Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
CounselingMonday Matters-September 16, 2024
Everyday Mediator I had an argument with a very dear and close friend where there was an exchange of words that had to do more with hurt feelings rather than the topic we were arguing about. We had both allowed time to pile up little hurts and irritations and so that when the disagreement came we had a wall of hurt and anger to bring down. Eventually we both managed to say we were sorry but the hurt had been deep and I thought we would probably never be close friends again. That is until God got a hold of our hearts. He was the Mediator that 1 Timothy 2:5 talks about, the man Christ Jesus who reconciled us back into a deeper relationship than I ever imagined possible. Now there is absolute freedom to share our hearts with one another and a respect and love that ONLY JESUS could have brought about. Our friendship is better and more secure than ever, in Him...everyday. 9/9/2024
HumilityMonday Matters-September 9, 2024
Everyday Humility Remember that song, “Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in everyday way?” We laugh cuz like yeah right, “as if.” But sometimes we’re so busy pointing out the faults of others that we don’t take time to look at our own that we need to address. My mentor friend Barb wrote, “True humility is not a denial of your positive attributes. It isn’t a humble person who says, “I’m not good at anything.” This is an expression of pride which says, “Look at poor me. I just have to have special consideration because I’m so weak. Please pity me...treat me well.” On the contrary, the truly humble person recognizes their strengths and weaknesses and so rather than a concentration on yourself, humility leads you to look around for opportunities to encourage and help others.” When you understand humility that way it helps you to be confident in the gifts God’s given you rather than feeling bad about what you don’t have. Happy and free people are humble people…everyday. 9/2/2024
ToleranceMonday Matters-September 2, 2024
Everyday Real Tolerance Not everyone likes me. I know. I believe in the death and resurrection of Christ being God for the forgiveness of my sins. I would be called a Christian, but it doesn’t mean that all Christians agree on the same beliefs. I have friends of diversity with different beliefs and lifestyles and some things we agree on and some things we don’t. I love people. Only people last forever and how we treat others will be the true legacy we leave behind. No matter who someone is I hope to always listen and learn while being kind. Honestly, I like to be challenged. But I’m not ashamed that I believe John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life.” This view doesn’t make me popular with everyone, but I try and seek God’s approval. My aim is to show the love of Christ by giving grace and treating others with kindness and respect regardless of our different opinions or beliefs…everyday. 8/26/2024
God’s LoveMonday Matters-August 26, 2024
Everyday God Love The message of Jesus is to LOVE and forgive others, which you can only do once you have seen your bad self and accepted His forgiveness. There’s this past so many people carry around that they cover because it’s filled with shame from harming themselves through “cutting,” an eating disorders, an affair, alcohol, abuse suffered, it’s all yuck. I read that 80% of memories are shame based. People carry shame because they think once they’re fully exposed or discovered they won’t ever be accepted or loved. But when their identity is solid and they know who they are in Christ, they’re stable. Psalm 91:1 is my 911 verse. It reads; “She who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will remain stable.” It means that when I can stand still and let myself be exposed. God covers me, my shame, my fear and replaces all that I’m not with all that He is. God can see the real you and He loves you as you are no matter what…everyday. 8/19/2024
DeathMonday Matters-August 19, 2024
Everyday Coma Today would have been the 127th day in a row that Robert visited his wife at the hospital as she rested in a coma. But last night Robert had a dream that she died, and he woke up in tears this morning and he couldn’t bring himself to drive to the hospital to see her lying there like that. So, he stayed in bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking of how he was going to have to learn to live without her for the rest of his life. And then my phone rang, and it was her. Hope…it’s the belief that things will get better and that right around the corner there’s something to hold unto so we can move forward. Despair believes that you’re forever stuck and things will never get better. Sometimes we put our “hope” in a box and close it up for fear of being disappointed. Never lose hope. You can actually know that no matter what is happening, God IS with you and He’s always on the move. With God there is always hope…everyday. 8/12/2024
