Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
AnxietyFriday Matters- November 29, 2024
Everyday Anxiety I have struggled with anxiety attacks and crazy anxious thoughts and the physical response my body has to fear can feel immobilizing. By God’s grace He gives courage to go forward despite it. It’s only by admitting our weakness and humbly changing direction toward God that we are repaired by God’s generous love. In his holiness He must punish sin because sin separates us from God but in His love, He cannot punish us. Christ proclaims our infinite worth and His eternal love for us aside from any human standard, even our own. We will live forever in a community of equals – saints and sinners, all, saved by grace. Remember Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” Our temporary imperfection is a quality which actually connects us to others rather than a secret shame which sets us apart. Becoming transparent and vulnerable will set you free with God’s grace and change you as well as other lives around you…everyday. 11/28/2024
CompassionThursday Matters- November 28, 2024
Everyday Compassion It was his first day back on the job after more than a year on disability leave due to a freak explosion in the plant that, among other injuries, left Rob legally deaf in both ears. But when Rob walked into the plant that morning several of his colleagues used sign language to say; “Great to see you Rob,” “Welcome back” and “We missed you.” It turns out that nine of his colleagues got together and took a sign language course, just like he did, over the several months he was absent. They did this so they could easily communicate with him when he returned. This kind of compassion truly shows that people are what life is all about. Only people last forever and the way we treat others is the legacy we leave behind. I can’t help but think of that verse in 2 Corinthians 1:4 that says that with the compassion and love God’s shown to us; we too can show that to others…everyday. 11/27/2024
MiraclesWednesday Matters- November 27, 2024
Everyday Lazurus Lazarus was dead; that was a fact but when Jesus who is the Truth walked up to the tomb and spoke; that truth changed the facts. Throughout the Gospels we repeatedly read of people who were sick, and demon possessed who went to Jesus. When He spoke, their facts changed. They were healed, delivered, and set free. We must never magnify the facts of our circumstances above God and the power of His Word. When God speaks things change. Read Isiah 55:11 and you see that God’s Word does not return to Him empty but always accomplish its purpose. When we learn to speak God’s Word instead of rehearsing how we feel or declaring what we think, we are also releasing God’s power. The Word God spoken in faith from a believer’s mouth can change circumstances. WE may experience negative facts in our lives, but God’s Word is truth, and truth is more powerful than facts. Honestly, it’s gonna help if you say the truth out loud, “I am loved, as I am, right now,” …everyday. 11/26/2024
QuestioningTuesday Matters- November 26, 2024
Everyday Why God, Why We can’t know the mind of God, but won’t you like to know “WHY” sometimes? Isaiah 55:8 says, “His thoughts are nothing like our thoughts.” But we can know the heart of God. We can TRUST and hope in His promises. I know it should be obvious to us that His ways are past finding out. He wouldn't be a very big God if we could fully comprehend Him with our finite minds. Walter Wangerin wrote, "We chirp theories because we can't stand the silence." I guess that’s how it is when we try to fully understand the purposes of suffering. It’s better to admit, "We don't understand, but we believe that God loves us and, that 'our Redeemer Lives'." Someone has suggested that in the margins beside many of our life's experiences is simply written: "to be explained later." Success for each day is not waiting for an answer to our whys but walking in the hope that He is making a way and there’s a purpose for it all…everyday. 11/25/2024
HopeMonday Matters-November 25, 2024
Everyday Always Hope I’m trying to focus on God but just can’t seem to do it while I’m in a dark pit,” someone wrote me. “I wish my spouse would give up this other person and want to reconcile, but they have no desire. I’m so sorry if you are that person. There’s ALWAYS HOPE. I clung to the words from Micah 7:7-8 when I was in a dark place. “As for me I will wait on the Lord and confident in Him I will keep watch. I will wait with hope and expectancy in the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. So rejoice not against me, oh my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.” Isn’t that powerful? There is light up ahead. Do what you can do while you wait and focus on helping someone else who may be in a dark place. You’ll end up helping yourself. Never give up. Always hope. It’s not because we’re faithful but because He is faithful… …everyday. 11/22/2024
