Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
TrialsTuesday Matters- September 17, 2024
Everyday Training Trials Sometimes don’t you feel like you’ve been wandering in the wilderness for an awful long time and it’s high time things should start looking brighter? I’ve been there. And what helps me is to understand that the trials I’m facing are like tests given in a course that God has allowed to prepare me for my future. The class in the wilderness is not easy but knowing that God had to first approve what’s happening to me and it’s also no surprise to Him, helps me to understand the scriptures which say; “He who began a good work in you will complete it so rejoice in your trials because they’ll produce character which will bring you hope.” God permits Satan to contest the believer. We’re given these tests to train us so that by Isaiah 45:3 we will be given treasures hidden in the darkness. But let’s remember the rest of the verse; “He will do this so we may know that He’s the Lord, the One who calls us by name…everyday.” 9/10/2024
FeelingsTuesday Matters- September 10, 2024
Everyday Feelings It’s so important to remember; feelings are indicators, but don’t let them be dictators. Get it? Feelings are valid and they indicate good and bad things happening in our lives, but we shouldn’t let them lead us, especially when we feel afraid. I read this post on Instagram which said, “And then I realized that to be more alive I had to be less afraid, so I did it, I lost my fear and gained my whole life.” We may feel fear but the way to lose “it” is to go forward in courage despite what we feel which I know is insanely difficult but always worth it. The only way we can do that and leave our fears behind is by leaning into the grace and hope God gives us. Think about what God says in Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous.” Don’t give up because of feelings. Don’t let fear immobilize you because God will be the one who keeps on walking with you, and He won’t abandon you EVER…everyday. 9/3/2024
PatienceTuesday Matters- September 3, 2024
Everyday Flea Market As I stood in a hut, waiting in a crammed line to buy a necklace from a flea market vendor I decided to pray for the artist rather than sigh with exasperated impatience. I thought; "Being patient isn't so much about the amount of time I wait but more about my attitude while I wait." Besides, this was another opportunity for me to develop the fruits of the spirit and the fruit of patience is far from being ripe. When it was finally my turn at the counter the artist's mother who was helping said, "I've been watching you wait in line, and you weren’t impatient by all that was around you. There’s something different about you. You have peace." It's not always what we say but how we behave that makes an impact. And it’s not always easy but from 1 John 4:16 we can rely on God’s love for help. Because when we live in God, He lives in us…everyday. 8/27/2024
Love OthersTuesday Matters- August 27, 2024
Everyday Love Others "How do we love and accept difficult people?” Someone asked me that question. I know…right? God loves us ALL and we are all created in His image. The ONLY way to love others genuinely is by the love God gives to us. 2 Peter 1:9 really made me think, “For whoever lacks the genuine quality of love is blind to what they have been given from accepting Christ. Jesus has wiped off, erased from the books, our own sinful lives.” He has cleared us. We’re free. I KNOW it’s hard. You’re hurt. It’s unfair. The “other person” has the problem and not you. BUT love covers. God covers you; He sees and knows all the stuff you shouldn’t have done and the things you should’ve done and He still loves you. He wants you to show that love to others even though you may need to set a boundary with them. Forgive others just like He loves and forgive you. You can do it with Him; the power of the Holy Spirit…everyday. 8/20/2024
Your ImportanceTuesday Matters- August 20, 2024
Everyday Important What makes you feel important loved or even liked? How often do you check the “likes” on your Instagram or Facebook post? I know. Been there. Done that. But REALLY the place I feel the most love is when I know who I am and whose I am. I’m God’s girl. He loves all of you and He LONGS to have you rid yourself of the garbage and dirt that makes you feel ashamed or unloved. We’re so important and significant to God. He gets us, gives us gifts to have purpose and He never stops loving us. Jesus instructs that we’re to be willing to accept ourselves as least in importance. The least is a symbol of those who have the lowest places in society; the poor and the oppressed, the prostitutes, the tax collectors. But Jesus concern was that these should not be treated as inferior (Matthew 18:10). He was well aware of their feelings of shame, and because of their humility and His compassion they were of REALLY great value. Remember with God, you’re always popular…everyday. 8/13/2024
