Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Kindness MattersTuesday Matters- March 31, 2020
Everyday Golden Rule How many kids, when asked, would know what the golden rule is? Do you? Two of my four sons knew the answer: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” We may know it but do we live it? There are broken marriages, churches, friends fighting, there’s brokenness. Taking this golden truth to heart is another matter. Jesus loves us….really loves us…as we are. And He says; “I give you a new commandment; it is My commandment; it is all I command you; Love one another as I have loved you.” Only compassion and forgiveness count. Love is the key to everything. I think most times we treat others how we think they deserve to be treated but think if Jesus did that with us and gave us what we deserved? I know right? We’d be toast. Not only do my kids need to be reminded of this. I do too. Love one another…everyday. 3/30/2020
Choose What You Think OnMonday Matters-March 30, 2020
Everyday Thought Life We live in some dark times and a lot of that darkness is in our own thought life. The best way to overcome the enemy and his dark lies is to think on truth and light. We choose what we think on. I chose to memorize Ephesians 3:16 which goes, “God grant me out of the rich treasury of Your glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power by the Holy Spirit Himself indwelling my innermost being and personality,” I think of that verse as a “sign-me-up” verse. Don’t you want that in your life too? God gives us His Holy Spirit to make His home in us by the relationship we have with Christ. When the Spirit is stirred in us then there is no place for dark and destructive thoughts. God is good, with good truth and promises. Let Him direct your thoughts. Choose what you think on…everyday. 3/27/2020
Jesus Bears Your BurdensFriday Matters- March 27, 2020
Everyday Carry Burden “Debbie, how do you apply scripture to your life and live it out?” This was a questions asked by a teenage friend who wanted to know how to live out God’s Word. Hey this is Debbie Griffith with Everyday Matters. Anna had shared how she was feeling so exhausted all the time but then it dawned on her she was trying to do and fix everything on her own strength. So she decided to surrender all her burdens to God. It was only a matter of days before a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. So I said, “Anna you’re applying God’s Word from Matthew 11:28. Jesus said, "Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." He won't give you more than you can bear although it can sure feel like it. If that’s the case you’re carrying more than you should so release the load that you weren’t meant to carry. Christ truly gives the right amount of grace every morning for what He calls us to carry…everyday 3/26/2020
MarriageThursday Matters- March 26, 2020
Everyday Well Water Marriage Advice 101 from Proverbs 5:15; “Drink water from your own well--share your love only with your spouse, never share it with strangers.” Problems with remaining faithful in marriage usually begin when a person doesn’t feel loved and think they deserve to be happy. The enemy creeps in with his lies telling us that marriage shouldn't be any work and if we really want to have a good time and feel good we should maybe start drinking with someone we find more fun and attractive. When a person acts on those thoughts and feelings that’s usually the time when a marriage begins to dissolve. That’s why it's so important that couples work at making time for one another in a good ol’ fashioned date without their children. Find out your love language and begin communicating in the way each of you knows and feels loved. Validate and be refreshed from the well of love you both have. Marriage is work but it's absolutely wonderful when it is working…everyday. 3/25/2020
Celebrate OthersWednesday Matters- March 25, 2020
Everyday Jealousy Jealousy is one of the most dangerous poisons which can literally destroy us. It’s challenging because we know we shouldn’t be jealous so we pretend it’s not happening and we find reasons why the other person shouldn’t have success. A few years ago I watched a video of a woman I was mentoring. I was amazed at the talent and beauty she displayed on screen. But instead of feeling happy for her, I was jealous; “Why her?” I called my husband and said; “I’m jealous.” As soon as I brought my jealousy to the light it no longer had power over me. I was able to congratulate my friend on her success and the poison of envy did not infect me. I have a great friendship with this young woman and I’m proud of her. King Solomon asks; “Who can stand before jealousy?” No one can because it’s as cruel as the grave. Celebrate the successes of others and let God show you the gifts you have to celebrate…everyday. 3/24/2020
KindnessTuesday Matters- March 24, 2020
Everyday Gentle Answer Sometimes I can talk too much. Even if I’m talking about good things it’s still better if I follow the advice of Proverbs 10:19; “Don’t talk too much, for it fosters sin. Be sensible and turn off the flow!” I know that the mouth that blesses, praises and prays can also irritate, hurt and harm. One time I was having a heated argument with an unbeliever and out of frustration I wanted to lash out and say something to prove my point but I knew I’d probably regret it later on so instead I actually said Proverbs 15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.” It was weird but the argument stopped immediately, as soon as I spoke the Proverb. I guess because God had the last Word. I really want Psalm 19:14 to be true in my life, where the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart are pleasing to God...everyday. 3/23/2020
TransparencyMonday Matters-March 23, 2020
Everyday Real Self I’m pretty sure we’ve all done this; “I’m good. I’ve got this under control,” and we perform like we have it all together. The pursuit of truth is not the moral resolution to avoid petty lying and to stop deceiving others; it’s the decision to stop deceiving ourselves. Rather than admit my own issues I find it easier to find fault with others and compare myself with them. To a certain degree we’ve all tried to cover, avoid, or perform as if there is nothing wrong and we’re certainly not as bad as that other person. Self-deception is the enemy of wholeness because it prevents us from seeing ourselves as we really are. Ask God to show you what you need to see about your real self. He will show you lovingly and give you His grace and strength to face your issues and walk in wholeness so you can love yourself. It’s that kind of self-acceptance and coming to terms with our real personalities which helps us to love others authentically too…everyday. 3/20/2020
Your Idenity is in ChristFriday Matters- March 20, 2020
Everyday Your Significance I’ve been going through what I describe as a “stripping away” from titles that made me feel important. I chose to step down as an artistic theater director, a spokesperson for a noble organization but I didn’t realize how important these titles made me feel. When Jesus said, “Become like a “little child,” He meant we’re to be willing to accept ourselves as least in importance. The least is a symbol of those who have the lowest places in society; the poor and the oppressed, and the prostitutes. But Jesus concern was that these should not be despised or treated as inferior (Matthew 18:10). He was well aware of their feelings of shame, and because of their humility and His compassion they were of REALLY great value. God’s grace falls on us not because of our titles in society, but because it’s His good pleasure to love us just as we are…everyday. 3/19/2020
God has AnswersThursday Matters- March 19, 2020
Everyday Questions God will never tire of us seeking Him or asking questions. I think of my kids and especially when they were younger and all the questions they had. But I always want them to know I love them no matter what. I imagine it’s a lot like God with us. As T.S. Elliot put it; “Oh my soul, be prepared to meet Him who knows how to ask questions.” I imagine question from God might be? Did you know Me and how I much I loved you? There are things about God that are mysterious and secret, things we will never know about Him. But there also are things revealed, and those belong to us. Deuteronomy 29:29; “The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all He has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.” I follow and trust God because I know He loves me no matter what, as He does you…everyday. 3/18/2020
Connecting with OthersWednesday Matters- March 18, 2020
Everyday Personal Faith Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve or talk about it because it’s personal?” I get that we don’t want to be labeled or stereotyped but let’s not keep private the GOOD NEWS of God’s grace! The older I get the more I realize how much grace I need so I can’t afford to withhold from others. I share my relationship with a living God and not a religion of rules made by men. I may not have a theological background but I do have a personal relationship with Christ. I can share my testimony of how He’s changed my life. Millions throughout the centuries have suffered or died in order to get the message of God’s love and forgiveness out, the message of a personal relationship with Christ, not a religion. Romans 1:16 will soon be tattooed on my arm (for real), “I’m not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it’s the power of salvation to all who believe”…everyday. |
January 2025