Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Positive ThinkingFriday Matters-May 31, 2019
Everyday Crazy Thoughts Do you have crazy thoughts? And by that, I mean the kind of crazy negative thoughts that swirl in your mind which come from past hurts or present crazy circumstances. When I have them they seem to creep in when I’m traveling a long distance by myself. BUT I know we can choose what we think on. WE can release God’s plan for our lives by no longer thinking about the things of old and believing instead that God has a good plan for our future. Since what we think about eventually comes out of our thoughts, we will never get our mouths straightened out unless we do something about our thoughts. We need to stop mentally living in the past and begin to think in agreement with God. Then once we do that we can begin to speak in agreement with Him. We can actually see our own future and think on truth from Isaiah 43:19; “God makes s a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. He can make a way for you and me…everyday. 5/30/2019
Jesus is your HOPEThursday Matters-May 30, 2019
Everyday Jesus Changed Everything Attending a retreat or conference to learn more about Jesus can be a great way to grow and connect with others and our shared humanity. But nothing can replace one on one time alone with Jesus reading His book of hope and redemption. Jesus calls us to Himself, “Abide in Me, dwell in me, come to me.” Significantly, Jesus doesn’t say “Come to a day of renewal, a retreat, a prayer meeting, and a conference. But “Come to Me.” Could this be self-flattering superiority of a crazy person? Yes, if He is not the Savior of the world. He is either a lunatic or the Risen Lord who must be proclaimed as the world’s only hope. Who else would dare to say, “I am the way, the truth and life. Whoever believes in Me will have everlasting life; and the one who does not believe in Me will be condemned. This is a pretty powerful claim and one to not take lightly. To be sure there are a lot of great events to attend but nothing is better than attending to a relationship with Christ…everyday. 5/29/2019
Kindness MattersWednesday Matters-May 29, 2019
Everyday Compliment Crazy “It’s not fair. They don’t deserve my kindness and I’m certainly not going to compliment them on anything because they already tell me how great they are anyway.” Very often those difficult people in our lives are family members. We think; “How can they be so clueless to their own junk and continue to point out mine?” But here’s the deal; we may not think they deserve our love or kindness but neither do we deserve God’s grace and kindness toward us. The advice given me was; “Debbie, just lavish them with love. Compliment and see what happens in your heart and in theirs.” Guess what it works. Love someone with simply acts of kindness by praising the good of who they are and you’ll be amazed at how God changes your heart and theirs. Truth from God in John 13:34; “Love one another as I have loved you.” It’s hard at first…really hard. But the change, the blessing, the beginning of healing in a broken relationship…oh you’ll be thinking; “Why didn’t I do this sooner…everyday. 5/28/2019
Recovering Give Thanks for EVERYTHINGTuesday Matters-May 28, 2019
Everyday Crazy Application Wow is Ephesians 5:20 a difficult verse to follow; “Give thanks FOR all things?!” That almost seems kinda messed up even thought I know that obedience brings a blessing. Visiting a friend a few years ago at the Mayo Clinic Psych Ward I had a huge anxiety attack alone in the hallway with hyper-ventilating…the whole works. But when driving home the next day I heard God say; “Thank Me for the anxiety attack.” I kinda laughed and thought…that’s crazy but I did it anyway; “Thank You God for the anxiety attack.” I continued to repeat and thank God for something so awful but then I began to sense His great love for me. I felt overwhelmed by His love and so I starting saying; “You’re so nice to me.” His presence was so real I had to pull over to the side of the road because I was crying so hard. God’s ways aren’t always ones we understand but His ways are perfect…everyday. 5/27/2019
Peace with GodMonday Matters-May 27, 2019
Everyday The Cross of Christ I’m a mom of four sons and one cute husband and I’m so grateful. Recently at Easter we were all together but for our one son who is in the Navy. We went out for pancakes, French fries, and bacon and there we talked about the meaning of “The Cross. And all of us in agreement know we are made worthy, NOT by what we do, or how we perform, and certainly not by our righteousness but we’re made worthy by God’s great mercy. The sacrifice of Jesus washes away our sins and His resurrection secures are future. We are forgiven and set free to live with no condemnation or fear. So we all said, “YES!” and received. It was great. Paul speaking to the Colossians said, “God reconciled everything to Himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ's blood on the cross.” Receive this gift Jesus offers you too with the hope to live …everyday. 5/24/2019