TrustTuesday Matters- August 13, 2024
Everyday Love VS Trust Can we love someone and at the same time not trust them? That does not mean we have to give someone access to our bank account just to prove we “love” them when they have and continue to steal from us. We show compassion for an alcoholic by offering our help. We also show compassion by not “enabling” the alcoholic by protecting them from consequences for their bad actions. Many times, consequences are the “severe mercy” that is needed to get their attention. The caution is to make sure we have not elected ourselves their jury and judge. It's the Holy Spirit who guides and directs us in how we should move forward in love which might be setting a boundary or not continuing in conversation with someone when they repeatedly spew out garbage to us. Trust in God who loves you and the other person. He’ll take care of us, He’ll take care of them…EVERYTHING, no matter what…everyday. 8/6/2024
SinTuesday Matters- August 6, 2024
Everyday Sinners Club God is love. God is holy. Sometimes we can get out of balance with both, too liberal in our definition of love or we become too legalistic in keeping God’s commands. Don’t miss the point; ABOVE ALL is God’s love. We think since God has the power to do something, unless He does it, He does not love. Yet, because God is pure love, He cannot accept evil in any form. God's holiness demands consequences for sin. Today, many people want to run from consequences. The lack of teaching on true morality has lowered the bar. Sometimes we tell God; "Our sins are not so wrong. What others do is much worse." I’ve been there…done that. Ecclesiastes 12 tells us; “Everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil” will come before Him. We are all in the sinner’s club and we all need to be in the Savior’s club …everyday. 7/30/2024
HopeTuesday Matters- July 30, 2024
Everyday It Get’s Better When God speaks, He is full of love and truth, but when the devil speaks, he speaks lies and offers counterfeit love. Life is already full of challenges and listening to the enemy’s lies makes it a zillion times harder. On darker days remember this, “The enemy knows your name, but calls you by your sin. Jesus knows your sin but calls you by your name.” In the Book of Revelation, you can read of God’s power and authority and also read how the devil, the prince of this world is continually bringing accusations against us. BUT when you accept the sacrifice of Christ on the cross ALL your sins are forgiven, and His grace is continual. You have the hope of heaven where you’ll be fully restored with continued purpose. Being “born again” is a term I don’t hear much anymore, but it means being made new with an implant of hope. It’s a place the enemy will no longer have access to us …everyday. 7/23/2024
ForgivenessTuesday Matters- July 23, 2024
Everyday Offense We can say we trust in God to avenge or defend us but when we take matters into our own hands we aren’t putting a lot of trust in God taking care of our hurt. A big challenge is not to pick up the offense of a friend or family member who’s been hurt. I’m guilty there. But when we take on someone else’s offense we’re sucking the poison of their sin and we become bitter along with them. I’ve seen this happen when a parent’s anger towards someone passes on to their children. Remember if only one side of the story is presented you don’t have the whole truth and may have a cocktail of lies. It’s the enemy’s plan to ruin relationships. God’s plan is to restore. Follow Deuteronomy 30:19 which tells us to make the choices which bring life so that we and generations to come may live meaningful lives. More is caught than taught and the way your children trust God will have a lot to do with the way you trusted God in relationship conflicts…everyday. 7/16/2024
WisdomTuesday Matters- July 16, 2024
Everyday Sharp Do you know someone who’s served in the military? I know many and one of them is my husband, Dan. Military persons serve as an act of love for others. I remember Dan telling me that in the army they were constantly drilled that they needed to keep their weapons clean and ready for use. A useless weapon not only made the soldier useless, but also a liability because now someone else needs to pick up the slack. In Ephesian 6 God gives us a list of armor, but only one weapon—the Bible which is the Sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon of the six God’s calls us to “put on.” Our knowledge of the Word is its sharpness. There are so MANY things screaming for our attention and I’m sure, like me, you are being pulled in many directions. But God never changes no matter what the direction of our day is. So Let the Word of God be in your head and heart; sharpened…everyday. |
May 2024