Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Everyday His ThoughtsThursday Matters
Everyday His Thoughts Well what in the world are you up to God. I. Can’t. Even. We can’t know the mind of God. Isaiah 55:8 says; “His thoughts are nothing like our thoughts.” But we can know the heart of God. We can TRUST and hope in His promises. I know it should be obvious to us that His ways are past finding out. He wouldn't be a very big God if we could fully comprehend Him with our finite minds. Walter Wangerin wrote, "We chirp theories because we can't stand the silence." I guess that’s how it is when we try to fully understand the purposes of suffering. It’s better to admit, "We don't understand, but we believe that God loves us and, that 'our Redeemer Lives'." Someone has suggested that in the margins beside many of our life's experiences is simply written: "to be explained later." Success for each day is not waiting for an answer to our whys but walking in the hope that He is making a way and there’s a purpose for it all…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 1/30/2019
Everyday Pilot LightWednesday Matters
Everyday Pilot Light I read this about the Holy Spirit and it makes sense; “All believers have a pilot light of the Holy Spirit, but not all of us keep it turned on full flame. We go through empty periods when God seems distant.” When we receive Jesus we also receive the Holy Spirit but having the Holy Spirit burning in our hearts requires more than just, I believe in God. We must read His word and do what it says. In Bible, in the book of James we read, “Don’t just listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves, DO what it says.” The Holy Spirit is meant to be more than a pilot light. It should be a vibrant flame which is on fire to do what God gives us with passion, love and humility. Life isn’t about you but it’s for you to shine the LOVE of GOD. When we lay down our selfish, “all about me” lifestyles and serve others the Holy Spirit is alive in us and we shine bright for Him…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 1/29/2019
Everyday Sit & WaitTuesday Matters
Everyday Sit & Wait The Sunday morning message was that of a prodigal daughter so afterward there was an invitation to come forward to pray for a child we had or knew who was perhaps “lost.” I went forward deciding to pray for a few friends my heart was aching for. When I finished I turned around and sat on the bottom step and looked vacantly down the aisle, feeling numb. The small group that had gathered up front was now dispersing with tears and “thanks for praying with me” hugs. I sat alone. But suddenly, a woman, who could be described as the exact opposite of me, gentle and quiet, put her arm around me. It was quiet and not a word was said but gradually tears started rolling down my face and then I started to sob. This woman, with the love and understanding you can read about in 2 Corinthians put both her arms around me because she knew what my heart must be feeling. She was like Jesus sitting at the well with me, waiting to just love others as they are and ready to meet their thirst …everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 1/28/2019
Everyday Perfect GraceMonday Matters
Everyday Perfect Grace We have been called to be perfect. I know…right? Good luck with that? Yet God does call us to be mature and complete (“teleioo”) just as He is. Think what about Philippians 1:6, He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day He returns. I like what Pastor John Piper has to say on the purpose of creation being one of the most amazing things about God and without us on His created earth His grace could not be realized. That is why He created us. He knew we would sin so He chose Christ’s sacrifice before creation - because He wanted to reveal the glory of His grace. This earth experience is hard with hard circumstances like our health and broken relationships and yet we have the hope of God’s promises and in faith we can SEE His grace displayed with love and wisdom over us all. God isn’t limited by our sin - only we are.” There is grace…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 1/25/2019
Everyday Hope AheadFriday Matters
Everyday Hope Ahead Life is hard. An unexpected death of someone you love is hard. Yep. I’m a Christian because I am convinced that only in Jesus Himself is there any adequate, calming useful, clear explanation of any of life’s tragedies. When a friend loses the life of a loved one, what can we offer? I’ve found simply sitting beside them to grieve the loss, the shortness of life or perhaps how it all feels unfair, is best. But surely our Savior can say to us in our loss, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” The Savior who has been there and back safely, who died and rose again and now can fully assure us. To say a loved one died because of some sin in our lives is not only unrealistic, distorted thinking for a Christian, in whom “the light of the world” lives, but is an insult to the forgiving heart of the Father. Love others as He does. Share the hope…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGrifith.com 1/24/2019
