Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
ForgivenessMonday Matters-September 30, 2024
Everyday Forgiveness Help “The fact is, I need God to help me love God. And if I need His help to love Him, a perfect being, I definitely need His help to love other, fault-filled humans,” this is wisdom from Francis Chan. In order for genuine love for God to grow in our hearts the Holy Spirit has to move in our lives. Lately I’ve been talking to God and asking for His Holy Spirit to move in me. I haven’t been able to really let go, like God, and forgive completely. Sometimes it helps to think about Corrie ten Boom’s who personally forgave the Nazi officer at the Concentration Camp she and her sister were held. She said, “The will can operate regardless of the temperature of the heart.” We can choose to forgive even though our anger and hurt make us feel like we can’t. The truth of Philippians 4:13, “We can do all things through Christ’s strength.” Let’s pray, “Jesus’ help. By Your Holy Spirit give us the strength to let go and forgive…everyday. 9/27/2024
Peace in TrialsFriday Matters- September 27, 2024
Everyday Flood of Peace Do you feel as if you’re drowning? Maybe it’s literal in the fact that the city you live in is flooding due to a storm. What do you do? You try and move to solid and higher ground to keep from drowning…right? And there you move with the love and help of God through others, so you’re not swept away by the water. Well, the same is true for holding unto the peace God gives us and promises in John 14:27, “Peace, I give you. Don’t be afraid.” “But it’s flooding,” you cry out. He knows. He’s there. God has peace to give no matter what difficult things flood your life. But we have to choose to receive His peace. Sometimes I have to say aloud; “God I choose to receive the peace you give and not this fear I feel.” God is not surprised in what’s happening. He is always on the move. He is there for you…everyday. 9/26/2024
DeconstructionThursday Matters- September 26, 2024
Everyday Questions God will never tire of us seeking Him or of all our questions. I think of my kids and especially when they were younger and all the questions they had. But I always want them to know I love them no matter what. I imagine it’s a lot like God with us. As T.S. Elliot put it; “Oh my soul, be prepared to meet Him who knows how to ask questions.” I imagine questions from God might be? Did you know Me and how I much I loved you for all eternity? There are things about God that are mysterious and secret, things we will never know about Him. But there also are things revealed, and those belong to us. Deuteronomy 29:29; “The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all He has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.” I follow and trust God because I know He loves me no matter what …everyday. 9/25/2024
Peace of GodWednesday Matters- September 25, 2024
Everyday Aslan I love the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis and in the second book, Prince Caspian, there’s a wonderful illustration of how Aslan, the main character in the series, portrays the character of Jesus. There’s a scene where Aslan meets and comforts Susan; He’s all powerful but also gentle and compassionate. Aslan appears mysteriously to the four children to show them the way they should go in order to help Prince Caspian but because of her doubt, Susan is the last of the group to see Him. When she must greet Aslan she’s crying and I expect that Aslan will reprimand Susan for her lack of faith but instead He says, “You have listened to your fears, child. Come, let Me breathe on you. Forget them. Are you brave again?” He doesn’t scold but instead breathes His peace into her heart and soul. This is so like God because as we read in 2 Corinthians 2: 3 the Father of mercies and God of all comfort longs to do the same for us...everyday. 9/24/2024
DatingTuesday Matters- September 24, 2024
Everyday Bouquet I was absent one summer, for an extended period of time, and even though I’m not a “flower person” I cried when I came home and saw this large bouquet greeting me on the kitchen table. It was special and apparently so for our teenage son Joey. He seemed to be continually asking me, “Mom, aren’t those flowers from Dad beautiful?” “Yes. Yes, they are Joey.” And yes, the best thing we can do for our kids is to love our spouse. Unity. If our children see a crack in the foundation, they often find a way to slip through. It’s important for our children to see unity, not division and so we often have to “agree to disagree” while privately we try and work things out. But of course, with the personalities of my husband and I they’ve seen us passionately argue too but they also see reconciliation. Jesus tells us that, “A house divided against itself cannot stand. When you’re marriage stands strong so does your family…everyday. 9/23/2024
