Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
HumilityMonday Matters-July 31, 2023
Everyday Humility Remember that song, “Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in everyday way?” We laugh cuz like yeah right, “as if.” But sometimes we’re so busy pointing out the faults of others that we don’t take time to look at our own that we need to address. My mentor friend Barb wrote, “True humility is not a denial of your positive attributes. It isn’t a humble person who says, “I’m not good at anything.” This is an expression of pride which says, “Look at poor me. I just have to have special consideration because I’m so weak. Please pity me...treat me well.” On the contrary, the truly humble person recognizes their strengths and weaknesses and so rather than a concentration on yourself, humility leads you to look around you for opportunities to encourage and help others.” Snap. When you understand humility that way it helps you to be confident in the gifts God’s given you rather than feeling bad about what you don’t have. Happy and free people are humble people…everyday. 7/28/2023
Prayers WorkFriday Matters- July 28, 2023
Everyday Prayers Work Something happens when we pray that doesn’t happen when we don’t. Let me say that again, “Something happens when we pray that doesn’t happen when we don’t.” BUT if we don’t feel or see an answer to what we were asking for then we may start to think that God isn’t listening. BUT He always hears. Sometimes the answer is “no” and sometimes the answer is “yes.” I think the hardest reply is to hear, “wait.” “I don’t get it. It’s not fair and God I’m starting to wonder if You care or even exist.” We all may have had those thoughts at one time or another but don’t give up. God is always on the move. He’s on “it” whatever “it” may be. Psalm 27:13 I know, “I would’ve despaired unless I’d believed that I’d see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” There is goodness while on earth even though it’s not our final destination. Waiting is hard but with God it’s worth it…everyday. 7/27/2023
God SpeaksThursday Matters- July 27, 2023
Everyday Word Power Lazarus was dead; that was a fact but when Jesus, who is the Truth, walked up to the tomb and spoke; that truth changed the facts. Throughout the Gospels we repeatedly read of people who were sick and demon possessed. But when they went Jesus, and He spoke, their facts changed. They were healed, delivered, and set free. We must never magnify the facts of our circumstances above God and the power of His Word. When God speaks things change. In Isiah 55:11 we see that God’s Word does not return to Him empty but always accomplish its purpose. When we learn to speak God’s Word instead of rehearsing how we’re feeling or our opinions, we are also releasing God’s power. The Word of God spoken in faith, from a believer’s mouth, can change circumstances. WE experience negative facts in our lives, but God’s truth is more powerful than facts. It helps if you say the truth aloud, “I am loved, as I am, right now because I am God’s child”…everyday. 7/26/2023
EncouragementWednesday Matters- July 26, 2023
Everyday Compliment “It’s not fair. They don’t deserve my kindness and I’m certainly not going to compliment them on anything because they already tell me how great they are anyway.” Very often those difficult people in our lives are family members. We think; “How can they be so clueless to their own junk and continue to point out mine?” But here’s the deal; we may not think they deserve our love or kindness but neither do we deserve God’s grace and kindness toward us. The advice given me was; “Debbie, just lavish them with love. Compliment and see what happens in your heart and in theirs.” Guess what it works. Love someone with simply acts of kindness by praising the good of who they are and you’ll be amazed at how God changes your heart and theirs. Truth from God in John 13:34; “Love one another as I have loved you.” It’s hard at first…really hard. But the change, the blessing, the beginning of healing in a broken relationship…oh you’ll be thinking; “Why didn’t I do this sooner…everyday.” 7/25/2023
Who is Jesus?Tuesday Matters- July 25, 2023
Everyday Claim of Christ Attending a retreat or conference to learn more about Jesus can be a great way to grow and connect with others and our shared humanity. But nothing can replace one on one time alone with Jesus reading His book of hope and redemption. Jesus calls us to Himself, “Abide in Me, dwell in me, come to me.” Significantly, Jesus doesn’t say “Come to a day of renewal, a retreat, a prayer meeting, and a conference. But “Come to Me.” Is Jesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Yes, and if He is not the Savior of the world, He’s a lunatic. He’s the Risen Lord who must be proclaimed as the world’s only hope. Who else would dare to say, “I am the way, the truth and life. Whoever believes in Me will have everlasting life; and the one who does not believe in Me will be condemned. This is a pretty powerful claim and one to not take lightly. To be sure there are a lot of great events to attend but nothing is better than attending to a relationship with Christ…everyday. 7/24/2023
Life is Hard-God is GoodMonday Matters-July 24, 2023
