Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Spiritual WarfareFriday Matters- December 29, 2023
Everyday “You Again” “If God has such great plans for me, why is it, they all seem to be falling apart?” Everyone seems against me. Some talk about a devil but is he even real? Does he have horns and carry a pitchfork? Yep, the devil is real. He’s not a Halloween costume and he has plans to destroy the ones God has. Face the fact that there’s an enemy who’ll never leave us alone, but we don’t have to let him bother us. “Oh, it’s you again,” I’ve said, rather than caving into the temptation to give up. Satan throws garbage lies at us because it's the way he is able to hurt God. When someone attacks your kids, you take action to protect them because you’re on their side. God is on our side too. We are created in His image. “Be bold,” I told my son, David. “You can be aware of the devil, but you don’t have to let him get to you.” We have redemption through Christ and nothing that’s happened to us is so destructive that God can’t redeem it…everyday. 12/28/2023
Burning LoveThursday Matters- December 28, 2023
Everyday Fervent Love The enemy will never leave us alone, but we don’t have to let him bother us. That means we don’t react to unkind or bad behavior of others by hitting back or seeking revenge. Love is our highest calling but some people are so annoying who continue with bad behavior with no sign or willingness to change. Well, it is not love to ignore that behavior either. 1 Peter 4:8 tells us to above all things have intense love--to have a “fervent love” for one another. The Greek verb form of “fervent” when translated means "to be hot, to boil." Growing up my mom cooked and baked for eight on an old-fashioned blue enamel cook stove and even a fly knew not to land on the stove when it was hot. When our love is “HOT” or “boiling over” for those around us, it is also too hot for the devil to destroy. To fervently love someone means we are intent on giving out love to others from the love God’s given us…everyday. 12/27/2023
Sinner and SaintsWednesday Matters- December 27, 2023
Everyday Saints & Sinners The earth experience is hard but it’s not our home. Knowing what we need to do and then doing it are two different things. We may have these crazy anxious thoughts and even have a physical response by having an anxiety attack but courage is to go forward despite it. It’s only by admitting our weakness and humbly changing direction toward God that we are repaired by God’s generous love. In His holiness He must punish sin because sin separates us from God but in His love He didn’t want to punish us. On the cross Christ accomplished both His holiness and His lovingness. We will live forever in a community of equals – saints and sinners all, saved by grace. Remember Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” Our temporary imperfection is a quality which actually connects us to others rather than a secret shame which sets us apart. Becoming transparent and vulnerable will set you free and change you as well as other lives around you…everyday. 12/26/2023
DementiaTuesday Matters- December 26, 2023
Everyday Mom Memories Five years ago, Susan’s mom was in a car accident that resulted in her losing all of her long-term memory. When Susan was little, her mom and she used to quote from ‘Winnie the Pooh’ where one of them would ask, “Have you ever seen a dragon fly?” And the other would reply, “I have, I have seen a dragon fly!” The other evening the daughter was sitting with her mom while they were watching TV and the daughter randomly asked, “Have you ever seen a dragon fly?” And her mom responded, “I have, I have seen a dragon fly!” They stared at each other, and then Mom jumped up and shouted, “Oh my goodness, I remember!” We go back to our own mom memories and sometimes we want to be the little child sitting on our mom’s lap, but that season is gone so we grieve and then try and be the child our mom needs now. You wanna scream; “I’m not ready,” and I get it. But let’s ask God to help us see and remember what’s good right now in this season…everyday. 12/25/2023
It’s A Hard LifeMonday Matters-December 25, 2023
Everyday Earth Experience This earth is not our home. Good…because it’s so stinkin’ hard some days. I so often have to look up and find the hope to move forward. Hope is basically the belief that something good is going to happen, there’s something better that’s ahead. We need hope for this earth experience now but we also have an eternal hope when we confess and profess that Jesus is Lord and the only one who can remove our guilty sins. One of the most helpful things I can do is to go public with my struggles while sharing the hope that I have. When I openly share my hard places and say a promise, say from Philippians 1:6, where God tells us, “He Who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it until the day He returns,” I find that I’m not alone because someone else needed to hear exactly the same thing. The earth experience is hard but God is always good. Keep on keeping on…everyday. 12/22/2023
AttitudeFriday Matters- December 22, 2023