Thanks to GodMonday Matters-September 23, 2024
Everyday Bedtime Story I still remember years ago returning home from my son’s skating class and thinking it probably wasn’t a good time to tell my husband Dan that our "check engine soon" light was on again even though the next day I had to make a trip which was 200 miles away. I didn’t tell Dan about the engine light because he was in the basement shop-vacing water due to a plug in our sewer line. My journal indicates that Joey was 7 and he asked again for The Book of Job for his bedtime story. “Irony,” I wrote. But I was immediately struck by Job's response after all his belongings and children are taken away; "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD." Eventually, I had all four boys in bed and while I was folding laundry, I had a peace wash over me as I repeated over and over, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” No matter what happens there is peace… not because all that happens is good, but because God always is good…everyday. 9/20/2024
PatienceFriday Matters- September 20, 2024
Everyday Through It All “I honestly don’t think I can make it through another day. I just don’t.” Ever feel like that? So, the storm in your life is of hurricane proportions because maybe its finances, or failed marriage. You FEEL overwhelmed, like you might drown. Perhaps you have a burning pain in your heart because your child is addicted to drugs or maybe it’s an aging parent who can’t remember who you are. You may FEEL consumed by these fiery trials. Your feelings are valid. BUT the truth is you'll come through with Christ. Sometimes, I just repeat God’s love to me aloud or over and over in my mind for comfort. “I love you; I love you; I love you,” He says. He speaks a promise from Isaiah 43:2, "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up." And perhaps what you’re going through is not about breaking you but about the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. God often uses bad things for a later good…everyday. 9/19/2024
SinThursday Matters- September 19, 2024
Everyday Sinners Club God is love. God is holy. Sometimes we can get out of balance with both, either too liberal in our definition of love or we become too legalistic in keeping God’s commands. Don’t miss the point; ABOVE ALL is God’s love. We think since God has the power to do something good to combat bad and unless He does it, He does not love. Yet, because God is pure love, He cannot accept evil in any form. God's holiness demands consequences for sin. Today, many people want to run from consequences. The lack of teaching on true morality has lowered the bar. Sometimes we tell God; "Our sins are not so wrong. What others do is much worse." I’ve been there…done that. Ecclesiastes 12 tells us; “Everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil” will come before Him. We are all in the sinner’s club and we all need to be in the Savior’s club …everyday. 9/18/2024
HopeWednesday Matters- September 18, 2024
Everyday Hope in Darkness I’m trying to focus on God but just can’t seem to do it while I’m in a dark pit,” someone wrote me. “I wish my spouse would give up this other person and want to reconcile, but they have no desire. I’m so sorry if that’s person is you. There’s ALWAYS HOPE. I clung to the words from Micah 7:7-8 when I was in a dark place. “As for me I will wait on the Lord and confident in Him I will keep watch. I will wait with hope and expectancy in the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. So rejoice not against me, oh my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.” Isn’t that powerful? There is light up ahead. Do what you can do while you wait and focus on helping someone else who may be in a dark place. You’ll end up helping yourself. Never give up. Always hope. It’s not because we’re faithful but because He is faithful… …everyday. 9/17/2024
TrialsTuesday Matters- September 17, 2024
Everyday Training Trials Sometimes don’t you feel like you’ve been wandering in the wilderness for an awful long time and it’s high time things should start looking brighter? I’ve been there. And what helps me is to understand that the trials I’m facing are like tests given in a course that God has allowed to prepare me for my future. The class in the wilderness is not easy but knowing that God had to first approve what’s happening to me and it’s also no surprise to Him, helps me to understand the scriptures which say; “He who began a good work in you will complete it so rejoice in your trials because they’ll produce character which will bring you hope.” God permits Satan to contest the believer. We’re given these tests to train us so that by Isaiah 45:3 we will be given treasures hidden in the darkness. But let’s remember the rest of the verse; “He will do this so we may know that He’s the Lord, the One who calls us by name…everyday.” |
January 2025