Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Love OthersFriday Matters- June 30, 2023
Everyday Catch Em’ It’s hard when you see a mess in someone’s life, and you know exactly how they should clean-up their act. But it’s not our job. It’s our job to give people genuine love, and prayer and then ask God how He wants us to intervene. I believe the best way to live a life of love is to find a connection with others and love them right where they’re at. The Bible has all the answers for getting cleaned up but if you don’t trust the God of the Bible, who has all the answers, you’re not gonna be interested in following what He says. I love this cliché’, “Be ye fishers of men. You catch em’--He’ll clean em.” Once someone trusts and receives God’s unconditional love, they’ll want to know what He has to say. Hearts open with an attitude of, “I get to read the Bible” and not, “I have to.” The “I love others” fishing program really works. God knows us fully as we are and loves us fully … everyday. 6/29/2023
Mental IllnessThursday Matters- June 29, 2023
Everyday Take Your Meds “Lisa,” I wrote, “I know exactly where you’re at. You’re not a “bad Christian” because you went on medication for your depression. God doesn’t think that. He loves you where you’re at.” I went on meds for anxiety. It was hard. I felt; “Maybe I wasn't reading the right scripture, praying right or maybe I didn't have enough faith. We live in a fallen world with sickness and disease. The enemy wants us to believe we’re a failure when our sickness is mental but it’s a lie. We’re sick. We need healing and stability, and we limit God when we say He can only work on way. It was pride that kept me from wanting to take meds. I wanted to say; “God healed me without medication." Instead, He provided a way through meds. It’s a mind battle. It helped me to hear National Speaker Chonda Pierce dealt with medication and depression. She taped a message to her prescription bottle which read; “God loves you, Chonda. Take your medicine.” Don’t lose hope. You will get better…everyday. 6/28/2023
Identity in ChristWednesday Matters- June 28, 2023
Everyday I am Debbie I am Debbie with a slight curve of scoliosis made less noticeable with the surgery I had as an adult. I am Debbie who needs to look everyday in the mirror and wonder what else I can do to my hair that will change my life. I don’t want to care about it so much and there are times I don’t and I walk out in my pajamas to get groceries or record my radio feature at the station. Everyday, I have to remember the way He sees me despite my moral failings and missteps and bad hair days. In life’s journey we all want to be known and loved and Jesus knows us better than anyone and still loves us. He knows me, my pain. HE IS here, waiting to make creative, redemptive use of what has happened. He is always on the move. He isn’t wasting time thinking about all the trouble He has with us or how awful we feel about where we are with ourselves and our troubles. God loves us unconditionally. Walk forward knowing how much God loves you…everyday. 6/27/2023
HopeTuesday Matters- June 27, 2023
Everyday Surrender with Hope French fashion designer and businesswoman Coco Chanel said, “Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.” I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent a fair amount of time pounding on a wall hoping for a door to open and circumstances to change. AND YET when I finally surrender, I mean really and not just say it and allow God to work with what He decides is best I have hope. Changes may not come in the way I imagine but it’s God’s best way. Psalm 103:7 is a “go-to” verse for me, “Put your hope in God for with Him is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.” We can put our hope in other people or circumstances but when we let God have full control He is always on the move, and He’ll open doors. Look for the blessing and lesson in all difficult circumstance and difficult people in your life and God will bless you…everyday. 6/26/2023
FaithMonday Matters-June 26, 2023
Everyday Shields of Faith When my husband had cancer thirteen years ago it was hard, it was scary. But my relationship with God enabled me to receive peace despite the circumstances. Thankfully, Dan is cancer free but at the time of the tumor, surgery and chemo I had to be intentional to stop and breathe and let my anxiousness go to God. Of course, the enemy is always prowling around trying to steal our peace (1 Peter 5:8). One night I had a dream of my husband Dan and I standing in a circle between two pillars that spelled the word, “IS.” “What did that mean?” God said: “My grace IS sufficient.” “My power IS perfected in weakness.” And then I saw people praying in a circle around us, facing outwards and protecting us with shields of faith. The enemy was prowling around trying to find an entrance in hoping shake us up but the power of prayer and faith prevented him. THAT’S amazing. Remember GOD is good no matter what the circumstances are…everyday. 6/23/2023
