Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
The PoorTuesday Matters- December 31, 2024
Everyday I Am Poor When I honestly accepted who God said I was, loved, redeemed and not a mistake, I felt I could stop pretending and performing. I need Him desperately. It is not the “they” who are poor, sinful and lost. It’s awareness that we ourselves are the primary target. Unless we acknowledge that we are the sinners, the sick ones and the lost sheep for whom Jesus came, we do not belong to the “blessed” who know that they are poor and inherit the Kingdom. It’s a dangerous zone when get our assurance from wealth or our status. Realize THIS, that” they” is you and me, wretched, pitiably poor and so often blind. Isaiah 64 lays things out clearly when we begin to think, “I’m doing really well here.” “We’re all unclean and all our righteous acts are like filthy garbage. It’s what Jesus did on the cross that cleans us up and sets us free…everyday. 12/29/2024
GraceMonday Matters-December 30, 2024
Everyday Eager Beaver Suzy-Eager-Beaver grabbed her free tickets for the biggest country music event her state had ever seen. She’d been waiting in line since 5:00 a.m. and giveaways began at noon. Later that evening she shared her excitement with Judy and found Judy had received free tickets too but arrived at 2:00 p.m. Somehow it didn’t seem fair. Life is unfair but God is good. But God’s grace is like that; indiscriminate. His grace gives compassion to the early Eager-Beaver but also to the Grinning-Drunk who receives the same wage ten minutes before closing. We are saved by grace by our faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. We can read in the book of Ephesians about how God’s gift of grace is free and it’s not about our good works but by His good redemptive work on the cross. It’s of great comfort to know that we get fresh mercy and grace every morning. God great love for us is amazing…everyday. 12/27/2024
Amazing GraceFriday Matters- December 27, 2024
Everyday Amazing Grace I remember when a new believer thanked me for singing Amazing Grace in church. The words, “saved a wretch like me” along with “I was blind but now I see” really moved them because they realized that God had saved them from their wretchedness. We are all blinded by lies and sin but through Christ our eyes can be opened. Even as a mature Christian we can become blind by what the world tells us isn’t sin and justify what’s wrong to be right. God in His mercy wants us to have our sin exposed because His grace wipes us clean. This person asked me to sing the song as a favor to them and it made me think how favor and grace are both translated from the same Greek word charis. When I do something for someone as a favor I expect nothing in return, it is a gift, a kindness I give. It’s the same way with God. His favor to us from John 3:16 is that He loved us so much that He gave His one and only Son so that if we believe in Him we will have eternal life, His grace…everyday. 12/26/2024
God’s GraceThursday Matters- December 26, 2024
Everyday Undeserved There are so many things in life that aren’t fair. One winter, years ago, I was a speaker in Pensacola, Florida in January. I live in “The Icebox of the Nation,” International Falls, Minnesota. And as I stood on the balcony of my room, I thankfully thought, “Why me?” Which is the same thought I’ve had when life challenges hit emotionally and physically. “Why me? We never get what we deserve, because life isn’t fair but when it comes to Jesus and what He did for us I’m thankful “it’s not fair.” By God’s grace He took the penalty for my sin. Grace isn’t fair. Grace is kindness that we don’t deserve. Not ever on my goodness or good works do I merit the hope I have in eternal life. It’s only because of underserved grace given to us that we can extend love and kindness to others regardless of them agreeing or thinking like us. How truly despairing if we got what we all deserved. Oh Lord, may we follow Ephesians 5:2 and “live a life of love and give graceful kindness to others like You do for us…everyday. 12/25/2024
FaithWednesday Matters- December 25, 2024
Everyday Blind Man Jesus meets a man who’s been blind since birth. I don’t know how brief their encounter was but in that time Jesus bent down took some mud and rubbed the man’s eyes with it and when he opened them he could see. Immediately the Pharisees-the Religious Leaders, questioned the man wanted him to proclaim Jesus a sinner….WHAT? But the blind’s response is brilliant in John 9:25, “Whether He is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see!” He didn’t know how or why he had been healed but he knew a miracle had taken place and he wasn’t afraid to tell the truth. We don’t have to all the answers in order to share Christ with others. We don’t need a Bible degree or seminary. What’s important is that we tell people the truth of how God’s love and forgiveness has changed our lives. Use your experiences and share your testimony, to help others see God’s love too …everyday. 12/24/2024
HeavenTuesday Matters- December 24, 2024
