Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Caring what God thinksThursday Matters- June 30, 2022
Everyday Acknowledge God Wouldn’t it be nice if every time we asked God a question we could just randomly open our Bibles and there’d be our answer? Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. But the thing is, our answers are in the Bible and when we spend time there everyday we begin to learn the ways of God. We also begin to trust God knowing from Proverbs 3:6 that if we acknowledge God in all of our ways, He will direct our paths. Acknowledging God really means to care about what He thinks. In the Bible in I Chronicles, the Prophet Nathan, told David that he could go ahead and build a house for God. But the next day Nathan got word that one of David’s sons would build instead. What’s cool is that because David had a heart for God he could praise God for this answer even though he might have been a little disappointed. Acknowledging and caring what God thinks makes a huge difference in how we respond to things and what the outcome is…everyday. 6/29/2022
Grace for ALLWednesday Matters- June 29, 2022
Everyday Perfection Addict It’s exhausting trying to run the treadmill to perfection. I got off it. It goes nowhere. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Most of us, to some extent, need to be delivered from the fear of people and from caring too much about what others think. People who always need the approval of others desperately want everyone to see the way they look, the things they say, every action they take—they want people to say, “Perfect.” If we try to be perfect, we’ll be disappointed. You and I are imperfect human beings. An attitude shift is what needs to happen for things to change and never mind I told my husband earlier; “Today I feel like complaining and blaming someone else.” THAT’S always easier than taking personal responsibility but certainly not healthier. We need to be confident that God accepts us with our imperfections. He will continue to work in us but we don’t have to struggle to win His approval or the approval of others. God is for us…everyday. 6/28/2022
The Earth BattleTuesday Matters- June 28, 2022
Everyday The Enemy I have to constantly remind myself who the enemy is. It’s not other people like we so often think (not that the enemy doesn’t use people because he does) but he’s the real enemy. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Satan’s everyday goal is for our destruction to break up relationships, friendships, families and marriages. God tells us in Ephesians 6 that our armor of six pieces isn’t gonna just jump on us but so we must put it on: 1) Helmet of Salvation-We are covered by Christ’s blood & we need to protect our thoughts 2) Belt of Truth-To combat the lies of the enemy 3) Breastplate of righteousness-we are made right in Christ 4) Shoes of Peace-We can receive peace no matter what 5) Shield of Faith-Holding on to God’s promises in faith no matter what happens 6) The Sword of the Spirit/The Word of God-This weapon is defensive & offensive. Put on the full armor of God and you will have victory to overcome the enemy …everyday. 6/27/2022
A Real ChristianMonday Matters-June 27, 2022
Everyday Authentic Christian If your life is one that reflects radical, authentic Christianity, then you are making people better rather than bitter after having had contact with you. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. But one thing cannot happen: people will never remain the same. No one ever came into contact with Jesus and went away the same. An authentic Christian strives to love and live as Jesus did. Put your name in the blank when you read 1 Corinthians 13: and ask yourself if that is true of you: “I am patient and kind. I am not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. I do not demand my own way. I am not irritable, and I keep no record of being wronged. I rejoice whenever the truth wins out. I never give up, never lose faith, and I am always hopeful. I endure through every circumstance.” Wow, I’m certainly not there but Living a life of love is our highest calling. Are you and I walking in love?” because “if we don’t love others then we’ve gained nothing”…everyday. 6/24/2022
Jesus Meets ALL NeedsFriday Matters-June 24, 2022
Everyday The Great I AM Think about how crazy it was for Moses to hear God speaking from a burning bush. It seems a little weird too. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. God speaks in love but He’s direct when He tells Moses, “Get to Egypt, get my people and GO!” And when Moses asks “What should I say to the people when they ask me your name?” it seems that God didn’t want to spend a lot of time telling Moses all the things He was, so He simply said in Exodus 3:14, “Tell My people I AM has sent Me to you!” “Okay, whatever that means”, Moses must have thought but upon “seeing” who God really was, Moses probably realized that I AM meant everything! God IS saying, “What you need… I AM! I AM your navigator, speaker, provider, comforter, and strength …I AM EVERYTHING YOU NEED when you need it. That gives me incredible hope to carry-on and I hope it does for you too…everyday!” 6/23/2022
