Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
You Are LovedFriday Matters-July 29, 2022
Everyday Popular I don’t get why Jenny is so popular? She’s not that nice but people seem drawn to her. Maybe if I try act more like Jenny and dress and wear my hair the way she does I’d be liked more and more popular? Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Have you been stuck in the shadows where you don’t realize the beauty of how God created you? He doesn’t want us to compare ourselves to another and be something we’re not because He didn’t make a mistake with you. Life can be hard, and I think we’ve all had those moments thinking the grass is greener on the other side but guess what? That grass has to be mowed too. Read the Bible and find in Ephesians 12 that you’re God’s workmanship and He’s created specific things for each of us to do by the way He created us. Comparison is the thief of joy but finding purpose to serve others by the way God created you brings joy…everyday. 7/28/2022
Revival Begins in YOUThursday Matters- July 28, 2022
Everyday Revival I am SOOOOO over it. TV, radio, social media, newspapers and magazines all report the same ugliness and injustices in the world with wars, loneliness, hunger, death. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. But do you think the answer is to join in and complain more or perhaps find more people to blame? Nope-not so much. How about we look at ourselves to understand that revival begins with us. Really, it’s humbly changing direction from thinking “life’s all about me.” Putting a Band-Aid, here and there, on this or that moral problem is not the answer as much as throwing out our selfishness. What’s the answer? Jesus. Jesus is the answer. National and international meetings; crusades against immorality are good and have their places, but none of them is an adequate substitute for dying to self, surrendering to Jesus and trusting Him to lead us in revival…everyday. 7/27/2022
God Performs Miracles TODAYWednesday Matters- July 27, 2022
Everyday Heartbeat “Today, at 8:00 a.m. this morning, after four months of lifelessness in her hospital bed, we took my mom off life support,” said Robyn. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. “Mom’s heart continued beating on its own and she continued breathing on her own. “And then this evening when we thought we’d be saying goodbye,” continued Robyn, “I squeezed Mom’s hand three times and she squeezed back three times. I can’t believe the miracle of it all.” Wow. That’s the power of prayer, the love of God. We’ve all had times where we’ve given up hope and sometimes it’s even scarier to have it because of the possibility of being disappointed. There’s always reason to hope even when we can’t see or feel it. God also gives us grace in our day-to-day moments and promises that something good will come out of something bad when we trust Him. It doesn’t matter how many times we cry out to God, He’s always there, listening, and ready to meet us where we are at… everyday. 7/26/2022
By His Grace We GoTuesday Matters- July 26, 2022
Everyday Soup Kitchen How do you know when you’ve given enough to get to God? Don’t you just have to perform a bunch of good deeds? Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters .I see Jessica helping the poor and marginalized all the time so she must be close to God. And aren’t there many different roads that can lead to God? But what about the people that have been taught to hate and are the poor just virtuous? That sounds right, but it is not what Jesus said. Jesus said you cannot earn Him taking the executioner's cross for you. We instinctively know this. If a soldier drapes his body over a grenade to save his friends, we recognize it as a sacrifice. Something we honor, but not something we can pay him back for. The same is true with Jesus. He loves us for who we are and not for what we do. The good things we do, like soup kitchens for the poor and others acts of kindness, are out of our love for Him…everyday. 7/25/2022
He Loves Us AllMonday Matters-July 25, 2022
Everyday Older Brother “I’m a high school graduate because of my older brother,” Kevin told me. I’m healthy and I’m alive because of my older brother Tim.” Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Today Kevin is 18 and his older brother Tim is 29. When Kevin was seven and Tim was 18 he got an apartment on his own so they could live “on the good side of town.” They moved out of the Crack House their drug addicted mother was living in and who’s now sadly passed away. Tim worked two jobs to pay the bills and always made sure Kevin was safe, fed and at school on time. “He basically saved my life,” said Kevin. “I could never repay him but I can step up and make a difference in someone else’s live like he did mine.” God makes a difference in your life when you let Him. Stress less on all the things, you think, He might take away and instead focus on the freedom and love He has to give, no matter who you are or where you’ve been, God loves you…everyday. 7/22/2022