Everyday Earth Experience This earth is not our home. Good…because it’s so stinkin’ hard some days. I so often have to look up look & find the hope to move forward. Hope is basically the belief that something good is going to happen, there’s something better that’s ahead. We need hope for this earth experience now but we also have an eternal hope when we confess and profess that Jesus is Lord and the only one who can remove our guilty sins. One of the most helpful things I can do is to go public with my struggles while sharing the hope that I have. When I openly share my hard places and say a promise, say from Philippians 1:6, where God tells us, “He Who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it until the day He returns,” I find that I’m not alone because someone else needed to hear exactly the same thing. The earth experience is hard but there’s always hope. Keep on keeping on…everyday. 7/21/2023
Being Alive with HopeFriday Matters- July 21, 2023
Everyday Living Water Don’t fret yourself about your sin issues because God first pours out His love to you and then He gently exposes your sin, offering a way for you to change direction, to receive full pardon and freedom. This is what He did with the Samaritan woman at the well. He didn’t meet her with condemnation. He first met her thirst. He offered her living water (eternity with God), but also let her know He knew all about her. She ran back to town to tell others about Him, not because she felt condemned, but because she had been offered hope and a way out. People are not drawn to judgment. They are drawn to true friendship and that is what Jesus is, a real best friend. No greater love can a man have than to give His life for His friends (John 15:13). Think of the ways you are most loved, it’s when someone meets and loves you right where you’re at. Be that kind person who loves others like that…everyday. 7/20/2023
Knowing PeaceThursday Matters- July 20, 2023
Everyday Umpire of Peace I always thought that having peace was a feeling and so I thought if I prayed God would give me a feeling about how to proceed. Years later, through prayer and understanding, I realize God’s gives peace in the way of “knowing” rather than just a feeling. This comes by way of the Holy Spirit. Think how an umpire in a ball game decides if a player is “in” or “out” and in Colossians 3:15 there’s the Umpire of Peace, “Let the peace from Christ act as umpire in your hearts deciding and settling all questions that come into your mind.” We are able to ask God a question and trust the Holy Spirit on how to proceed. I remember my young friend, Rhonda, asking me if she should take an additional job because finances were tough but then again the long hours would affect her family too. At first, my feelings were, “Take the job.” But after we prayed together neither of us had peace. So Rhonda refused the job and almost immediately help came in a different way. Pray with and for peace the “Umpire of Peace”…everyday. 7/19/2023
Significance in IdentityWednesday Matters- July 19, 2023
Everyday Rachel and Leah I’ve always felt so bad for Leah from the Old Testament because Jacob loved Rachel best, she was the more attractive sister but he’s tricked into marrying Leah first. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Oh…..the insignificance Leah must have felt based on her looks. It’s a battle girls face from the earliest of ages—the message that beauty is what the world tells you it is—instead of what God says it is. In the Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones I am drawn to the story of Leah. She thought no one wanted her, only to find that God indeed loved her. He gave her the ultimate fairytale come true story: He made her a princess—one of her children’s children’s children would be a prince; the Prince of Heaven and Earth. The final redemption for eternity is Jesus who came from the lineage of Leah. The fairy tale really does come true. The Hero comes back for His lost treasure; the Prince comes back for the one He loves. And “the ending of our Story is Joy …everyday. 7/18/2023
No ShameTuesday Matters- July 18, 2023
Everyday It's Personal Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve or talk about it because it’s personal, it’s private?” I think it’s sad that someone would want to keep private the hope and truth they have in Jesus. But then if it’s just a religion someone has I guess I can see why they’d want to keep it private, there’s no freedom in religion, only rules. But once a person “gets” the relationship, they get excited about sharing the freedom they’re experiencing. Our son Peter recently got a tattoo of the Sword of the Spirit inked on his right arm and he literally is displaying is faith. Millions throughout the centuries have suffered or died in order to get the message of God’s love and forgiveness out, the message of a personal relationship with Christ, not a religion. Sharing my testimony of what God has done in my life freely and openly allows me to understand Romans 1:16, “I’m not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it’s the power of salvation to all who believe.” I plan on getting tattoo “the helmet of salvation” on my arm. It’s simply another way to share the hope of Christ…everyday. |
January 2025