Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Relationship RestorationWednesday Matters- September 30, 2020
Everyday Reconciliation It’s so hard when someone has hurt you and, “It’s not fair. Why is this happening to me?” I want payback now!” God IS taking care of things in HIS timing. He’s God and we’re not. Romans 12:19 is the promise from God saying. “I’ll take care of it because it’s Mine to avenge.” But you’re having a hard time waiting and you’re angry. You know God loves you but your anger prevents you from rational thought. You’re not alone here. We’ve all been “there.” Remember too that there’s an enemy and he uses others to get us riled up and sometimes in our anger we become sinful and downright mean. Let’s try to get in the habit of asking this question to ourselves, “Have you prayed about it as much as you’ve posted about it. Let the person be taken off your hook and placed on His…everyday. 9/29/2020
Needing JesusTuesday Matters- September 29, 2020
Everyday We Are Poor When I honestly accepted who God said I was, loved, redeemed and not a mistake, I felt I could stop pretending and performing. I need Him desperately. It is not the “they” who are poor, sinful and lost. It’s awareness that we ourselves are the primary target. Unless we acknowledge that we are the sinners, the sick ones and the lost sheep for whom Jesus came, we do not belong to the “blessed” who know that they are poor and inherit the Kingdom. Do you ever try and appear righteous before God and others with your performances? I have and it’s exhausting. It’s a dangerous zone when get our assurance from wealth or our status. Realize THIS, that ”they” is you and me, wretched, pitiably poor and so often blind. Isaiah 64 lays things out clearly when we begin to think, “I’m doing really well here.” “We’re all unclean and all our righteous acts are like filthy garbage. It’s what Jesus did on the cross that cleans us up and sets us free…everyday. 9/28/2020
Healing of FaithMonday Matters- September 28, 2020
Everyday Open Eyes Jesus meets a man who’s been blind since birth. I don’t know how brief their encounter was but in that time Jesus bent down took some mud and rubbed the man’s eyes with it and when he opened them he could see. Immediately the Pharisees-the Religious Leaders, questioned the man wanted him to proclaim Jesus a sinner….WHAT? But the blind’s response is brilliant in John 9:25, “Whether He is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see!” He didn’t know how or why he had been healed but he knew a miracle had taken place and he wasn’t afraid to tell the truth. We don’t have to all the answers in order to share Christ with others. What’s important is that we tell people the truth of how God’s love and forgiveness has changed our lives. Use your experiences and share your testimonies, to help others see Him too …everyday. 9/25/2020
MissionaryFriday Matters- September 25, 2020
Everyday Catch Em’ Do you think it’s our job to clean up the lives of others? Well it’s not, that’s God’s job. I believe our “job” to live a life of love and find a connection with people and love them wherever they’re at in life. Like ah….does really anyone want to be preached at? The Bible has all the answers for getting cleaned up but if you don’t trust the One who loves and gives the answers you’re probably not gonna be that interested in following Him. How’s this for a catch cliché’, “Be ye fishers of men. You catch em’--He’ll clean em.” Once someone trusts, receives and hopes in God’s unconditional love they’ll want to read what He has to say with the heart that says; “I get to read the Bible” and not, “I have to.” Believe me I’ve started implementing this type of fishing program with telling and showing everyone I meet that God’s love is an awesome never ending love… everyday. 9/24/2020
Freedom & ForgivenessThursday Matters- September 24, 2020
Everyday Law Discharged “Hey Dan,” I called my husband. “I’m getting ready to head home from a conference,” so I was expecting Dan’s usual request to “drive safe” and wear my seatbelt but instead he offered, “Make sure you don’t wear your seatbelt and use your road rage if you have to.” I couldn’t put my seatbelt on fast enough. Maybe I shouldn’t be proud to be called a rule breaker, but I am proud that I am free from the old testament rules—rules to show us that no matter how well intentioned or hard we try—we will never measure up. When Christ died He took that entire rule-dominated way of life down with Him leaving us free through His resurrection. Not to use our freedom to sin but to be live free with a light yoke and an easy burden. “Wear the seatbelt knowing there’s a huge difference of being under the law and being free when Jesus takes the wheel…everyday. 9/23/2020