Peace in Hard PlacesThursday Matters- June 23, 2022
Everyday Airport Crabby I was in the airport traveling to speak and I was crabby and I felt negative. Things weren’t right in my head. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. So, I did what I tell others, “God to the Bible. Listen to God.” I recited some scripture aloud. Nothing. Then I realized I needed TO APPLY what God was telling me. I remembered Isaiah 32:17; “And the effect of righteousness will be peace--internal and external, quietness and confidence.” Righteousness means I’m in right standing with God but it’s not because of anything I do but because I receive what HE DID for me. Righteousness means we know who we are in Christ! Quietly I walked around the airport saying; I’m the daughter of the King. He began a good work in me. He’s working all things for the good. And after a while of repeating and applying Isaiah 32:17 the effect of righteousness was peace-internal and external. Remember feelings are indicators but don’t let them be dictators. Walk in truth and receive peace…everyday. 6/22/2022
God Welcomes ALLWednesday Matters- June 22, 2022
Everyday Come to the Table Come sit down. Let me hear your story, your heart. Tell me what you’re feeling because your feelings are valid and you are welcome at my table. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. We all are welcome at God’s table too because we’re all created and loved by Him. He will never reject or withdraw His love from us, but He does reject sin. Sin is not welcome at the table. It’s taken me years to really grasp that God fully knows me and yet He fully loves me, completely, just as am. What God doesn’t love is sin because it’s a barrier to us having a relationship with Him. Sin wins unless pardoned. Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross to pay the full price for our sin. His resurrection proves He succeeded. Come and sit, invite others to sit at God’s table with you. Through God’s unconditional love He will show Himself with all we need to be filled with hope and peace…everyday. 6/21/2022
Grieving LossTuesday Matters- June 21, 2022
Everyday A Friend in Loss Debbie, what do you say to parents that are losing their little 16th month old boy to cancer? The parents are Christian but can’t understand why God won’t heal their baby? Can you help me with an answer? Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Nothing you say will make them feel like it’s fair. The best thing to say is, "I don't know why this is happening. I hate that it's happening and that you’re hurting. But I am not God, and I don't know why He has allowed this. You’re right that it isn't fair. Why doesn’t God fix the pain? He's a big God...tell Him how you feel. It won't stop for a moment His great love toward you. We want to fix the hurt for our friend or want God to fix it. Don’t try to speak for God. Take your friend out, listen to them cry or just sit beside them and say nothing. Even Jesus wept when He went to the grave of Lazarus. Just let friend know you you’re there and you care…everyday. 6/20/2022
Growing in PatienceMonday Matters-June 20, 2022
Everyday Good Fruit What kind of fruit do you like? I like bananas but only if they’re slightly green. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. In the Bible we can read about bearing good fruit in our lives which is delicious like the fruit of love, joy, peace and patience. But how is this fruit developed and how does true change in us happen? Fruit only grows quickly in time-lapse photography. Truth needs cultivating and it actually starts with us knowing and playing “the CD of truth” in our minds until it becomes more prominent than the old negative CD we were all born with. “God loves me right where I am and not where I think I should be.” I don’t have to earn His love.” Play that repeatedly in your mind. Christ proved His love and acceptance ONCE on the cross by His death and resurrection. We have that same power available to us now, through the Holy Spirit. WOW! We can bear good fruit that will change us and those who come in contact with us…everyday. 6/17/2022
Social Media LoveFriday Matters-June 17, 2022
Everyday Facebook Delete What? She deleted me on Facebook. What? I thought we were friends. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. I think most of us who use Facebook have either been deleted by someone or we’ve done the deleting. Sure, reasons to un-friend a Facebook friend like: you're cleaning up your Facebook, you don’t really know a person or someone is malicious; are valid reasons to “delete” someone. However, to un-friend someone because you’re hurt because they didn't meet your expectations, is unkind. It’s kinda like kicking someone and running away. Your intent is to hurt them because you've been hurt. There’s no justification for that. What is friendship all about? What does God say? Look at Proverbs 17:17; “A friend loves at all times.” And we must all know… “Love is kind.” We also know love doesn’t demand its own way or keep a record of being wronged. Having a good friend is a blessing but being one, I think the blessing might be even bigger…everyday. |
May 2024