Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Everyday His ThoughtsThursday Matters
Everyday His Thoughts Well what in the world are you up to God. I. Can’t. Even. We can’t know the mind of God. Isaiah 55:8 says; “His thoughts are nothing like our thoughts.” But we can know the heart of God. We can TRUST and hope in His promises. I know it should be obvious to us that His ways are past finding out. He wouldn't be a very big God if we could fully comprehend Him with our finite minds. Walter Wangerin wrote, "We chirp theories because we can't stand the silence." I guess that’s how it is when we try to fully understand the purposes of suffering. It’s better to admit, "We don't understand, but we believe that God loves us and, that 'our Redeemer Lives'." Someone has suggested that in the margins beside many of our life's experiences is simply written: "to be explained later." Success for each day is not waiting for an answer to our whys but walking in the hope that He is making a way and there’s a purpose for it all…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 1/16/2019
Love VS TrustWednesday Matters
Everyday Love VS Trust Can we love someone and at the same time not trust them? That does not mean we have to give someone access to our bank account just to prove we “love” them when they have and continue to steal from us. We show compassion for an alcoholic by offering our help. We also show compassion by not “enabling” the alcoholic by protecting them from consequences for their bad actions. Many times consequences are the “severe mercy” that is needed to get their attention. The caution is to make sure we have not elected ourselves their jury and judge. It's the Holy Spirit who guides and directs us in how we should move forward in love which might be setting a boundary or not continuing in conversation with someone when they repeatedly spew out garbage to us. Trust in God who loves you and the other person. He’ll take care of us, He’ll take care of them…EVERYTHING, no matter what…everyday. For more encouragement visit DebbieGriffith.com |
January 2025