Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Walking in LoveFriday Matters- January 17, 2024
Everyday Walking in Love There will always be people in our lives who are difficult. And I also fall into the category of being a difficult person. Oh, but for the kindness, the grace of God, how can I live without Him? We must realize that the Holy Spirit according to 1 Peter 1:22 is the One Who purifies our hearts so we can allow the sincere love of God to flow through us to others. Walking in the love of God is the ultimate goal of Christianity and should be the primary pursuit of our lives rather than trying to get even with others. Jesus came and pronounced that all other commandments are summed up by loving God and loving others. When I think of what I can do for myself or how I can get others to bless me I'm filled with ME! But when I think of other people and how I can bless THEM I find myself filled with the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of love…everyday. 1/10/2025
ChangeFriday Matters- January 10, 2024
Everyday Change Me Oh, that place when you know the only change that will happen is if you God ask to change you. So, crying in the middle of a dark living room I asked God to forgive me, to change and mold and make me to be more like Him. I didn’t ask that He change the other person but instead I knew the only real solution was that my heart be changed. And still, you can cry, “It’s not fair,” and God gets it. I often don’t understand why a particular heartache is happening, but it isn’t always for me to understand. Know the answer to the question, “Can God be trusted?” And He can because of His grace and comfort to meet us right where we’re at. Humble yourself by swallowing your own pain and pride and look at Peter 5; “Humble yourselves under God and He will lift you up in due time and then cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” ...everyday. 1/3/2025
StabilityFriday Matters- January 3, 2024
Everyday Sober Minded The googled answer to, “How long can you survive without water,” is that person can generally survive without water for about three days. The answer to, “How long can you survive without alcohol is,” you need never drink an alcoholic beverage as long as you live (but drinking lots of water and eating green leafy vegetables is advisable). God’s best for me was to enter into sobriety. My husband said he didn’t see alcohol as problematic for me, but I knew it was. God told me abstinence was best, and I finally listened. Sometimes, I want to drink to numb the pain of life. It’s by God’s grace that I remain sober. God loves us uniquely and He created us, so He knows precisely what’s best for us. As time has gone by, I’ve noticed I’m more focused, creative and alert without alcohol. The political climate could drive anyone to drink (kidding) but how like God to direct me to 1 Peter 4:7-8 telling me to be self-controlled and sober minded for the sake of my prayers and to above all, keep loving others earnestly…everyday. 12/27/2024
Amazing GraceFriday Matters- December 27, 2024
Everyday Amazing Grace I remember when a new believer thanked me for singing Amazing Grace in church. The words, “saved a wretch like me” along with “I was blind but now I see” really moved them because they realized that God had saved them from their wretchedness. We are all blinded by lies and sin but through Christ our eyes can be opened. Even as a mature Christian we can become blind by what the world tells us isn’t sin and justify what’s wrong to be right. God in His mercy wants us to have our sin exposed because His grace wipes us clean. This person asked me to sing the song as a favor to them and it made me think how favor and grace are both translated from the same Greek word charis. When I do something for someone as a favor I expect nothing in return, it is a gift, a kindness I give. It’s the same way with God. His favor to us from John 3:16 is that He loved us so much that He gave His one and only Son so that if we believe in Him we will have eternal life, His grace…everyday. 12/20/2024
ComparisonFriday Matters- December 20, 2024
Everyday Like Me Not everyone likes me. I know. I believe in the death and resurrection of Christ being God for the forgiveness of my sins. I would be called a Christian, but it doesn’t mean that all Christians agree on the same beliefs. I have friends of diversity with different beliefs and lifestyles and some things we agree on and some things we don’t. I love people. Only people last forever and how we treat others will be the true legacy we leave behind. No matter who someone is I hope to always listen and learn while being kind. Honestly, I like to be challenged. But I’m not ashamed that I believe John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life.” This view doesn’t make me popular with everyone, but I try and seek God’s approval. My aim is to show the love of Christ by giving grace and treating others with kindness and respect regardless of our different opinions or beliefs…everyday. 12/13/2024
