Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
No More ShameThursday Matters- March 31, 2022
Everyday Shame Jenny said; “The knowledge of my husband's addiction caused me great shame. I remember being in a mom’s group and conversations were going on about all the normal mom-stuff like potty-training, sleepless nights, a shared recipe and the entire time I’m smiling and pretending. I thought; ‘If only they knew.’ I was afraid to let go of this image.” Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. I’m so sorry if you’ve been through that hard place of betrayal like Jenny. But please share your story because you’re not alone. Shame keeps us hidden, hurting and silent. You need to know that “guilt” says you did something wrong. “Shame,” on the other hand, says that you are something wrong. You are NOT something wrong you’re your hurt feelings aren’t wrong. Jesus loves you, me and all the “Jennies” our there. In Matthew 11 He says to come as you are. Alright then, let’s give it Him. It’s gonna be okay and it will get better…everyday. 3/30/2022
We all need ForgivenessWednesday Matters- March 30, 2022
Everyday Mother Teresa It’s so much easier to point out what’s wrong with everybody else rather than look at our own junk to clean up. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. We all need help which is why our first step toward reconciliation is to confess our sins, receive God’s pardon and walk forward in a relationship with Jesus. We cannot do anything to merit grace, and yet we look at someone like Mother Teresa and think surely, she entered into heaven because of what she did. If we emulate her sacrificial love in some small fashion, we are lulled into a false sense of security that persuades us that we have no need of repentance today. When the little saint humbly confessed her brokenness and her desperate need for God, either we were uncomprehending, or we secretly suspect her of false modesty. Real love, real grace, receive it and then walk forward and give the same to others…everyday. 3/29/2022
Freedom in LoveTuesday Matters- March 29, 2022
Everyday Winning Love I am thankful for God’s call on my life to love others. He hasn’t called me to hand out a rulebook or a list of “you should” and “you should nots,” which means He hasn’t called on me to point out the sins of others. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. He knows I have enough of my own stuff to cleanup, and with His grace, how can I afford not to extend this gift to others? I love people. I want to have fun, be real, love God and love others. But it’s also important to note that at no point does God not stop being holy. I find it helpful to share my struggles in feeling fearful or admitting my judgmental attitude and then admitting only by God’s grace and strength am I able to deny my own sinful desires and bow to Him. Our flesh wants what it wants and more of it. So it’s only by God’s Holy Spirit that we can deny the flesh.…everyday. 3/28/2022
Filled with LoveMonday Matters-March 28, 2022
Everyday Hungry Generally, I don’t think most Christians think of themselves as superior just because they’ve accepted Jesus into their lives. Religious people…well yea…there may be a superiority factor there. Let’s say; before someone becomes a Christian, they’re always eating but never really filling up, they’re always hungry. But one day they taste and see that the Lord is good and they realize they were actually starving (Psalm 34:8). But once Jesus is in their lives they’re completely filled up. So, I’d ask the unbeliever, “If you saw someone that was starving and you had at one time been hungry and starving yourself would you be superior to that person because you’re not starving anymore?” A big problem lies in the fact that a lot of people think that Christianity is just another religion of judgment. But Jesus didn’t die on the cross so we could have a religion. He died and rose again so we could be saved and have a real and intimate relationship with Him, one that leaves us filled and satisfied…everyday. 3/25/2022
Fiery LoveFriday Matters-March 25, 2022
Everyday Burning Coals What in the world is Romans 12:20 talking about with this “burning coals” thing? “But if your enemy, (not your friend) is hungry, give them something to eat. And if they’re thirsty, give them something to drink. This will be the same as piling burning coals on their heads." Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. We are called to LOVE our enemies and not take revenge on them. WE ARE CALLED TO LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE. Okay, but now, what about the burning coals? Giving kindness to someone who’s hurt us is like pilling coals of burning love on their head! God tells us to ABOVE all things have “fervent love” for one another and the verb form of the Greek word “fervent” translated means "to be hot, to boil." Our love needs to be hot, on fire and boiling over. Let’s not be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good…everyday! 3/24/2022
