Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
UnbeliefFriday Matters- September 29, 2023
Everyday Unbelieving Husband It’s too bad that not all husbands are Christ followers, and do not love their wives as Christ loved the church, “a woman wrote me. “What happens to those wives,” she asked. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Admittedly a woman who has a husband that doesn’t see God as his Father-in-law has it harder. And even though I do have a husband who knows and loves God there are times I just don’t feel very loving towards him especially when I don’t think he’s doing “his husband part.” And it’s a lot easier to point out my husband’s flaws than look at my own. But if I ask God to help me love and see Dan as God sees and loves him I’m able to “do right” rather than “be right.” In John 14:15 God asks me, “Do you love Me Debbie?” Yes, of course,” I say. “Then obey Me.” This doesn’t mean picking and choosing what I feel like obeying. I can love honor my husband when I have Christ’s strength and not my own…everyday. 9/28/2023
God’s PromisesThursday Matters- September 28, 2023
Everyday God Said I went through Genesis chapter one and underlined all the verses where I saw the words, "GOD SAID." And I got really excited because I realized that everything on this earth came into existence by the power of God’s words! He this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God said, “Let there be stars and vegetation” and there was. And then the big finale’ when God said, “Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image,” and man was created! It just made me think about Hebrews 4:12 knowing that His Word is living and active and when spoken can have such power in our lives. I don’t know about you but far too often I trust in my feelings rather than the truth of what God tells me in His Word, the Bible! I mean there are all these super truth promises He has for us! I really am trying to choose to say what I know rather what I feel …everyday. 9/27/2023
Jesus Loves YouWednesday Matters- September 27, 2023
Everyday Jesus Love God is Love so when people see real love, they see God. Jesus tells us in John 13:35 that others will know we are His by how we love one another. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. I was encouraged to read this letter from a listener; “I got to be a blessing to a sweet, elderly gentleman today. I was putting my groceries into my vehicle when this gentleman pulled up alongside my van. He started talking to me, so I took the time to stand there and talk with him. His wife passed away two years ago so I figured he must be lonely. When we finished talking, I felt the Lord leading me to pray so I did. It was such a blessing for us both. We both had tears in our eyes and when he pulled away, he said “You made my day. I’m glad I heard God because many times out of fear I don’t listen.” The real power of love is seen in how we treat one another. Love is a choice, and it always gives…everyday. 9/26/2023
Forward FutureTuesday Matters- September 26, 2023
Everyday New Thing The Bible never once says; “Figure it out.” But over and over it says, “Trust God. He’s already got it all figured out.” Oh, but the ache of the wait and the question “Why God did this happen?” “Why” will never bring peace but knowing He’s the WAY…will. In Isaiah 43:19; God tells us He’s doing a NEW THING in our lives and then asks us; “Do you hear Me. Do you trust Me?” He’s asking us; “Will you live your life in a way that shows that you trust Me, and you’ll cooperate with me? Let’s stop thinking about the things of old but instead believe on the “new” and that God has a good plan for our future. Let’s get our mouths straightened out by doing something about our thoughts. Stop mentally living in the past and begin to think in agreement with God. It’s not because we are good but because God is good. He will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert as Isaiah 43:19 tells us. Trust God is doing a good and new thing in your life…everyday. 9/25/2023
HopeMonday Matters-September 25, 2023
Everyday Future Promises I love the blessing of a baby, but I don’t like the wait and discomfort of being pregnant. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. And it’s sometimes like that when God speaks to us about our future. WE become so excited or “pregnant” with what God tell us that we have a really hard time waiting. We can’t see into the spiritual realm, but we must trust and wait on God because activity is taking place concerning His promises in our lives. In Genesis 15 God told Abraham to look at the stars in the sky saying, “So shall your descendants be.” And the Lord counted it to Abraham as righteousness because Abe believed and trusted in what God told him his future would be. You might be pregnant with some good thing God has promised you and if so, put your hope and trust in Him and then wait for His perfect timing. He is always on aware and always on the move whether we see or feel He is at work or not. Wait in hope and faith…everyday. 9/22/2023
Marriage UnityFriday Matters- September 22, 2023