Real HopeFriday Matters-May 24, 2019
Everyday Hurt Shared Believe me I know what it means to hurt. The recovery from my scoliosis back surgery was horrendous both physically and emotionally. And I was surprised at how the issues resulting in my parent’s divorce of 44 years affected me emotionally and physically too. Hurt from someone you love is pure pain. But I’ve noticed that the more I open up and share my heart of pain the more people respond to share their own hurts of an unfaithful spouse, abuse, absent love from a parent and the pain from their own children. Oh, the sins of others have such painful consequences for so many of us. So more than ever I’ve been holding on to Zechariah 9:12 by returning to Jesus my stronghold of security and prosperity as a prisoner of hope; believing that God will restore double for my trouble. Real hope is a constant positive attitude that in trusting my Redeemer, and despite what may happen, things will change for the better…everyday. 5/23/2019
We're Both SinnersThursday Matters-May 23, 2019
Everyday Marriage Hope My friend Kelly struggled early on in her marriage and years after we met I asked her, “What was the beginning like,” thinking they were in love. “You kiddin’ me,” said Kelly. Early on I felt I was in a disaster pit so I filed for divorce but not before screaming to God; ‘Fix my husband!’ I thought I was the perfect wife and couldn’t understand why my husband wasn’t apologizing for his horrible behavior. With only a few days before the divorce was final God stopped me. I was reading; “A Woman After God's Own Heart,” and God was clear; “You let me worry about your husband. You and I need to talk.” “Remember, he married a sinner too” the author wrote. Stop looking at all that is wrong with your husband and starting at looking what you can change. That realization and marriage counseling brought Kelly and her husband together and he actually owned up to his part too. It will be humbling but major change happens when we die to self. It’s not easy but worth it. Let God change you…everyday. 5/22/2019
Walk With The One Who is PeaceWednesday Matters-May 22, 2019
Everyday Broken Marriage I get many messages from women with such grief from broken relationships. Recently Bonnie wrote; “I'm going through a divorce, after 36 years. I'm not doing well. Can you send me some scriptures about depression and self-esteem?” “I’m so sorry about your divorce. It’s so hard,” I wrote. The only way you can walk away in peace is resting in the One who is Peace. The main scriptures I’d focus on are ones that remind you of who you are in Christ. You know it’s nothing you have to do for His love but it’s receiving what He did for you. It’s about knowing who you are in Him. It would help to repeat the truth of who you are; “I am a daughter of the King” (Romans 8:17), “He has good plans for my life” (Jeremiah 29:11) and “He will work all things for the good.” (Romans 8:28). This should help you get on the track of hope and choosing what you think on…THE TRUTH in the midst of pain makes all the difference…everyday. 5/21/2019
Healthy Marriage DefendedTuesday Matters-May 21, 2019
Everyday Marriage View Everyone has a view. I remember TV host, Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s view was challenged when she stated that a parent who has an affair outside of marriage isn’t being such a great parent. I see her point because one of the best things a parent can do for their child is to love their spouse. Healthy marriages where parents demonstrate their love and respect for one another help bring a child security. My children love to see my husband Dan and I being affectionate. When our son Joey was a little boy he would say, “Daddy, give Mommy a kiss.” When a child feels secure they’re more confident in everyday life situations like school and saying “no” to peer pressure. 5/20/2019
Marriage MendedMonday Matters - May 20, 2019
Everyday Divorce Divorce is hard but sometimes that’s the course a couple must take. Of course, Satan loves when marriages break up but I don’t think most people divorcing see it as spiritual warfare because there are so many feelings of hurt and anger to work-out. When my lawyer husband was approached by a Christian friend who wanted to end his marriage I could see Dan was upset and unsettled and so each time the friend called or stopped by Dan would try to encourage him to work it out. One day I said; “Why not the next time this guy stops in or calls...simply pray with him.” Dan did. And I’m not kidding but the very next day the friend called reporting they wanted to stop the divorce and they’d already made an appointment with a counselor to work things out. Without God a difficult relationship may seem like something impossible to mend. But there’s always hope. Zechariah 4:6; “Not by might or power, but by God’s Spirit, He is able to do anything. He’s God…everyday. |
January 2025