Unconditional LoveFriday Matters- December 13, 2024
Everyday Foot Washing It hurts so much when someone we know as a friend shares things about our character that aren’t true. I remember a speaker sharing her own experience on this. She felt she had forgiven her friend but every time she drove past her girlfriend’s home, resentment and pangs of hurt would surround her. She prayed. God answered. He told her He wanted her to picture Him washing her feet everyday thus showing her how much He loves and forgives her. She spent this time with Jesus and then the day came when He said, “Now I want you to wash your friend’s feet, “Okay but make sure the water is scalding,” she thought. It startled her that this was where her heart was, but she obeyed. She prayed and let the Holy Spirit change her as she mentally washed the feet of her friend. She’s still not in a restored friendship but she no longer has deep hurt when driving by her friend’s home. She let the love God had given her be given to her friend…everyday. 12/6/2024
RestorationFriday Matters- December 6, 2024
Everyday Restore Here’s the deal of God’s good news from 2 Corinthians 5:17; " If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” However, that doesn’t mean our flesh isn’t at times screaming for what we found pleasurable in our old life. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit, Who lives in us at the time we receive Christ, can we truly let the past be the past. It’s not what we do, but what God does in and through us that sets us free. Our “do” is our choice to listen to His voice and His Word. James 4:4 tells us that if we choose to be a friend of the world, we take our stand as an enemy of God. Wow, that’s a truth statement. We may profess to be a Christian, but are we really “saved” when we choose to follow what the world has approved but God calls sin? Christ in us knows the way for us to walk. We still struggle with sin, but it’s important that we acknowledge sin as sin and then confess, change direction, and allow God to restore us…everyday. 11/29/2024
AnxietyFriday Matters- November 29, 2024
Everyday Anxiety I have struggled with anxiety attacks and crazy anxious thoughts and the physical response my body has to fear can feel immobilizing. By God’s grace He gives courage to go forward despite it. It’s only by admitting our weakness and humbly changing direction toward God that we are repaired by God’s generous love. In his holiness He must punish sin because sin separates us from God but in His love, He cannot punish us. Christ proclaims our infinite worth and His eternal love for us aside from any human standard, even our own. We will live forever in a community of equals – saints and sinners, all, saved by grace. Remember Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” Our temporary imperfection is a quality which actually connects us to others rather than a secret shame which sets us apart. Becoming transparent and vulnerable will set you free with God’s grace and change you as well as other lives around you…everyday. 11/22/2024
PurposeFriday Matters- November 22, 2024
Everyday Purpose “What’s my purpose? What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” I’d like to suggest that your purpose is in front of you. When Mother Teresa was asked how she was able to minister to so many people she replied, “I simply serve the person God puts in front of me.” Love and serve the people God puts in front of YOU each day. I realized that if I wanted to be known and loved for who I am, I first had to be honest and vulnerable so I could fully share who I am with others. I’ve found that the part of you you're most afraid to share is, more than likely, the part others have been waiting with bated breath to see. To be seen vulnerably is a risk, but it’s one worth taking because it allows others to be vulnerable too. Focus on the people God puts in front of you each day. You make a difference by taking the time to listen and connect with others…everyday. 11/15/2024
HospitalityFriday Matters- November 15, 2024
Everyday Welcoming Table It’s taken me years to really grasp that God fully knows me and yet He fully loves me, completely, just as am. I can live authentically, free and unashamed and I can share this love with others so they too can be set free. What God doesn’t love is sin because it’s a barrier to us having a relationship with Him. Sin wins unless pardoned. I know that all are welcome at God’s table because we’re all His creation. He will never reject or withdraw His love from us, but He does reject sin. Sin is not welcome at the table, but sinners are. God is absolutely holy. In His holiness He must punish sin. We are all sinners. Yet because He is love, He didn’t want to punish us. He offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross to pay the full price for our sin. His resurrection proves He succeeded. The best way to welcome people to the table is through love and by God’s love He will show Himself with all we need to know…everyday. |
January 2025