Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Hope in Your JourneyMonday Matters-November 30, 2020
Everyday Journey In life’s journey we all want to be known and loved and Jesus knows us better than anyone and still loves us. I remember teaching Zephaniah 3:17 and God’s main point is the constant, never ending love He wants us to know and experience. He delights in us as His child. He knows us, our pain, the ache from the loved lost, the cancer that came, anxiety attacks you may have along with depression, the lie that spread— He knew before I knew. HE IS here, waiting to make creative, redemptive use of what has happened. He is always on the move. He isn’t wasting time thinking about all the trouble He has with us or how awful we feel about where we are with ourselves and our troubles. God is not mad at you. He grieves for wrong choices or things done to us but He loves us madly and deeply everyday. 11/27/2020
Choosing a Life of FreedomFriday Matters-November 27, 2020
Everyday Life Choice My husband Dan and I were on the couch once again having “the talk.” Oh, you know the talk about finances and getting out of debt? Dan proceeded in a serious tone talking about what “we” needed to do but it sounded more like a lecture about what “I” needed to do. I wanted to shout; “If you don’t like the way things are, look at the changes you can make. Don’t wait for me to change.” I even had a verse to go with “my talk”; Deuteronomy 30:19; “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” But for some reason I sat silently and prayed. And by the end of Dan’s lamentation he actually said, “I guess I need to look at the choices I can make and not put it all on you.” And I think, “Why don’t I shut my mouth more often and simply pray? It’s a life-giving choice to make…everyday. 11/26/2020
DatingThursday Matters-November 26, 2020
Everyday Wives I don’t want to be like Rebekah who said to Isaac in Genesis 27:46; “What good will my life be to me if Jacob takes wives such as Esau did with these Hittite women (women who didn’t know the living God)?” Once my husband Dan began a relationship with Christ he didn’t see the point in dating so he prayed very specifically to God for a wife. Three years after this prayer, God answered and Dan got me! Because God knew both our hearts He matched us together perfectly. I know, without a doubt, that the prayers of my great grandfather and other family members played a significant part in bringing my husband Dan and I together. When our four sons where young, before school I made it a practice to put my hand on each their heads and pray for their future wives. I want them to also have the assurance that God chose someone specifically for them to spend their lives with…everyday. 11/25/2020
How to PrayWednesday Matters-November 25, 2020
Everyday Simple Prayer Sometimes I like reading the Message Bible because of its everyday relatable language. I mean look at Matthew 6: 5-13 telling us how to simply prayer; "Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place and just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His grace. The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. God knows better than you what you need. Pray simply: Our Father in heaven, reveal who You are. Set the world right; Do what's best— as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with You and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You're in charge! You can do anything you want! You're ablaze in beauty…everyday! 11/24/2020
Sharing Your FaithTuesday Matters-November 24, 2020
Everyday It’s Personal Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve or talk about it because it’s personal, it’s private?” I think it’s sad that someone would want to keep private the hope and truth they have in Jesus. But then if it’s just a religion someone has, I guess I can see why they’d want to keep it private, there’s no freedom in religion, only rules. But once a person “gets” the relationship, they get excited about sharing the freedom they’re experiencing. They can’t help but share His love with others! Millions throughout the centuries have suffered or died in order to get the message of God’s love and forgiveness out, the message of a personal relationship with Christ, not a religion. Sharing my testimony of what God has done in my life freely and openly allows me to understand Romans 1:16, “I’m not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it’s the power of salvation to all who believe” …everyday. 11/23/2020
God’s DaughtersMonday Matters-November 23, 2020
Everyday Rachel & Leah I’ve always felt so bad for Leah from the Old Testament because Jacob loved Rachel best, she was the more attractive sister but he’s tricked into marrying Leah first. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Oh…. the insignificance Leah must have felt based on her looks. It’s a battle girls face from the earliest of ages—the message that beauty is what the world tells you it is—instead of what God says it is. In the Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones I am drawn to the story of Leah. She thought no one wanted her, only to find that God indeed loved her. He gave her the ultimate fairytale come true story: He made her a princess—one of her children’s children’s children would be a prince; the Prince of Heaven and Earth. The final redemption for eternity is Jesus who came from the lineage of Leah. The fairy tale really does come true. The Hero comes back for His lost treasure; the Prince comes back for the one He loves. And “the ending of our Story is Joy …everyday. 11/20/2020
God’s Crazy LoveFriday Matters-November 20, 2020
Everyday Am I Crazy I know I hear God’s voice but sometimes I feel crazy thinking, “Maybe it’s just me with what I want to hear. But if we have entered into a personal relationship with Christ we then have the Holy Spirit making His home in us. I know…right!? His voice is His Word speaking truth to our hearts and mind and yea, we can actually hear from God. Proverbs 20:12 reminds us that gifts from the Lord are ears to hear and eyes to see. Yes He gives us physical sight and hearing but He also created us to hear and see spiritually too. Unfortunately our own sin blinds us and deafens us. It’s not because we weren’t created with the ability to perceive in any of these ways. It’s the gunk of sin blinding our vision and clogging our ears. I am so glad we get fresh mercy every morning cuz I use my allotted amount daily. Let’s stop, listen and hear from Jesus who makes the difference in our lives…everyday. 11/19/2020
The Hope of HeavenThursday Matters-November 19, 2020
Everyday Narnia Do you know how exciting it is to finally realize that this life on earth is just a shadow of the life and adventure that is yet to come? In the book, The Last Battle which is the final book in the Narnian Chronicles by C.S. Lewis, he paints a picture of heaven which makes me get why in 2 Corinthians 5; we should all be groaning and longing to be living in our heavenly dwelling. On the last page of this final book it reads, “And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story, which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.” Oh my, sign me up for this…everyday! 11/18/2020
God’s Grace IS WorkingWednesday Matters-November 18, 2020
Everyday Performer I am performer. I love the stage. I love to take on a new character, an accent and present to an audience. But when it comes to real life I don’t want to perform. I want to be viewed as real, honest and sincere. No matter how long we’ve known Jesus personally, or professed ourselves as a believer it’s still important to go back to our ABC’S of Christianity: Admit, Believe and Confess. Admit we can’t go at it alone. We need the grace of God. Believe Jesus is who He says He is, trust Him. And Confess our own sin and stop trying to point out everyone else’s. Just think if your “thought-life” was recorded from just yesterday? Think of the judging of others, including yourself. HOWEVER, there is a God who knows EXACTLY our thoughts, dreams, hurts, motives and desires. He’s there with grace to make us new. Jesus loves with no conditions. He is always on the move in our lives with redemption and grace. This crazy love is from Jesus in a relationship and not through religion…everyday. 11/17/2020
God CaresTuesday Matters-November 17, 2020
Everyday Small Town I was feeling depressed the other day because the weather was too cold, and my boys were driving me crazy. I felt like I couldn’t get anything done. I felt stuck. But then my dear friend from a big city said; “Debbie, this will pass. In the meantime, remember you’re on the radio everyday encouraging a lot of people and they don’t realize you’re in your pajamas and live in a small little town.” “Yeah,” I said. “But I feel small.” But still it helped to hear, "You’re making a difference." It's not that we always want the solution but just to know we're okay, that we are loved and that we matter. It also helps to know that Jesus said in Matthew 28:20; “I am with you always.” Not, “I will always be talking to you, comforting you, perfecting you, explaining to you.” “I will be with you.” God will answer our needs, but not necessarily with words. But just knowing He’s there, that makes all the difference…everyday. |
January 2025