Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Forgiveness of OthersFriday Matters- April 28, 2023
Everyday Cake Mercy “Dan, c’mon, please pay the bill. My allowance won’t cover it.” I was asking for grace from my husband as I handed him the bill for spending too much at J. Crew Clothing. Whew…he forgave and paid the bill. But when I went home, I discovered that a stick of butter, my special cake plate and a container of frosting was missing. My nephew had baked a cake while I was away. I called and scolded him for not replacing my supplies. When I hung up the phone, I realized I was acting like the ungrateful servant in Matthew 18. A king was about to punish this servant for a debt of millions but instead had pity and forgave. The servant, not grateful, instantly found his friend who owed him thousands and had him thrown in prison. I got the memo. God gives fresh mercy to us so how can we afford to withhold mercy from others …everyday. 4/27/2023
Hearing GodThursday Matters- April 27, 2023
Everyday Hearing God I know I hear God’s voice but sometimes I feel crazy thinking, “Maybe it’s just me with what I want to hear. But if we have entered into a personal relationship with Christ we then have the Holy Spirit making His home in us. I know…right!? His voice is His Word speaking truth to our hearts and mind and yea, we can actually hear from God. Proverbs 20:12 reminds us that gifts from the Lord are ears to hear and eyes to see. Yes He gives us physical sight and hearing but He also created us to hear and see spiritually too. Unfortunately, our own sin blinds us and deafens us. blinding our vision and clogging our ears. I am so glad we get fresh mercy every morning cuz I use my allotted amount daily. Let’s stop, listen and hear from Jesus who makes the difference in our lives…everyday. 4/26/2023
God’s GraceWednesday Matters- April 26, 2023
Everyday Amazing Grace Not that long ago, I had a new believer write me who was moved by me singing Amazing Grace in church. The words, “saved a wretch like me” along with “I was blind but now I see” really moved them because they realized that God had saved them from their wretchedness. We are all blinded by lies and sin but through Christ our eyes can be opened. It’s funny because someone had asked me to sing the song as a favor to them and it made me think how favor and grace are both translated from the same Greek word charis. When I do something for someone as a favor I expect nothing in return, it is a gift, a blessing I give to someone. It’s the same way with God. His favor to us from John 3:16 is that He loved us so much that He gave His one and only Son so that if we believe in Him we will have eternal life, His grace…everyday. 4/25/2023
Blessed in TrialsTuesday Matters- April 25, 2023
Everyday We Are Poor When I honestly accepted who God said I was, loved, redeemed and not a mistake, I felt I could stop pretending and performing. I need Him desperately. It is not the “they” who are poor, sinful and lost. It’s awareness that we ourselves are the primary target. Unless we acknowledge that we are the sinners, the sick ones and the lost sheep for whom Jesus came, we do not belong to the “blessed” who know that they are poor and inherit the Kingdom. It’s a dangerous zone when get our assurance from wealth or our status. Realize THIS, that ”they” is you and me, wretched, pitiably poor and so often blind. Isaiah 64 lays things out clearly when we begin to think, “I’m doing really well here.” “We’re all unclean and all our righteous acts are like filthy garbage. It’s what Jesus did on the cross that cleans us up and sets us free…everyday. 4/24/2023
HealingMonday Matters-April 24, 2023
Everyday Blind Jesus meets a man who’s been blind since birth. I don’t know how brief their encounter was but in that time Jesus bent down took some mud and rubbed the man’s eyes with it and when he opened them he could see. Immediately the Pharisees-the Religious Leaders, questioned the man wanted him to proclaim Jesus a sinner….WHAT? But the blind’s response is brilliant in John 9:25, “Whether He is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see!” He didn’t know how or why he had been healed but he knew a miracle had taken place and he wasn’t afraid to tell the truth. We don’t have to all the answers in order to share Christ with others. What’s important is that we tell people the truth of how God’s love and forgiveness has changed our lives. Use your experiences and share your testimonies, to help others see Him too …everyday. 4/21/2023
IdentityFriday Matters- April 21, 2023
