Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
RebellionWednesday Matters- May 31, 2023
Everyday Seatbelt Law “Hey Dan,” I called my husband. “I’m getting ready to head home from a conference,” so I was expecting Dan’s usual request to “drive safe” and wear my seatbelt but instead he offered, “Make sure you don’t wear your seatbelt and use your road rage if you have to.” I couldn’t put my seatbelt on fast enough. Maybe I shouldn’t be proud to be called a rule breaker, but I am proud that I am free from the old testament rules—rules to show us that no matter how well intentioned or hard we try—we will never measure up. When Christ died He took that entire rule-dominated way of life down with Him leaving us free through His resurrection. Not to use our freedom to sin but to be live free with a light yoke and an easy burden. “Wear the seatbelt knowing there’s a huge difference of being under the law and being free and “saved” when Jesus takes the wheel…everyday. 5/30/2023
Gospel is ChristTuesday Matters- May 30, 2023
Everyday The Gospel I’ve been in Christian group settings where Christians say, “I am a follower of Jesus” instead of, “I’m a Christian,” because of the stigma it may bring. And “yes,” I’ve been one. Sometimes we get bogged down about being right and then putting down others who do “it” wrong. We end up talking issues, rules and programs and what’s missing from these discussions is the simple message of the Gospel with is; love God, love others and do stuff to show His love in action. Author Carl Medearis writes; “The Gospel is not a ‘what.’ It is not a ‘how.’ The gospel is a ‘Who.’ The gospel is literally the good news of Jesus. Jesus is the gospel.” HE still lives. He claims to be the way, not just show the way. There is an enormous difference in religion and the relationship Jesus offers. It’s not based on what we do but what He’s done. Are you living is such a way that shows Jesus has changed your life …everyday? 5/29/2023
FinancesMonday Matters-May 29, 2023
Everyday Money Honey Money can be a big fighting issue between a husband and wife. It’s proved true for my husband Dan and me. But after almost 32 years of marriage, we’re strong which basically means I’m allowing God to take my strong will so I’m the sort of wife who helps my husband and not hinder him especially in the way I spend money. Giving me an allowance helped me stay within necessary boundaries. If I wanna blow my whole month’s allowance on shoes I can…I did. “But Debbie, you’re supposed to say; ‘Get thee behind me Satan when you’re tempted.’” “Dan, I did. But he said, ‘Ya know it looks even better from back here than it did in the mirror.’” Proverbs 31 tells us about being a godly woman and one virtue is a wife who can be trusted. Girls, honor God by honoring your husbands’ because it’s a journey we take together…everyday. 5/26/2023
Complete ForgivenessFriday Matters- May 26, 2023
Everyday Remember No More Think how amazing it is that God chooses not to remember our sins. He chooses never to bring them up again. In Isaiah 43:25 God tells us; “I am the One who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins." When you read Hebrews 11, you see a list of the great men of faith; Abraham, Moses, David, etc. yet none of their sins are listed even though they were sinners. This is because God chooses not to recall the sins that He’s already erased. Now travel to Ephesians 4where Jesus tells us to forgive as the Father has forgiven us. I know…right? That means when we choose to forgive someone we also must choose not to bring up that offense again; to them, others or to ourselves… ever! Probably the hardest thing is to not allow our minds to rehearse the hurt. ONLY through His Holy Spirit strength is this possible and nothing is impossible with God…everyday. 5/25/2023
Sign LanguageThursday Matters- May 25, 2023
Everyday Sign Language It was his first day back on the job after more than a year on disability leave due to a freak explosion in the plant that, among other injuries, left him legally deaf in both ears. But when John walked into the plant that morning several of his colleagues used sign language to say; “Great to see you,” “Welcome back, John” and “We missed you.” It turns out that nine of his colleagues got together and took a sign language course, just like he did, over the several months he was absent. They did this so they could easily communicate with him when he returned. This kind of compassion truly shows that people are what life is all about. Only people last forever and the way we treat others is the legacy we leave behind. I can’t help but think of that verse in 2 Corinthians 1:4 that says that with the compassion and love God’s shown to us; we too can show that to others…everyday. 5/24/2023
Noah’s ArkWednesday Matters- May 24, 2023