ObedienceMonday Matters-August 12, 2024
Everyday Obedience If you’re a mom you’ve heard; “I don’t want to. It’s not fair.” And if you’re like me your sure-fire response has been, “Life’s not fair.” BUT “back in the day,” when my four sons were young, I’d respond, “I understand you don’t think it’s fair and I’m sorry you don’t want to. But right now, I’m not interested in what you want. I’m interested in your obedience.” At first my boys didn’t really hear me and continued with the, “It’s not fair,” and “I don’t want to” but firmly I repeated my statement, “I’m not open to discussion, I’m the mom and I’m in charge here.” I wanted to help my four sons develop character to receive and understand the blessings that obedience brings. “Yep” … my oldest responded, “Thanks Mom,” when I read Proverbs 30:17 “The eye that scorns obedience to his mother will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley.” Thankfully, (through it all) my children still have their eyesight. It’s through obedience we receive our blessings …everyday. 8/5/2024
HumorMonday Matters-August 5, 2024
Everyday Laughter Don’t you just love to have a good laugh or the kind of laugh that triggers the giggles where you can’t stop? Sometimes laughter comes when you’re not supposed to be laughing like in a meeting or at church but it’s such good medicine. Laughter draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and even protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner. Ecclesiastes 3:4 tells us there’s: “A time to cry and a time to laugh.” Let’s find ways to put more laughter into our diets instead of obsessing on everything that bugs us. You really can find humor in a hard place and it’s so freeing and truly one of the best medicines for overall health…everyday 7/29/2024
Your SignificantMonday Matters-July 29, 2024
Everyday Importance Often, we spend a lot of time on minor issues because in our minds it’s a major issue. I get caught in this trap, but I don’t want to spend my time and effort on things that have no lasting value and don't contribute to the kingdom of God. I sometimes ask myself, “Do I really know God’s love for me so that I can purposely walk in love with others? It is by our love that the world will know we are Jesus disciples. (John 13:35) A genuine person of love is a person who serves others, and it’s shown in the attitude we carry with us in our jobs, at home, going to the grocery store and other everyday activities. Sincere kindness in love is impossible to maintain without Jesus. What a joy it is to find that others are drawn to you because they see the difference in you is Christ and the way you treat them and others. A lot of people have experienced condemnation but how many have really experienced God’s love? Live a life of love by serving others…everyday. 7/22/2024
Life’s TrialsMonday Matters-July 22, 2024
Everyday Waves My friend, Michelle, shared; “These waves of trials and circumstances are very real and overwhelming to me right now. But Debbie, the question is not whether or not I see them; the question is whether or not I see ONLY them. I know it's not about the waves; it's about walking forward toward Him because He says ‘Come!’” What honesty Michelle has, and I can’t say, I’m that mature in a storm situation. In the Bible we can read in Mark 4: where Jesus says to the disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake” but a furious storm of hurricane proportions arises with waves crashing into the boat. Where’s Jesus? He’s asleep inside the boat. “Master, don’t You care that we’re dying,” the disciples ask. Without answering Jesus rises and rebukes the wind and sea, “Be still,” He says and a great calm comes. When Jesus says, “You’re gonna get to the other side,” believe Him. You’ll get to the other side no matter what stormy trial you’re facing. Go forward with Him…everyday. 7/15/2024
Serving OthersMonday Matters-July 15, 2024
Everyday Jesus Servant Jesus washed the feet of his disciples in an act of servanthood to show them how very much He loved them. (John 13:3-15) In a culture where people’s sandals did not protect their feet from the dirt of the road servants, not masters, were supposed to wash feet. But Jesus fully knowing who He was, being the greatest of all, became the servant of all. When the Lord came to Simon Peter to wash his feet, Peter resisted him saying, “Lord are my feet to be washed by You?” I would have been hesitant too, “Jesus serving me?” How did Jesus respond to Peter's rash vow of never letting Jesus wash his feet? Jesus said that unless Peter let him do this Peter would have no part in Him. So, after Jesus completed washing all the disciples’ feet, He told them they needed to follow His example as their Lord and Teacher and wash one another's feet. I believe just Jesus was saying that unless we're willing to serve one another, we have no part in Him or in each other. If we love someone to the highest degree, we'll be willing to serve that person…everyday. |
May 2024