PurposeFriday Matters- November 22, 2024
Everyday Purpose “What’s my purpose? What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” I’d like to suggest that your purpose is in front of you. When Mother Teresa was asked how she was able to minister to so many people she replied, “I simply serve the person God puts in front of me.” Love and serve the people God puts in front of YOU each day. I realized that if I wanted to be known and loved for who I am, I first had to be honest and vulnerable so I could fully share who I am with others. I’ve found that the part of you you're most afraid to share is, more than likely, the part others have been waiting with bated breath to see. To be seen vulnerably is a risk, but it’s one worth taking because it allows others to be vulnerable too. Focus on the people God puts in front of you each day. You make a difference by taking the time to listen and connect with others…everyday. 11/21/2024
VengeanceThursday Matters- November 21, 2024
Everyday Payback It’s so hard when someone has hurt you and, “It’s not fair. Why is this happening to me?” I want payback now!” God IS taking care of things in HIS timing. He’s God and we’re not. Romans 12:19 is the promise from God saying. “I’ll take care of it because it’s Mine to avenge.” You know God loves you but your anger prevents you from rational thought. You’re not alone here. We’ve all been “there.” Let’s try to get in the habit of asking this question to ourselves, “Have you prayed about it as much as you’ve posted about it. Let the person be taken off your hook and placed on His. In the meantime, you may need to set healthy boundaries and forgive which is necessary for our FREEDOM. Reconciliation may take longer because both parties need to own the truth and stop blaming each other. But don’t worry. God promises to avenge you because He sees and knows your feelings and above all He knows your heart…everyday. 11/20/2024
God’s PresenceWednesday Matters- November 20, 2024
Everyday God in Us Life is hard. Can we do the hard stuff like forgiving those who never apologize or have peace when a health report is terminal? We can live free even when life is hard. The moment you receive Christ you are filled with the Holy Spirit and so you have the potential to live a life of victory over sin. This potential is released by faith as you surrender control of your life. In 2 Timothy we read how the Holy Spirit makes His home in us! When you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, He becomes involved in every decision you make—both major and minor. He leads you by peace and by wisdom, by His Word spoken to your heart. God’s promise was that He would come and give people a new heart and put His Sprit within them. Under the old covenant in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit only came upon people for special purposes, but He did not live inside them as He does with us who know Him…everyday. 11/19/2024
SinTuesday Matters- November 19, 2024
Everyday Sin Issues Don’t have anxiety about yourself and your sin issues. God first pours out His love to you and then He gently exposes your sin, offering a way for you to change direction, to receive His pardon and freedom. This is what He did with the Samaritan woman at the well. He didn’t meet her with condemnation. He first met her thirst. He offered her living water (eternity with God), but also let her know He knew all about her. She ran back to town to tell others about Him, not because she felt condemned, but because she had been offered hope and a way out. People are not drawn to judgment. They are drawn to true friendship and that is what Jesus is, a real friend of absolute love. No greater love can a man have than to give His life for His friends (John 15:13). Think of the ways you are most loved, it’s when someone meets and loves you right where you’re at. Be that kind person who loves others like Jesus does…everyday. 11/18/2024
Future HopeMonday Matters-November 18, 2024
Everyday Called I am thankful for God’s call on my life to love and serve others. He hasn’t called me to hand out a rulebook or a list of “you should” and “you should nots,” which means He hasn’t called on me to point out the sins of others. He knows I have enough of my own stuff to cleanup, and with His grace, how can I afford not to extend this gift to others? I love people. I want to have fun, be real, love God and love others. But it’s also important to note that at no point does God stop being holy. Out of His great holiness and power and might and mercy, do we then deny our own sinful desires and bow to Him. Our flesh wants what it wants and more of it. So it’s only by God’s Holy Spirit in us that we can deny the flesh. I know the message of “sin is not in” and love always wins, but true love involves compassion with truth and His grace…everyday. |
January 2025