Everyday Get in Ark The Old Testament Bible story of Noah and the Ark which many of us know is where God told Noah and his family to build and come into the ark to be saved from the flood. Those who didn’t enter into the ark died for their unwillingness to know the one true God. Okay so think about this, Christ is the “New Ark”; the "Ark of Salvation.” Choosing Christ is also choosing to follow Him and choosing to follow Him means choosing to love those who are difficult, the ones who didn’t want to get on board. Okay, so in the New Testament 2 Peter says: The person who lacks genuine love is blind and has forgotten they were cleansed from all their old sins. While we were yet sinners Christ loved us and then He erased our sins by paying with His blood. Once we’ve received grace, we don’t deserve, we can give grace. NOW, the question is; “HOW in the world can we ever really love difficult people?” Our job is to love. Christ’s job is to judge…everyday. 5/23/2023
Church StuffTuesday Matters- May 23, 2023
Everyday Church I love people. I love traveling and meeting new people in everyday random places like gas station. You can have church anywhere. Cuz when church stops being about us, it can be about God again. Church is meant to crush our selfishness and church without God does none of that. Often our evangelism becomes winning people to our doctrine or our denomination instead of reaching the people next door who have no direct access to freedom in Jesus. As I travel speaking I get a reality check every “church person” would benefit from. Our job is to get people to know Jesus personally. People need God desperately and not in a Pollyanna, “it’s all for a reason” sort of way. Jesus came to save the lost by letting them know they are loved right where they are at and not where they should be. Don’t just go to church, be the church…love without conditions…everyday. 5/22/2023
Jesus Knows PainMonday Matters-May 22, 2023
Everyday Explanation Maybe the reason God doesn’t explain to Job why terrible things happen is that He knows what Job needs isn’t an explanation. Frederick Buechner’s shares this insight from his book; “Wishful thinking.” “Suppose that God did explain. Suppose that God were to say to Job that the reason the cattle were stolen, the crops ruined, and the children killed was thus and so, spelling everything out right down to and including the case of boils. Job would have his explanation. But Job would still have to face his kid’s empty chairs at breakfast every morning. Having a complete theological justification of his boils, he would still have to scratch and burn. God doesn’t reveal His grand design. He reveals Himself. He doesn’t show why things are as they are. He shows His face. And Job says, I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.” And this is the same God we too can see…everyday. 5/19/2023
God’s Ways Are BestFriday Matters- May 19, 2023
Everyday Obey God God is bigger. We may know this in our heart but it’s acting it out like we believe it that makes the difference. One of the hardest things to do is to forgive someone who isn’t’ sorry for what they’ve done cuz “it’s so not fair!” And because it’s not fair we want them to know how wrong they are. What does God want? Go to 1 Peter 3:9 and read; “Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That’s what God asks and He’ll bless you for it.” Do you think God tells us to be good to those who’ve hurt us just because He wants to watch us suffer? No. The enemy works through people to hurt us and if we end up hating that person because they’ve hurt us then Satan’s job has been accomplished two times over. But if we respond with love then we’ve gotten Satan back and he’ll wish he never laid a finger on our lives…everyday. 5/18/2023
Life is HardThursday Matters- May 18, 2023
Everyday Job Story I still remember years ago returning home from my son’s skating class and thinking it probably wasn’t a good time to tell my husband Dan that our "check engine soon" light was on again. The next day I had an important meeting to drive to which was 200 miles away. I decided not to tell Dan about the engine light because he was in the basement shop vacing water due to a plug in our sewer line. The irony of Joey, age 7, asking me to read Job for his bedtime story made me laugh. But I was immediately struck by Job's response after all his belongings and children are taken away; "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD." Once the boys were in bed and I was folding laundry I couldn’t believe the peace I had because I just kept repeating, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” No matter what happens there can be peace, not because all circumstances are good but because God is always good…everyday. |
January 2025