the more you hate in him the liar, the drunkard, the traitor,” (E. Gifford). To imagine God’s situation, imagine a judge who also is a father, who sits at the trial of his guilty son. He knows his son deserves the punishment and as Judge He can’t let the crime go unpunished. So, He offers his child a way out. Admit the wrong and accept the Judge’s pardon. Accept what Jesus offers you, or can ignore the Judge’s offer and suffer the punishment. Jesus is the perfect pardon, and you need to accept Him to have that hope and have that freedom—Everyday. 6/27/2024
Life is HardThursday Matters- June 27, 2024
Everyday Burden Carrier “Debbie, how do you apply scripture to your life and live it out?” This was a question asked by a teenage friend who wanted to know how to live out God’s Word. Anna had shared how she was feeling so exhausted all the time but then it dawned on her she was trying to do and fix everything on her own strength. So, she decided to surrender all her burdens to God. It was only a matter of days before a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. So, I said, “Anna you’re applying God’s Word from Matthew 11:28. Jesus said, "Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." He won't give you more than you can bear although it can sure feel like it. If that’s the case you’re carrying more than you should, so release the load that you weren’t meant to carry. Christ truly gives the right amount of grace every morning for what He calls us to carry…everyday. 6/26/2024
SuccessWednesday Matters- June 26, 2024
Everyday Success Lesson “A key to success is playing the hand you were dealt like it was the hand you wanted.” I had to really think if there was truth to that. Yes, I may not have wanted what was dealt but “here it is” so what am I gonna do with it? My choices: scream, cry, complain and hide or I make the best of the situation and find the lesson, and blessing in it. We can let experiences change us for the better or ruin us. Character more often is developed in crisis when we stop focusing on the hurt and search for the good where success may be hidden. During my recovery from scoliosis back surgery, 14 years ago, I was miserable, yet I don’t regret what I went through. God taught me things I couldn’t have learned another way. I received a blessing and a lesson going through that difficult season. In brokenness we can find beauty and success in Christ…everyday. 6/25/2024
Love OthersTuesday Matters- June 25, 2024
Everyday Be a Blessing Do you have prayers where you cry about all that is wrong and list what needs fixing, it’s not you but everybody and everything else? Yep. Been there…done that. God gets you. It’s okay. He cares about our pain and all that happens to us and knows about it even before it hits us. Sometimes we stop praying and give up because God didn’t answer the prayer like we thought – our sick friend got sicker and the marriage we prayed would stay together ended in divorce. That’s hard. I’m sorry if that’s been the outcome for you. But remember, GOD WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU. Nothing you do or don’t will cause Him to withdraw His love. There’s something redeemable in your mess and pain right now. Get up, bring a gift to someone this day, a card of encouragement or a muffin, something. Serving someone else will help you focus on hope…everyday. 6/24/2024
Mother TeresaMonday Matters-June 24, 2024
Everyday Mother Teresa It’s so much easier to point out what’s wrong with everybody else rather than look at our own junk to clean up. But we are all sinners, and we all need help which is why our first step toward reconciliation is to confess our sins, receive God’s pardon and walk forward in a restored relationship with our Creator. We cannot do anything to merit grace, and yet we look at someone like Mother Teresa and think surely, she entered into heaven because of what she did. If we emulate her sacrificial love in some small fashion, we are lulled into a false sense of security that persuades us that we have no need of repentance today. When the little saint humbly confessed her brokenness and her desperate need for God, either we were uncomprehending, or we secretly suspected her of false modesty. Yet she got it, and through the love she received, she gave in great amounts to others. Real love, real grace, receive it and then walk forward and give the same to others…everyday. 6/21/2024
Mother TeresaFriday Matters- June 21, 2024