The BibleThursday Matters- March 24, 2022
Everyday Blog Of course I think it’s helpful to hear how others learn, grow and receive comfort from life’s experiences but after taking quite a bit of time to read what other women were saying in their blogs, I started to feel kinda anxious. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. A friend invited me to read her blog and through it I was connected to many other bloggers sharing their thoughts on marriage, motherhood and life. True, there’s comfort knowing others are questioning and trying to figure out life too but none of what I read brought me peace. Maybe because none really seemed to point to the source of all peace…JESUS! He not only knows everything we think and feel BUT He has the answers for everything we need too. In Psalm 27:8 when God said, “Seek My face, my heart said, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” And the place to seek Him; is by reading His blog, the Bible…everyday. 3/23/2022
Change DirectionWednesday Matters- March 23, 2022
Everyday Confess We judge others by how they make us feel and we judge ourselves by our intentions. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Although my heart’s intent was right my action was sin by crossing the line into gossip. I shared information with some trusted friends because I was concerned and wanted prayer. My mistake was sharing unnecessary details. So, I confessed my sin to God and to every person who had been directly affected by my wrongdoing, Was my heart intent good? Yes. But did I hurt people in the process? Yes. My responsibility then was to apologize for the hurt I caused without adding “but” or “if” after my confession. It’s simply this; “I’m sorry for hurting you.” Period. Oh I wanted to add; “BUT you gossiped about me and I never intended to hurt you. BUT, is that what Jesus does? Let’s follow Matthew 7:12; “In everything, do to others what you’d have them do to you”…everyday. 3/22/2022
HolinessTuesday Matters- March 22, 2022
Everyday Be Holy When Jesus lived on the earth there were these religious experts called Pharisees. Ya’ all didn’t want to mess with them unless you were one of them cuz the holiness path meant not touching anything or anyone they considered "unclean." Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. The Pharisees were really bugged when Jesus sought out the unclean people; those with disease, the prostitutes, the money schemers; yes all those sinners. Yet Jesus was always perfect and pure. He led history's holiest life while reaching out to those who needed to see and touch Him; true purity. Life’s about balance. We don't want to spend all our time with those who can lead us into temptation but our holy God wants us to share PURE truth with those who need it. 1 Peter 1:16; “Be holy as Jesus is holy.” We’re not perfect but He is, and He wants us to bring healing and hope, just as His Son did…everyday. 3/21/2022
God’s Unfailing LoveMonday Matters-March 21, 2022
Everyday Justice Delayed Living life to the fullest is the adventure that begins in heaven. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Psalm 145:8 encourages; “The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to get angry, full of unfailing love.” None of us deserve even one day of heaven because of our ugly sin. Dr. Joad was the head of the Philosophy Department at the University of London. He was known for undermining Christianity in the college world. He believed that God was an impersonal part of the cosmos and that there was no such thing as sin. But before he died, Dr. Joad came to the understanding that there was sin as the Bible describes and the only solution for sin was the cross of Jesus Christ. He became passionate about following Jesus. God’s love delayed justice and gave this man time to recognize his sin and receive life in Christ…everyday. 3/18/2022
Fishing with JesusFriday Matters-March 18, 2022
Everyday Catch Em’ I have a favorite Christian cliché that I like to share with people because it has such wonderful truth to it; “Be ye fishers of men. You catch em’--He’ll clean em.” Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. It’s not our job to clean up the lives of others…that’s God’s “job!” It’s our “job” to live a life of love and through His love flowing through to others we can love one another fervently with a pure heart like 1 Peter 1:22 talks about. I pray that my love walk will help people catch on to the fact that God is crazy in love with them! The Bible has all the answers for getting cleaned up but if you don’t trust the One who loves and will never leave you, you’re probably not gonna be that interested in following Him! But once you trust and receive God’s unconditional love for you you’ll be saying; “I get to read the Bible” and not, “I have to.” You’ll want to start a fishing program and tell everyone you can about His love…everyday. |
January 2025