Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Wandering in the WildernessMonday Matters-February 28, 2022
Everyday Training Sometimes don’t you feel like you’ve been wandering in the wilderness for an awful long time and it’s high time things should start looking brighter? I’ve been there. And what helps me is to understand that the trials I’m facing are like tests given in a course that God has allowed to prepare me for my future. The class in the wilderness is not easy but knowing that God had to first approve what’s happening to me and it’s also no surprise to Him, helps me to understand the scriptures which say; “He who began a good work in you will complete it so rejoice in your trials because they’ll produce character which will bring you hope.” God permits Satan to contest the believer. We’re given these tests to train us so that by Isaiah 45:3 we will be given treasures hidden in the darkness. But let’s remember the rest of the verse; “He will do this so we may know that He’s the Lord, the One who calls us by name…everyday.” 2/25/2022
True ForgivenessFriday Matters-February 25, 2022
Everyday Love & Forgive One of the most difficult things to do is to forgive a family member who has hurt us. We want to make them understand how much they’ve hurt us and then we want them to ask for forgiveness and change their behavior. Yes, I’ve been there. But as I was talking to God about this I came across 1 Peter 3:9 and it really spoke to my hurting heart. God laid out for me what I needed to do. “Never return evil for evil or insult for insult but on the contrary bless them and pray for their welfare, happiness, and protection, and truly loving them. You’ve been called to do this, that you may yourselves inherit a blessing.” “Wow,” I thought, “It’s actually part of God’s plan for me to bless this person and pray for their happiness and protection which means truly loving them as He does. Others will know Him, Jesus, by how much we love others…everyday. 2/24/2022
Mission FieldThursday Matters- February 24, 2022
Everyday Hair Stylist My hair is a big part of my life so how great it is that the relationship I have with my hair also spills over to the relationship I have with my hair stylist. Each time I have an appointment I’ve been able to tell my hairdresser what God is doing in my life. And sometimes I’m so surprised at how open the person is (whether a new or old stylist) in listening to me talk about God. In the past there were times I felt fearful, embarrassed or even defensive when sharing my faith but now I get excited because I’m sharing my relationship and not a religion. Sharing my relationship and the power of God’s love is fun because everything just seems to flow and come out naturally. Without love we really can’t communicate the freedom and peace God has for us. But by knowing 1 Corinthians 13:8; “Love never fails” we can actually have success when reaching out to others…everyday. 2/23/2022
Holy Spirit CounselorWednesday Matters- February 23, 2022
Everyday Mediator I had an argument with a very dear and close friend where there was an exchange of words that had to do more with hurt feelings rather than the topic we were arguing about. We had both allowed time to pile up little hurts and irritations and so that when the disagreement came we had a wall of hurt and anger to bring down. Eventually we both managed to say we were sorry but the hurt had been deep and I thought we would probably never be close friends again. That is until God got a hold of our hearts. He was the Mediator that 1 Timothy 2:5 talks about, the man Christ Jesus who reconciled us back into a deeper relationship than I ever imagined possible. Now there is absolute freedom to share our hearts with one another and a respect and love that ONLY JESUS could have brought about. Our friendship is better and more secure than ever, in Him...everyday. 2/22/2022
Healing HeartTuesday Matters- February 22, 2022
Everyday Heart Sick It's so hard when I’ve been hoping and praying for something, and it doesn’t happen at all like I expected or wanted. How true is Proverbs 13: 12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” But even with heart sickness and prayers unanswered my way I know God has the way to work all things for the good. In the meantime, it’s good to recognize the disappointment because it’s part of the recovery process. Of course, we can always find someone that’s worse off than us or a reason why, we shouldn’t complain but I think the healthier response is to actually acknowledge the letdown, express our emotions and then move forward with God’s plan. Proverbs 18:15; "The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear it if the spirit is crushed?" My aunt always says, “I rather have sickness in my body than sickness in the mind or spirit.” And I agree. But thankfully there’s a God who’s there to help and heal us through all our sicknesses…everyday. 2/21/2022