Everyday Way I’ve been to enough gatherings with both Christians, non-Christians and those who believe in Jesus but don’t call themselves Christians because of the stigma the word may bring (and I might very well be in that camp but I hate to admit it). Much of the time we get bogged down about being right and putting down how others who are doing it wrong. We end up talking issues, rules, programs or how we should being doing church. Sadly, what’s missing from our discussions is sharing the GOOD NEWS…the Gospel. Sharing how Jesus is the difference and the answer. Author Carl Medearis writes; “The Gospel is not a ‘what.’ It is not a ‘how.’ The gospel is a ‘Who.’ The gospel is literally the good news of Jesus. Jesus is the gospel.” HE still lives. He claims to be the way, not just show the way. There is an enormous difference in religion and the forever-relationship Jesus offers. It’s not based on what we do but what He’s done. I want to be more vocal this; Jesus has changed my life…everyday. 6/20/2024
RighteousnessThursday Matters- June 20, 2024
Everyday God’s Righteousness “Not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith,” that’s it! Words of truth from Philippians 3:9. Be like Jesus. I be like Paul so MANY times. In the beginning Paul was a Pharisee of the Pharisees and outwardly keeping the Law of Moses, self-righteous with a religious mind-set. Paul’s righteousness was works-based righteousness, but only true and cleansing righteousness comes from God’s work on the cross. Paul had to come to that truth, that all we need to come to, that his sin was inherited and only by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ could cleanse his heart and wash away his sins. By God’s grace, He sent His only Son to pay the full price of our sins. Believe and receive what Christ has done for you and be clothed in the righteousness of God and never again be enslaved by sin. Oh, how free and hopeful this is…everyday. 6/19/2024
FaithWednesday Matters- June 19, 2024
Everyday Character Faith Psalm 62:8 tell us to trust in God at all times. It teaches us that we are not to have faith in God just once in a while, but at all the times. It is easy to trust God when things are going well. But when things are not going well, we develop character by trusting God in our difficult situations. And the more character we develop. the more our ability can be released. Stability releases ability. Many people have gifts that take them to places where their character cannot keep them. Gifts are given but character is developed. I have always been a communicator and convincing. But in order for God to use my gifts as a speaker not only does He have to give me the gift, but I also have to have the character so that He can trust me to use my mouth to communicate His Word and heart and living loving Him in my private life as well as publicly…everyday. 6/18/2024
WaitingTuesday Matters- June 18, 2024
Everyday Farmer Waits “God how are You going to do this and when are You going to do it? Why is it taking so long?” Have those questions been yours? But think about the farmer who tends his crops. He just keeps sleeping and rising and does what he can to enrich his soil and cultivate his crops but leaves the rest in the hands of God. Jesus spoke of the patient farmer in the Bible from Mark 4:26-28. He sows his seed in the ground and then goes on his way, sleeping and getting up each morning and eventually the ground brings what the farmer has hoped for. The farmer doesn’t know how the harvest will come or exactly when it will come but his job is to get up in the morning, do his work and then go to bed at night. He’s patient until the harvest arrives. Wait in hope. God is working. He is the Great I Am. And while you’re waiting you can grow by being fed by His Word and trusting in His promises…everyday. 6/17/2024
ShameMonday Matters-June 17, 2024
Everyday Not Alone Shame Jenny said; “The knowledge of my husband's addiction caused me great shame. I remember being in a mom’s group and conversations were going on about all the normal mom-stuff like potty-training, sleepless nights, a shared recipe and the entire time I’m smiling and pretending. I thought; ‘If only they knew.’ I was afraid to let go of this image.” I’m so sorry if you’ve been through that hard place of betrayal like Jenny. But please share your story because you’re not alone. Shame keeps us hidden, hurting and silent. You need to know that “guilt” says you did something wrong. “Shame,” on the other hand, says that you are something wrong. You are NOT something wrong you’re your hurt feelings aren’t wrong. Jesus loves you, me and all the “Jennies” our there. In Matthew 11 He says to come as you are. Alright then, let’s give it Him. It’s gonna be okay and it will get better…everyday. |
January 2025