Everyday Crabby I’ve been so crabby lately that I feel like saying words I wouldn’t normally say just for the shock to hear the words roll out of my mouth but it is a conscious choice not to bite everyone's head off in my family cuz I'm so crabby. Disappointment is my problem right now. I want to be further along than I am. And then there’s these human being people that God created that I’m called to love but right now some of them are really disappointing me and we all know from Proverbs 13:12 that hope deferred makes the heart sick. But God reminded me of the verse I had memorized a year ago from Romans 10:11 which helped me to focus on who I should put my trust in; “The Scripture says, No man who believes in Him [who adheres to, relies on, and trusts in Him] will [ever] be put to shame or be disappointed.” Isn’t that good? God will NEVER disappoint you! So have a crabby day but don’t let it spiral you down because He’s here to lift you up…everyday. 12/21/2023
God’s PerfectionThursday Matters- December 21, 2023
Everyday Perfection It’s exhausting trying to run the treadmill to perfection. I got off it. It goes nowhere. Most of us, to some extent, need to be delivered from the fear of people and from caring too much about what others think. People who always need the approval of others desperately want everyone to look at them from head to toe and say, “Perfect.” In everything they do-the way they look, the things they say, every action they take—they want people to say, “Perfect.” If we try to be perfect, we’ll be disappointed. You and I are imperfect human beings. Attitude change is where change happens even though I told my husband earlier; “Today I feel like complaining and blaming someone else.” THAT’S always easier than taking personal responsibility but certainly not healthier. We need to be confident that God accepts us with our imperfections because of His perfect redeeming power. He will continue to work in us but we don’t have to struggle to win His approval or the approval of others. God is for us…everyday. 12/20/2023
LossWednesday Matters- December 20, 2023
Everyday Heartbeat “Today, at 8:00 a.m. this morning, after four months of lifelessness in her hospital bed, we took my mom off life support,” said Robyn. “Mom’s heart continued beating on its own and she continued breathing on her own. “And then this evening when we thought we’d be saying goodbye,” continued Robyn, “I squeezed Mom’s hand three times, and she squeezed back three times. I can’t believe the miracle of it all.” Wow. That’s the power of prayer, the love of God. We’ve all had times where we’ve given up hope and sometimes it’s even scarier to have it because of the possibility of being so disappointed. But God is living and active NOW so there’s always reasoned to hope even when we can’t see or feel it. God also gives us grace in our day-to-day moments and promises that something good will come out of something bad when we trust Him. It doesn’t matter how many times we cry out to God, He’s always there, ready to meet us where we are at… everyday. 12/19/2023
Wonderful CounselorTuesday Matters- December 19, 2023
Everyday His Shoulders Friedrich Handel set 'For unto us a child is born' from the musical piece, “The Messiah” which we often hear during Christmas, and the words continue with “and the government shall be upon His shoulder…” from Isaiah 9:6 and I’ve thought how the government that is upon Jesus’ shoulders is not a political government but really refers to the governing in our lives. We are not supposed to be running our own lives. In fact, we aren’t qualified. I certainly don’t have the brains to know what is best so I’m so super thankful for HIS intervention and His love to guide my life. You see, the more God’s government increases in your life, the more He directs your thoughts, conversations, decision and action, well the more you have peace! You need to be right with God just like I do so we have the peace on what He’s done and not what we’ve done. For me it was all about being on stage as an actress but now I see it’s not about my position or personality but about seeking HIM first where He fills me up with all I need…everyday. 12/18/2023
ChristmasMonday Matters-December 18, 2023
Everyday Christmas Pageant Yesterday I giggled thinking of the preschool nativity scene at our church so many years ago. I figured little Mary must be suffering from postpartum because she wanted nothing to do with baby doll Jesus and each time the babe was set back on lap by Preschool Joseph, she’d let the doll roll down her little legs where she’d kick Him, irritated that He was in the way. What held her attention were the gifts the wise men had brought, and it was the gold container which she held in her lap. A little boy sheep character noticed the babe, but he too tossed him aside. The audience was all giggling, but a point was made. Often, we’re the same, only interested in serving God for what He can do for us rather than serving Him for Who He is? Like little preschool Mary we seek His presents rather than His presence in our lives. Jesus came has a baby, fully God and fully man to forgive your debt of sin which you could never earn by your good works. Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God and live by what He did for you, and He’ll give you everything you need…everyday. |
May 2024