God Never Leaves YouMonday Matters-February 21, 2022
Everyday Vegas Susan had turned her life around by turning to Jesus and now she was on talk radio with three other women still in the “business” discussing lifestyle choices in Las Vegas. The host and others on the panel were repeatedly asking Susan, “Where was God when you were in this business? Why didn’t He save you?” And Susan replied, “God was always with me. It was I who left Him. The others clearly did not have a relationship with Christ, they didn’t know of His great love for them, and so they had no respect for God or His ways but Susan understood completely and she said; Christ gives us all a free will but it’s our choice whether we want to have Him in our lives or not.” Without knowing the relationship that brings love and freedom a person is only going to see God’s laws as bringing judgment and bondage. But as Proverbs 28:5 says; those who seek the Lord understand fully…everyday. 2/18/2022
To God be the GloryFriday Matters-February 18, 2022
Everyday Showcase Max Lucado’s book, “It’s Not About Me” tells a story about his friend who has cancer who now can answer “yes” to this question; “Are friends strengthened by your struggles?” It was hard in the beginning because well-meaning Christians confused his friend saying, “If you have faith, you’ll be healed.” But no healing came; only more chemo, nausea and doubts and the friend assumed his problem was his small faith. That is until Max pointed out, “It’s not about you. Your hospital room is a showcase for your Maker. Your faith in the face of suffering speaks volumes.” So this man accepted his cancer as an assignment from heaven; a missionary to the cancer ward. Hebrews 11:1 says faith is trusting in what you can’t see and his friend did just that. One day he told Max, “I reflect God to the doctors, the nurses, and my friends. Who knows who needs to see God, but I do my best to make Him seen...everyday.” 2/17/2022
Holy Spirit PresenceThursday Matters- February 17, 2022
Everyday Spirit Sense Someone who doesn’t understand the leading of the Holy Spirit and how He works in our lives could say, “Your decision doesn’t make any sense. What are you thinking?” And our reply back could be, “I understand what you mean, but by the Holy Spirit I looked to God in my heart and not my head for the answer.” Saying that might get us a weird look but it’s what 1 Corinthians 2:14 talks about, “The non-spiritual man does not accept into his heart the teachings of the Spirit of God, for they are silly to him; and he is incapable of knowing them.” Satan will send lies to our minds and we can choose to believe them OR ask ourselves, “Am I hearing from God who speaks to my heart according to His Word?” When following Christ, we live by faith. The non-spiritual man lives by feelings and sight, but faith has nothing to do with it. By faith you begin to understand things not with your mind but instead through the Spirit who speaks truth...everyday. 2/16/2022
Freedom in ChristWednesday Matters- February 16, 2022
Everyday Pure Air A friend told me the story of a woman in Austria whose father locked her in the basement for over 20 years and in that time she had children who had never seen the sun or even breathed fresh air. To them the basement was a normal world. When the police found them the air was so vile they had to tear down walls and bring in fans just to breathe. But it’s like we too are living in a basement, a world not perfect, one infected with sin. We don’t even realize we’re breathing putrid air because this is our “normal.” But through the acceptance of God’s love and forgiveness we can believe He’s a Redeemer, working all things for the good with a purpose for us to serve eternally… breathing pure air forever. Look to 1 Corinthians 2:9 with anticipation because “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him”…everyday. 2/15/2022
GentlenessTuesday Matters- February 15, 2022
Everyday Scooters I remember when I was the substitute teacher for 2nd grade gym and oh how excited the eight-year-olds were for “Friday Free Day” which meant hula hoops, balls and scooters. Unfortunately, for Caleb, there weren’t enough little floor scooters to go around. So, after 10 minutes I asked Megan to give her blue scooter to Caleb. She was about to do when she noticed a red and orange one rolled to the side. But as I led Caleb to the scooters he stopped me, tears coming, and sniffled; “I know it doesn’t matter and all colored scooters are the same, but I just need a blue one.” Megan obliged giving up her blue for red but wondered; “Why?” “Oh, just because,” I said. God gets out “crazy” too. Psalm 55:2 says, “Attend to and answer me; I’m restless and distraught in my complaint and must moan.” No matter how little your need is, it matters to God because you matter to Him, absolutely and completely…everyday. |
January 2025