Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
March 6, 2019Wednesday Matters
Everyday Power Released We’ve all make mistakes that have hurt us and others on some level. God loves us and will use our messes to help ministry to others but Satan will always try and condemn us and he also works in others with his lies. You may have someone trying to convince you that your past can’t be forgiven unless you follow their rules of forgiveness. Or maybe it’s you thinking, God couldn’t possible forgive “that” sin. Listen to 1 John 1:9; “If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.” Okay so think about how our kidneys work in our bodies, continuously cleansing us from impurities. Well there IS POWER IN THE BLOOD of Jesus Christ which cleanses us, not just in the body, but in the spirit, continuously. Our responsibility is to admit we’ve sinned and CONFESS. We don’t ever want a sin blockage so our prayer life is polluted and we can’t hear His voice of truth and healing…everyday. For more ore encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 2/26/2019
February 26, 2019Tuesday Matters
Everyday Grace Giving “Honestly this person has had way too many moments of grace from me,” said Susan. “I know love forgives despite what the other person does and I know about setting boundaries with the person who is still operating in dysfunctional behavior. Okay great but what about really forgiving someone who’s hurt you and making the decision to stop rehearsing the hurt by playing the memory around in our heads everyday. It’s hard. For the most part Susan had forgiven Steve but some days she was trigged by the past hurt and then any peace she had would disappear. There’s always this temptation to rehearse our hurts and expectations so that’s why there’s a God and He’s not you. The woman prostitute, who anointed Jesus’ feet with costly perfume displayed an act of tenderness and Jesus said this about her; “She loves much because she’s been forgiven much.” I have been forgiven much. Have you? We all need grace just as much as the next person…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters at DebbieGriffith.com 11/9/2018
Only God Can Take Our Desires AwayFriday Matters
Everyday Itch Hidden sin is attractive but once exposed, we see how ugly it really is. But often a person acting in sin can’t see the truth of how what they’re doing is not only hurting themselves but also others around them. C.S. Lewis in, The Great Divorce says sin is like an itch that needs to be scratched. At first it’s small but the more it’s scratched the better it feels. After a while the itch becomes less, but you actually long to have it back. Sin is that way, when you aren't being satisfied by it anymore, you still long to have it. Only God can take that desire away. Sin costs us and the real loss isn’t just on earth but the loss of eternal life. Good news is that if we’re sorry, change our ways and accept Christ we have life, which is what 1 John 5:12 talks about. It’s called repentance and it brings true freedom. Without Christ and His forgiveness, there is no life...everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 11/5/2018
Forgiveness MattersMonday Matters
Everyday Breakthrough Cindy was a gal I mentored and even though she said she’d forgiven her father she continued negatively talking about him and avoided him. “I did forgive him,” said Cindy, “but you don’t know how much he’s hurt me.” She had become bitter. I sat with her as she cried and said, “I get it and no matter how great the offense is, we serve a God Who is greater and He promises to handle the offense in His perfect way. He’ll give us the grace we need while we wait for His justice. In Isaiah 61:7 we are told that, “Instead of our former shame we’ll have a twofold recompense.” How great is that because recompense is a reward, it’s payback for past hurts. So think of it like worker’s compensation. You work for God and if you get hurt on the job, He will pay you back! With God’s grace and time Cindy finally let go and forgave her dad, and with boundaries in place they’ve reconciled. God wants restoration for you too…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com |
January 2025