Everyday Right Relationship “What’s wrong with me?” Sometimes that’s what goes through my mind when I just can’t seem to stop thinking negatively or I rehearse what I should’ve done differently (like not opening my big mouth). Yes, I’m a sinner but God tells us that we’re all sinners in Romans 3:23. We all fall short of the glory of God. But watch out cuz Satan wants us to feel worthless. He knows that without confidence we’ll never step out in faith. He knows if he can keep us in the prison of self-hatred, self-rejection or plain not liking ourselves that he’ll prevent us from making progress plus we’ll be a threat to him! We must believe we’ve been made righteous in God’s sight before we’ll behave rightly. We can’t produce the fruit of something when no seed has been sown. Think about it; Jesus is the Righteous Seed sown in death and resurrected in power so that means we are accepted and approved and the righteousness of God-yes we’re in a right relationship with God by Christ’s GOODNESS…everyday. 4/20/2023
RestorationThursday Matters- April 20, 2023
Everyday Restore Here’s the deal of God’s good news from 2 Corinthians 5:17; " If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” However that doesn’t mean our flesh isn’t at times screaming for what we found pleasurable in our old life. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit, Who lives in us at the time we receive Christ, can we can truly let the past be the past. It’s not what we do, but what God does in and through us that sets us free. Our “do” is our choice to listen to His voice and His Word. James 4:4 tells us that if we choose to be a friend of the world we take our stand as an enemy of God. Wow, that’s a truth statement. We may profess to be a Christian, but are we really “saved” when we choose to follow what the world has approved but God calls sin? Christ in us knows the way for us to walk. We still struggle with sin, but it’s important that we acknowledge sin as sin and then confess, change direction, and allow God to restore us…everyday. 4/19/2023
MarriageWednesday Matters- April 19, 2023
Everyday Marriage Bumps I’ve been helping a couple through some difficult times in their marriage, and I’m so encouraged by their willingness to focus on Christ while looking at what they need to do as individuals for a healthy marriage. Hannah wrote saying, “In working on our marriage Ryan and I are finally realizing that we need to look through the eyes of Jesus when we’re angry and frustrated because when anger takes over, we get lost and caught up in our own individual "rights." We lost sight of the goal which is to have a restored marriage. It’s so hard to let go of the offense and hurt but in the end, we know that’s what real forgiveness is all about. Please pray that I’ll continue to honor my husband and stay focused on Jesus. My prayer is from Philippians 2:2 asking God to give them the grace and strength to agree wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose for a great marriage…everyday. 4/18/2023
Kindness of HumanityTuesday Matters- April 18, 2023
Everyday Flea Market As I stood in a hut, waiting in a crammed line to buy a necklace from a flea market vendor I decided to pray for the artist rather than sigh with exasperated impatience. I thought; "Being patient isn't so much about the amount of time I wait but more about my attitude while I wait." Besides this was another opportunity for me to develop my fruits of the spirit and the fruit of patience is far from being ripe. When it was finally my turn at the counter the artist's mother who was helping said, "I've been watching you wait in line and you weren’t impatient by all that was around you. There’s something different about you. You have peace." It's not always what we say but how we behave that makes an impact. And it’s not always easy but from 1 John 4:16 we can rely on God’s love for help. Because when we live in God, He lives in us…everyday. 4/17/2023
ParentingMonday Matters-April 17, 2023
Everyday Training Sometimes don’t you feel like you’ve been wandering in the wilderness for an awful long time and it’s high time things should start looking brighter? I’ve been there. And what helps me is to understand that the trials I’m facing are like tests given in a course that God has allowed to prepare me for my future. The class in the wilderness is not easy but knowing that God had to first approve what’s happening to me and it’s also no surprise to Him, helps me to understand the scriptures which say; “He who began a good work in you will complete it so rejoice in your trials because they’ll produce character which will bring you hope.” God permits Satan to contest the believer. We’re given these tests to train us so that by Isaiah 45:3 we will be given treasures hidden in the darkness. But let’s remember the rest of the verse; “He will do this so we may know that He’s the Lord, the One who calls us by name…everyday.” |
January 2025