Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
February 28, 2019Thursday Matters
Everyday Lonely I was lonely. God knew. But I also know 1 Peter 5:7 too where Jesus says; “Give Me all your cares. I care for you.” It was my third son, of the four, who helped take me away from my party with “Pity.” Our teenage son Joey let me have a movie date with him and I picked “Pride and Prejudice.” I know. Halfway through the movie I asked; “Joe, will it always be this way?” What mom? I was referring to a bruise on my face that just wasn’t disappearing like I wanted but deeper down I was asking; “Would this season of wait and lonely weirdness ever leave?” Joey replied; “Mom it will always be that way. It will never change.” And then he grinned in his sweet Joe way and said; “Mom, you’re being silly. Of course it’s gonna be fine. It’s just a bruise. Why ask?” Because I need to hear out loud there’s hope, the belief that things will get better. So I’m talking to you too. It will get better. There’s hope…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 2/27/2019
February 27, 2019Wednesday Matters
Everyday Help from God “The fact is, I need God to help me love God. And if I need His help to love Him, a perfect being, I definitely need His help to love other, fault-filled humans,” this is wisdom from Francis Chan. In order for genuine love for God to grow in our hearts the Holy Spirit has to move in our lives. Lately I’ve been talking to God and asking for His Holy Spirit to move in me. I haven’t been able to really let go, like God, and forgive completely. Sometimes it helps to think about Corrie Ten Boom’s who personally forgave the Nazi officer at the Concentration Camp she and her sister were held. She said; “The will can operate regardless of the temperature of the heart.” We can choose to forgive even though our anger and hurt make us feel like we can’t. The truth of Philippians 4:13, “We can do all things through Christ’s strength.” Let’s pray, “Jesus help. By Your Holy Spirit give us the strength to let go and forgive…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 2/26/2019
February 26, 2019Tuesday Matters
Everyday Grace Giving “Honestly this person has had way too many moments of grace from me,” said Susan. “I know love forgives despite what the other person does and I know about setting boundaries with the person who is still operating in dysfunctional behavior. Okay great but what about really forgiving someone who’s hurt you and making the decision to stop rehearsing the hurt by playing the memory around in our heads everyday. It’s hard. For the most part Susan had forgiven Steve but some days she was trigged by the past hurt and then any peace she had would disappear. There’s always this temptation to rehearse our hurts and expectations so that’s why there’s a God and He’s not you. The woman prostitute, who anointed Jesus’ feet with costly perfume displayed an act of tenderness and Jesus said this about her; “She loves much because she’s been forgiven much.” I have been forgiven much. Have you? We all need grace just as much as the next person…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters at DebbieGriffith.com 2/25/2019
February 25, 2019Monday Matters
Everyday Meds “Lisa,” I wrote; “I know exactly where you’re at. You’re not a “bad Christian” because you went on medication for your depression. God doesn’t think that. He loves you where you’re at.” I went on meds for anxiety. It was hard. I felt; “Maybe I wasn't reading the right scripture, praying right or maybe I didn't have enough faith. We live in a fallen world with sickness and disease. The enemy wants us to believe we’re a failure when our sickness is mental but it’s a lie. We’re sick. We need healing and stability and we limit God when we say He can only work on way. It was pride that kept me from wanting to take meds. I wanted to say; “God healed me without medication." Instead He provided a way through meds. It’s a mind battle. It helped me to hear National Speaker Chonda Pierce dealt with meds and depression. She taped a message to her prescription bottle which read; “God loves you Chonda. Take your medicine.” Don’t lose hope. You will get better…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 2/22/2019
February 22, 2019Friday Matters
Everyday What Road to Take There’s only one road to God? What? But that view is narrow minded. You’re right, it is narrow but through a relationship with Jesus, not religion, it becomes clear that the only way to God is through Christ and His sacrifice. There are amazing people who love others but think there are many roads to God and that true spirituality is just to love your neighbor and help the poor. How then do you know when you’ve given enough to get to God? What about the people who’ve been taught to hate? Are the poor just virtuous? That sounds right, but listen, if a soldier drapes his body over a grenade to save his friends, we recognize it as a sacrifice. Something we honor, but not something we can pay him back for. We can’t earn our salvation. It’s a gift. You have a choice to receive by accepting Christ’s sacrifice for your sins. Trust the path He sets and what He’s done for you. Walk forward and be free…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 2/21/2019