Relationship ChoicesFriday Matters-July 22, 2022
Everyday Bad Boy I mean you can KNOW logically that dating the bad boy isn’t such a good thing but sometimes your FEELINGS get ya in a place ya never thought you’d be in. Mr. Bad Boy can override all logic. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. I have had countless friends who’ve dated the bad boy. Why? I guess because exhilarating feelings seem to make a lot more sense than anything the mind can preach. It’s the rebellious adventure they take you on, their sweet words and the affection they give that fills that empty “love space” that only God Himself can fill. Many date the bad boy thinking they’re finally the one who can tame him. I know, you just wanna shake this person and tell them how much God loves and not to go down this route. Look at how Zephaniah 3:17 tells us God delights in us and in the Hebrew language this verse gives us the image that God literally “spins around” us with joy. Choose to seek that kind of love…everyday. 7/21/2022
God UnderstandsThursday Matters- July 21, 2022
Everyday Frustrated The letter began, “Debbie I’m struggling. I’ve been unemployed since September; I have an aunt who is in the hospital and my husband is constantly reminding me that he’s the one who’s paying the bills. I feel frustrated and far away from God. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Feeling far away from God and like He doesn’t care is what the devil wants you to feel and think. Satan is keen on feeding us lies and his two favorites are the “forever” lie and the “never” lie. He tells us about the negative things in our lives will never change and will forever be the way they are. He says the way you are right now will stay that way “forever.” Lies. The truth is God is good and He has plans to bring you wholeness from your brokenness of pain and regret. Trust in God because bad things ultimately give way to better things. Ecclesiastes 3:1; TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven…everyday! 7/20/2022
Prayers Make A DifferenceWednesday Matters- July 20, 2022
Everyday Prayers Work Something happens when we pray that doesn’t happen when we don’t. Let me say that again, “Something happens when we pray that doesn’t happen when we don’t.” Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. BUT if we don’t feel or see an answer to what we were asking for then we may start to think that God isn’t listening. BUT He always hears. Sometimes the answer is “no” and sometimes the answer is “yes.” I think the hardest reply is to hear, “wait.” “I don’t get it. It’s not fair and God I’m starting to wonder if You care or even exist.” We all may have had those thoughts at one time or another but don’t give up. God is always on the move. He’s on “it” whatever “it” may be. Psalm 27:13 I know, “I would’ve despaired unless I’d believed that I’d see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” There is goodness while on earth even though it’s not our final destination. Waiting is hard but with God it’s worth it…everyday. 7/19/2022
Unconditional LoveTuesday Matters- July 19, 2022
Everyday Fully Loved I’m thankful for God’s Word because He is the Word! HE is our Redeemer! The Bible isn’t about us. The Bible is about God and His redemption. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Of course, wickedness is judged, but that’s not the focus of the story. Redemption and restoration to the glory of God is! That's it. The Woman at the Well ran to tell others about a man who met her thirst (Is He the Messiah?)! She did not run back into town to tell others that she felt judged, but rather she ran to let others know, that despite her past, Jesus accepted her where she was at. He is that same God. Nothing we could do would ever take His love away from us nor is there anything we could do to cause Him to love us more. He knows me, my pain, my ache from the loved one I lost, the cancer that came to my husband, and my anxiety attacks. HE IS here, waiting to make creative, redemptive use of what has happened. He knows, He “gets us” and He loves us unconditionally…everyday. 7/18/2022
God Knows HeartsMonday Matters-July 18, 2022
Everyday The Heart Take comfort in knowing only God knows your heart yet I know it stings when someone judges you harshly because they can’t see your heart. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. The human heart is arrogant, and often cares for itself above all, prone to judge others, prone to make demands of others. The heart is also needy and incomplete with holes that can only be repaired by God’s perfect love. Jesus brings healing. His Word which is both justice and mercy. First, we must deeply understand and truly own our brokenness. 1 John 1:8 people, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” The Bible doesn’t call us to judge others but it calls us to always be mindful and humbly recognize our own weakness. Whatever righteousness we possess was given by Christ’s work on the cross. God is grieved when we use the Bible on others as a weapon. Love others, don’t judge…everyday. |
January 2025