Everyday Marriage Unity I’d been helping a couple through some difficult times in their marriage, and I was so encouraged by their willingness to focus on Christ while looking at what they needed to do as individuals. Hey, this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Hannah wrote saying, “In working on our marriage Ryan and I are finally realizing that we need to look through the eyes of Jesus when we’re angry and frustrated because when anger takes over, we get lost and caught up in our own individual "rights." We lost sight of the goal which is to have a restored marriage. It’s so hard to let go of the offense and hurt but in the end, we know that’s what real forgiveness is, letting the other off our hook and putting them on God’s hook. Please pray that I’ll continue to honor my husband and stay focused on Jesus.” Hannah’s prayer was from Philippians 2:2 and it’s as well, asking God to give us the grace and strength to agree wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose…everyday. 9/21/2023
New LifeThursday Matters- September 21, 2023
Everyday Living Water Life is not easy and frankly sometimes I think it should be because I’m following Jesus but just because we have freedom in Jesus doesn’t mean we have freedom from problems. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Only some days don’t you feel like it’s all upstream? But it’s often the upstream swimming that makes us strong and more determined than ever to reach our goal. And hopefully that goal is following the path Jesus has for you because it really is the best path although it may not always FEEL that way. I always have to remind myself that Jesus is the WAY even though very often He doesn’t answer things my WHY. I remember speaking at a retreat with the theme; “Come to the Living Well.” My desire was to share the hope in Christ, so the gals were thirsty to drink from the fountain of Living Water which Jeremiah 2:13 talks about and not broken down cisterns that we make for ourselves which leave us dry and weary in a dusty world…everyday. 9/20/2023
God’s PresenceWednesday Matters- September 20, 2023
Everyday God in Us I shared on my Facebook page all the things love is according to 1 Corinthians 13 and then ended with; “Let God’s love live in you!” Someone made the comment; “So, then god is in all of us? Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. I responded by sharing 1 John 3:24; “And God has given us His Spirit as proof that we live in Him and He in us.” But we first must invite God into our lives in order for Him to make His home in us.” God is love, kind, patient, not boastful and doesn’t keep a record of wrongs. God is perfect and we are not. There are many times I’m jealous, rude, and I keep a record of wrongs done to me. But, by inviting God into my life and receiving His forgiveness I’m free to love as God does! When you’re conscious of God’s love all the time you can trust Him and say, “I KNOW how much He loves me. I put my trust in His love and I can walk in love…everyday!” 9/19/2023
AppearancesTuesday Matters- September 19, 2023
Everyday Vanity I told my Facebook friend it is always okay to post pictures of me because I can always have them deleted. So, she went ahead and posted photos from a party we were at and after viewing them… I wanted them deleted. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. “Vanity of all vanities” I wrote. “Please tell me my profile doesn't look that severe! I look too old or something....and my hair? Is that a hairstyle?” Okay, I know the drill, it's not how I look on the outside but about the beauty inside that really matters. Nevertheless, it’s OK to care about our outside appearance because that too helps us to be more confident too (it’s all about balance). I wrote my friend, “Anyway, thanks for being my friend and understanding...or tolerating me.” And my friend of Proverbs 17:17, who apparently loves at all times wrote back; “Debbie, I don't understand you or tolerate you. I love you. I think highly of you and am grateful for your friendship.” It’s so nice to be loved for who we are in all of our craziness…everyday. 9/18/2023
RelationshipsMonday Matters-September 18, 2023
Everyday Right Relationship “What’s wrong with me?” Sometimes that’s what goes through my mind when I just can’t seem to stop thinking negatively or I rehearse what I should’ve done differently. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. I’m a sinner but God tells us that we’re all sinners in Romans 3:23. We all fall short of the glory of God. But watch out cuz Satan wants us to feel wrong and worthless. He knows that without confidence we’ll never step out in faith to fulfill what God has planned for us. He knows if he can keep us in the prison of self-hatred, self-rejection or plain not liking ourselves that he’ll prevent us from making progress plus we’ll be a threat to him! We must believe we’ve been made righteous in God’s sight before we’ll behave rightly. We can’t produce the fruit of something when no seed has been sown. Think about it; Jesus is the Righteous Seed sown in death and resurrected in power so that means we are accepted and approved and the righteousness of God …everyday. |
January 2025