PeaceWednesday Matters- September 23, 2020
Everyday Umpire of Peace The umpire in a ball game decides if a player is “in” or “out.” Peace is to be the umpire that decides if something in our lives should be in or out! It makes total sense especially if you look at the Bible in Colossians 3:15 “Let the peace from Christ act as umpire in your hearts deciding and settling all questions that come into your mind.” I mean really do we receive the peace He has to give or do we count on our feelings? When the answer is “no” I KNOW because I don’t have peace. “Do you think I should take this additional job?” was the question asked me by a young mom. Things were tight financially but the long hours would affect her family. My first thought was, “Yes,” But later, I thought, “Would this choice bring peace?” Rhonda didn’t have peace. She refused the job and almost immediately help came in a way she never expected. God is so good…everyday. 9/22/2020
PrideTuesday Matters- September 22, 2020
Everyday Pride I was stinky. Oh, I had taken a shower but I had pride and pride stinks. Pride is difficult to deal with because we don’t think we have it. I notice this stink most when I have zero patience with someone who’s hurt me. In the Bible in James 4:10 I read to ask God to humble me so I can see the other as He does. I know then He will lift me up as He promises. The signs of pride include an unwillingness to admit fault or take responsibility for our actions. Pride wants to do all the talking and none of the listening. Yeah, I know you’re probably thinking of someone who needs to hear this, but perhaps it’s you! God gets you. He sees the hurt. I get you because I’ve been there. Are you still screaming? Maybe it’s time to stop and, “shhhhh… listen.” Humility is a sweet fragrance for everyone to be around…everyday. 9/21/2020
Creative HobbiesMonday Matters - September 21, 2020
Everyday Hobby When someone says, “I have a hobby” I usually think their crafty. My hobby is that I like to do self-decorate. I create outfits which I call costumes. Sometimes I wear my pajama costume for the day. God enjoys all of us and our unique hobbies. Not so enjoyable is when our hobby causes havoc in the home which it has for me when I’ve exceeded our costume budget. God knows and cares about what you care about. We can always ask Him for help and balance. I wanted a new coat. I needed one (or so I thought). I prayed about it and as I was dropping off clothes at a consignment shop I picked up a check which just happened to be the same amount as a perfectly perfect purple coat which had my name on it. Isn’t that so nice of God? He’s so awesome…everyday. 9/18/2020
Sacrificial LoveFriday Matters- September 18, 2020
Everyday Kidneys It’s been ten years since Brenda’s best friend, Susan, became ill and needed a kidney transplant. Brenda was a fitting donor and chose to donate one of her healthy kidneys to Susan even after doctors said her chance of survival was only 30%, and that there would be inherent risks to Brenda’s health as well. So imagine the joy of Brenda getting ready to drive to her best friend’s wedding where she would be her maid of honor as Susan married the love of her life. Susan happened to meet her Prince at the hospital ten years ago when she received her transplant. Proverbs 13 tells us that when a longing is fulfilled we have life. The “what ifs” never get us anywhere. It’s like one of my favorite posters which reads; “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.” What gets us somewhere is living life with a transplant of hope in believing there’s something good coming…everyday. 9/17/2020
Forgiveness & LoveThursday Matters- September 17, 2020
Everyday Feet Washing Nancy felt she had forgiven her friend but every time she drove past her girlfriend’s home, the resentment and pangs of hurt would surround her. She prayed. God answered. He told her He wanted her to picture Him washing her feet everyday thus showing her how much He loves and forgives her. She spent this time with Jesus and then the day came when He said, “Now I want you to wash your friend’s feet, “Okay but make sure the water is scalding,” she thought. It startled her that this was where her heart was but she obeyed. She prayed and let the Holy Spirit change her as she mentally washed the feet of her friend. Nancy still not in a restored friendship but she no longer has deep hurt when driving by her friend’s home. I am not there either with letting go of some deeper hurts but I know God knows and His love continues to work in and through me…everyday. |
January 2025