Everyday Jesus did itThursday Matters
Everyday Jesus did it How do you know when you’ve given enough to get to God? You don’t. Yet many people believe that there are many roads to God and that true spirituality is just to love your neighbor and help the poor. What about the people that have been taught to hate? Are the poor just virtuous? That sounds right, but it is not what Jesus said. Jesus said you cannot earn salvation by taking the executioner's cross yourself. We instinctively know this. If a soldier drapes his body over a grenade to save his friends, we recognize it as a sacrifice. Something we honor, but not something we can pay him back for. In fact to suggest we could pay Him back is an insult to His sacrifice. The same is true with Jesus. He loves us for who we are and not for what we do. The good things we do, like soup kitchens for the poor, are out of our love for Him but no matter what He loves right where we’re at by His grace…everyday 1/23/2019
Everyday JourneyWednesday Matters
Everyday Journey In life’s journey we all want to be known and loved and Jesus knows us better than anyone and still loves us. I remember teaching Zephaniah 3:17 and God’s main point is the constant, never ending love He wants us to know and experience. He delights in us as His child. He knows us, our pain, the ache from the loved lost, the cancer that came, anxiety attacks you may have along with depression, the lie that spread— He knew before I knew. HE IS here, waiting to make creative, redemptive use of what has happened. He is always on the move. He isn’t wasting time thinking about all the trouble He has with us or how awful we feel about where we are with ourselves and our troubles. God is not mad at you. He grieves for wrong choices or things done to us but He loves us madly and deeply everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 1/22/2019
Everyday ListenTuesday Matters
Everyday Listen Are you listening? Jesus is speaking. Hear His voice; “You are forgiven. Today is a new day. Our feelings are pretty strong and so even when we confess and have God’s forgiveness we may not feel like it because of an action of ours was so awful. But listen to Lamentations 3:23 where we can know: “Great is His mercy. It’s new every morning and great is His faithfulness. Everyday I try to “be better” by choosing what I should think on which often means I remain silent, shut my mouth and pray. Don’t be discouraged. You’re not alone because there’s a whole lot of us who so wanted to be faithful, but who at times got defeated, beat-up by life and tested by trials but through it all we clung to the faith. This is the Gospel of Grace. Let’s cheer each other on with this truth and hope. Carry on friend. I’m on the journey with you …everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 1/21/2019
Everyday PhotoMonday Matters
Everyday Photo I disagreed with a friend about using a photo they took of me and wanted to use for publication. And although I understood their reasons for using the photo, our lengthy debate in emails started to convince me I might be doing something wrong. So I asked God; “What should I do about the photo?” My answer was in Romans Chapter 14 which told me about Paul not eating certain foods because if he did it would trip up his friends. It wasn’t wrong or sin for him to eat the food he wanted but the right thing was to refrain so there would be harmony. Verse 15 is great and by putting the word photo instead of food I had my answer; “But if your brother is being pained or his feelings hurt or if he is being injured by you not using the photo then you are no longer walking in love.” One thing I am convinced of? God wants us always to walk in love…everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com 1/18/2019
Everyday VeteranFriday Matters
Everyday Veteran Steve is an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran. Upon arriving home three years ago from his final tour to Afghanistan he found out that his wife had been cheating on him and had spent or stole almost all of their money. Steve had nowhere to stay, no phone and was suffering from severe anxiety problems. One of his close friends from high school, Shawn, and his wife, took Steve in and let him live with their family of five. They’ve helped him deal with his divorce and get his life together. Since then, Steve’s moved into his own place, opened a diner, and his friend’s kids call him Uncle Steve when they see him. This is the love of Jesus’ unconditional love. We’re His kids and no matter what mess we’re in, He’s there, ready to make redemptive use of our mess. Even on our worst days God stands with His door wide open and says; “Come in,” everyday. For more encouragement in Everyday Matters visit DebbieGriffith.com |
January 2025