Emotional WellnessFriday Matters- June 23, 2023
Everyday Sick Day A few times a year I take a “sick day” and I stay in my pajamas all day. I feel alone. I have issues and even though I KNOW better I don’t feel better. I put my head under my covers and wondered how long I could stay in bed. I talk to God. He reminds me of Hebrews 4:15 telling me He understands everything I’ve been through because He went through it too AND He doesn’t condemn me for our feelings. Sometimes when we feel closed in we think God is disappointed or mad at us. But He’s not. He loves you and me and He cares about what we care about no matter how distressed we may be. He hears our hearts and He knows what we’re thinking even before we speak. Give it all to God. Tell Him your heart and receive the peace He has for you no matter what or where you’re at…everyday. 6/22/2023
Don’t Give UpThursday Matters- June 22, 2023
Everyday Keep on Keeping On Often our prayers are ones where we cry about all that is wrong and we list what needs fixing. Just so you know, it’s more than OK to do this. God cares about our pain and all that happens to us. But sometimes we stop praying and give up on God because He didn’t answer the prayer like we thought – our sick friend got sicker and the marriage we prayed would stay together ended in divorce. That’s hard. I’m sorry if that’s been the outcome for you in a prayer, but please remember this; GOD WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU. Nothing you do or don’t will cause Him to withdraw His love and nothing is too small or too big for Him to take care of. He loves us personally. There is something redeemable in your mess and pain right now and if you can manage to get up and serve someone else who’s having a hard time, you’ll find hope. We all need a cup of hope and encouragement no matter who we are…everyday. 6/21/2023
Power of GodWednesday Matters- June 21, 2023
Everyday Power Released We’ve all made mistakes because we’re all sinners. Our sins hurt us and others on some level. God loves us and will use our messes to help ministry to others, but Satan will always try and condemn us, and he also works in others with his lies. You may have someone trying to convince you that your past can’t be forgiven unless you follow their rules of forgiveness. Or maybe it’s you are thinking, God couldn’t possible forgive “that” sin. Listen to 1 John 1:9; “If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.” Okay so think about how our kidneys work in our bodies, continuously cleansing us from impurities. Well, there IS POWER IN THE BLOOD of Jesus Christ which cleanses us, not just in the body, but in the spirit, continuously. Our responsibility is to admit we’ve sinned and CONFESS. We don’t ever want a sin blockage so our prayer life is polluted, and we can’t hear His voice of truth and healing…everyday. 6/20/2023
Christian LivingTuesday Matters- June 20, 2023
Everyday Living for Christ I know Jesus lives. He died and rose again. I can say it and I believe it. But the real question is; “Do I live my life as evidence that I believe Jesus is alive in me? Jesus died and He rose again and from His greatest act of love, His greatest power flows. The living Christ is then certainly not a dead hero. The Christian lives in Christ and Christ lives in the Christian by the power of the Holy Spirit. Think about it; we are empowered to lead a new life where sin has no place and if we don’t really believe or live this way then where is our faith? When I woke up today I was worrying about our son’s future and choices but I certainly wasn’t acknowledging the power of the resurrected Christ who lives in me and receiving the peace He had for me concerning our son. How often are we unwilling to believe that we have been transformed and that the impossible has become possible through Christ who loves us and our children more than we could ever imagine …everyday. 6/19/2023
Godly AdviceMonday Matters-June 19, 2023
Everyday Advice from God Should I do it? What do you think? Maybe I should put a poll out on social media? Sure, it is wise to ask advice from others and in Proverbs 15 we can read that plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisers they succeed. But it’s also important to care most about what God thinks. Often when we pray we make all these requests but then fail to wait and LISTEN. God knows your heart and loves you. He has the best advice. In the Bible when Paul was talking to the Colossians, he told them that they could have a peace in their heart when a decision was made. It’s important that we aren’t seeking the approval of others or just relying on our feelings. God does answer us. Sometimes the answer is “no” and sometimes we can’t hear because we tell God what we want and ask Him to bless it rather than asking Him if it’s a direction He even wants us to take. Feelings come and go but the peace of God will remain…everyday. |
January 2025