Everyday Eternity God’s love is perfect and He’s perfectly holy too. In His holiness He must punish sin because sin blocks us from having a relationship with Him. God’s love for us brought Him to earth as fully God and fully man to take the punishment and pay for our sins by dying on the cross and then coming back to life. We cannot earn our way to heaven with good works. We now have a choice. Do we accept the sacrificial gift He offers with the hope of heaven where we too will be fully restored physically complete, whole with a purpose or do we refuse His gift and live forever without Him with weeping and gnashing of teeth? God dearly loves you and so He has a plan of restoration by His grace and in 1 John 1:9 in the Bible it says that when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and He’ll remove all our sins, all our unrighteousness so we can live with hope and freedom now and into eternity…everyday. 12/23/2024
Love Your EnemyMonday Matters-December 23, 2024
Everyday Even Enemies God will never stop pursing you no matter how far you run and no matter what you do or don’t do. His heart breaks when we choose to do things that hurt ourselves or others. That is why He commands us in Matthew 5:44 to; “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” What? How does that make sense? Well, God created us in His image, and we are His children when we receive Him. He loves so just because someone is your enemy doesn’t mean they’re God’s. They’re His lost child, and He wants them back. Yes, there are circumstances where we’re called to face the bully, the tyrant and say, “No more,” and fight back. But not out of revenge. God is not willing that any be condemned, but that all come to repentance. His great love says, “Confess to me your sins, turn back to Me. Nothing can separate My love from you.” This earth is temporary, and heaven is forever. Choose Love, receive love and follow Him…everyday. 12/20/2024
ComparisonFriday Matters- December 20, 2024
Everyday Like Me Not everyone likes me. I know. I believe in the death and resurrection of Christ being God for the forgiveness of my sins. I would be called a Christian, but it doesn’t mean that all Christians agree on the same beliefs. I have friends of diversity with different beliefs and lifestyles and some things we agree on and some things we don’t. I love people. Only people last forever and how we treat others will be the true legacy we leave behind. No matter who someone is I hope to always listen and learn while being kind. Honestly, I like to be challenged. But I’m not ashamed that I believe John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life.” This view doesn’t make me popular with everyone, but I try and seek God’s approval. My aim is to show the love of Christ by giving grace and treating others with kindness and respect regardless of our different opinions or beliefs…everyday. 12/19/2024
PerseveranceThursday Matters- December 19, 2024
Everyday Go Forward Jesus welcomes ALL to His table. He pursues us, loves us. The prodigal son returned home and the father ran to Him, unconditional, no condemnation. What the father didn't do was go and join his son in his sin. We choose to turn to God and His grace or reject Him. It seems more often that we read of Christians deconstructing their faith and what I see is people moving away from the church and religion. It's hard to imagine anyone turning away from Christ and His loving kindness. God’s mercy is new every morning and great is His faithfulness just like the good ol’ hymn states. I’m thankful because I used my allotted grace amount yesterday. Everyday it will get better and yes, even on those days you get kicked in the pants with the news you were dreading but you can move on and move forward because God promises to work all things for the good, nothing is wasted with Him (Romans 8:28). God’s training you in this trial and time will show you that “this” was a blessing. I'm really proud of you and I will continue to pray...everyday. 12/18/2024
CompassionWednesday Matters- December 18, 2024
Everyday Prayer Habit I used to bite my fingernails for years. It was a not a good habit but eventually with the help of artificial nails my nail-biting addiction was broken. Thankfully over the years I’ve been able to acquire a new habit, one of prayer. I say it’s a habit because when someone calls, emails or visits me and says, "Would you please pray for me?" I try and respond immediately and pray right then and there. Prayer is a game changer. In James 5:17 we read that Elijah was as human as we are and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for the next three and a half years! Then he prayed for rain, and down it poured. God is the same God as He was for Elijah. He can move in work in ways that are incredible in the “here” and “now.” Sometimes, it feels like it is more effective to help someone by making a meal or packing boxes. Of course, that can be helpful, but praying for someone is most powerful. Wanna be like Jesus? Serve others and talk/pray to your heavenly Father just like He did…everyday. |
January 2025