February 21, 2019Thursday Matters
Everyday Orphan You may be an orphan and by that I mean an individual who actually has parents but for whatever reason such as abuse, whether physically or emotionally, disinterest, or they’re just plain absent; you may be an orphaned child. I recently heard someone’s story whose case was just that. But guess what Psalm 10:14 says? When we commit to God He is the helper to the orphan. God makes sure orphans have lots of parents. God will place others to care and support you. Give up this ideal that it has to be the parents you are assigned to by birth or adoption. What’s really amazing is that when you let go and let God begin to show you the people He has for you to talk to, share your heart and laugh with, He may be using that time to prepare you to be a parent or sibling for someone who is an orphan too. God is good. Always. He’s got us covered and He knows who and what we need…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 2/20/2019
February 20, 2019Wednesday Matters
Everyday Life is Hard Have you ever been in a hard place and thought maybe God was punishing you because you’re a mess-up and made mistakes? Certainly there are consequences to sin but God loves you no matter your current or past mistakes. Yes, I do believe there’s a lesson and blessing in everything we experience but I also believe that the earth experience is hard and sometimes we go through pain and grief because it’s not our true home. Heaven is our home, with no more tears or pain, but still we live on with purpose and adventure. Once when I was stuck in a hard place my friend Mary offered firm and loving advice, “Debbie, don’t condemn yourself thinking if you get the lesson you get out of the pain. If you condemn yourself it’s like you’re condemning others when they’re suffering. And you never do. You’re a friend who never expects others to get a lesson when they’re hurting but you love & encourage. I want you to be encouraged. Life is hard but there’s hope of something better. Keep on keeping on…everyday. 2/19/2019
February 19, 2019Tuesday Matters
Everyday Surrendering with Hope French fashion designer and businesswoman Coco Chanel said, “Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.” I don’t know about you but I’ve spent a fair amount of time pounding on a wall hoping for a door to open and circumstances to change. AND YET when I finally surrender I mean really and not just say it and allow God to work with what He decides is best I have hope. Changes may not come in the way I imagine but it’s God’s best way. Psalm 103:7 is a “go-to” verse for me, “Put your hope in God for with Him is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.” We can put our hope in other people or circumstances but when we let God have full control He is on the move and knows what’s for our best. Look for the blessing and lesson in all difficult circumstance and people in your life. Try it, you’ll like it…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 2/18/2019
February 18, 2019Monday Matters
Everyday Key to Success “A key to success is playing the hand you were dealt like it was the hand you wanted.” I had to really think if there was truth to that. Yes, I may not have wanted what was dealt but “here it is” so what am I gonna do with it? My choices; scream, cry, complain and hide or I make the best of the situation and find the lesson, and blessing in it. We can let experiences change us for the better or ruin us. Character more often is developed in crisis when we stop focusing on the hurt and search for the good where success may be hidden. During my recovery of scoliosis back surgery, 15 years ago, I was miserable yet I don’t regret what I went through. God taught me things I couldn’t have learned another way. In brokenness we can find beauty and success…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 2/15/2019
February 15, 2019Friday Matters
Everyday Performer I am performer. I love the stage. I love to take on a new character, an accent and present to an audience. But when it comes to real life I don’t want to perform. I want to be viewed as real, honest and sincere. No matter how long we’ve known Jesus personally, or professed ourselves as a believer it’s still important to go back to our ABC’S of Christianity: Admit, Believe and Confess. Admit we can’t go at it alone. We need the grace of God. Believe Jesus is who He says He is, trust Him. And Confess our own sin and stop trying to point out everyone else’s. Just think if your “thought-life” was recorded from just yesterday? Think of the judging of others, including yourself. HOWEVER there is a God who knows EXACTLY our thoughts, dreams, hurts, motives and desires. He’s there with grace to make us new. Jesus loves with no conditions. He is always on the move in our lives with redemption and grace. This crazy love is from Jesus in a relationship and not through religion…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com |
January 2025