Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
Loving ForgivenessMonday Matters-July 17, 2023
Everyday Feet Washing It hurts so much when someone we know as a friend shares things about our character that aren’t true. I remember a speaker sharing her own experience on this. She felt she had forgiven her friend but every time she drove past her girlfriend’s home, resentment and pangs of hurt would surround her. She prayed. God answered. He told her He wanted her to picture Him washing her feet everyday thus showing her how much He loves and forgives her. She spent this time with Jesus and then the day came when He said, “Now I want you to wash your friend’s feet, “Okay but make sure the water is scalding,” she thought. It startled her that this was where her heart was, but she obeyed. She prayed and let the Holy Spirit change her as she mentally washed the feet of her friend. She’s still not in a restored friendship but she no longer has deep hurt when driving by her friend’s home. She’s let the love God has given to her be given to her friend…everyday. 7/14/2023
Community-Shared HumanityFriday Matters- July 14, 2023
Everyday Sharing Hurt Believe me I know what it means to hurt. The recovery from my scoliosis back surgery was horrendous both physically and emotionally. And I was surprised at how the issues resulting in my parent’s divorce of 44 years affected me emotionally and physically too. Hurt from someone you love is pure pain. But I’ve noticed that the more I open up and share my heart of pain the more people respond to share their own hurts of an unfaithful spouse, abuse, absent love from a parent and the pain from their own children. Oh, the sins of others have such painful consequences for so many of us. So more than ever I’ve been holding on to Zechariah 9:12 by returning to Jesus my stronghold of security and prosperity as a prisoner of hope; believing that God will restore double for my trouble. Real hope is a constant positive attitude that in trusting my Redeemer, and despite what may happen, things will change for the better…everyday. 7/13/2023
ForgivenessThursday Matters- July 13, 2023
Everyday Sins Forgotten When we’ve been hurt AND the person who’s hurt us isn’t even sorry, our flesh wants nothing to do with this person but to reject them. But what does Jesus do?” Jesus never rejects us but He does reject our sinful behavior. The two greatest commandments tell us to love God passionately and then to LOVE OTHERS as He does. So when someone has sinned against us, whether intentionally or unintentionally, we must actively choose to forgive them and then choose NOT to remember their sins against us. Actively choosing not to remember is different than forgetting. In Jeremiah 31:34 God says He will “remember no more” the sins of His people. This is not memory failure. This is God’s choice to no longer hold our sins against us. God will vindicate us as He promises. I know it’s hard but follow and obey God rather than what you FEEL is fair because He understands and will take care of you and the other person…everyday. 7/12/2023
Life is Hard-God is GoodWednesday Matters- July 12, 2023
Everyday Waves My friend, Michelle, shared; “These waves of trials and circumstances are very real and overwhelming to me right now. But Debbie, the question is not whether or not I see them; the question is whether or not I see ONLY them. I know it's not about the waves; it's about walking forward toward Him because He says ‘Come!’” What honesty Michelle has, and I can’t say, I’m that mature in a storm situation. In the Bible we can read in Mark 4: where Jesus says to the disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake” but a furious storm of hurricane proportions arises with waves crashing into the boat. Where’s Jesus? He’s asleep inside the boat. “Master, don’t You care that we’re dying,” the disciples ask. Without answering Jesus rises and rebukes the wind and sea, “Be still,” He says and a great calm comes. When Jesus says, “You’re gonna get to the other side,” believe Him. You’ll get to the other side no matter what stormy trial you’re facing. Go forward with Him…everyday. 7/11/2023
Holy Spirit ChangesTuesday Matters- July 11, 2023
Everyday Change Even before I begin to encourage you I can hear some of you crying: “BUT Debbie just listen to this injustice in my life…it’s so not fair!” “BUT Debbie I don’t have a godly husband and my life is ruined because of him.” “BUT Debbie I’m not like you I can’t just call on scripture when I need it!” “BUT Debbie I know I shouldn’t care so much what others think but I can’t change.” It sounds like a lot of you have “BIG-BUT SYNDROME.” Because there will always be excuses and even good reasons why you feel the need to start many of your sentences with “But-But… I can’t because…” But I’m telling ya while you can’t change someone else you can allow God to change you and the things you think on. How about following what Romans 12:2 has to share; “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think” through the power of the Holy Spirit…everyday. 7/10/2023
Burdens of LifeMonday Matters-July 10, 2023
Everyday Jesus Shoulder I remember sharing a message with the teen youth group. I chose Isaiah 9:6 which begins; For unto us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder…” And I thought how the government that is upon Jesus’ shoulders is not a political government but really refers to the governing in our lives. We are not supposed to be running our own lives. In fact, we aren’t qualified. I certainly don’t have the brains to know what is best so I’m so super thankful for God’s intervention and His love to guide my life. You see, the more God’s government increases in your life, the more He directs your thoughts, conversations, decision and action, well the more you have peace! You need to be right with God just like I do so we have the peace on what He’s done and not what we’ve done. For me it was all about being on stage as an actress but now I see it’s not about my position or personality but about seeking HIM first where He fills me up with all I need…everyday. 7/7/2023
Love EveryoneFriday Matters- July 7, 2023
Everyday Love Enemies God will never stop pursing you no matter how far you run and no matter what you do or don’t do. His heart breaks when we choose to do things that hurt ourselves or others. That is why He commands us in Matthew 5:44 to; “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” What? How does that make sense? Well, God created us in His image, and we are His children whom He loves so just because someone is your enemy doesn’t mean they’re God’s. They’re His lost child, and He wants them back. Yes, there are circumstances where we’re called to face the bully, the tyrant and say, “No more,” and fight back. But not out of revenge. God is not willing that any be condemned, but that all come to repentance. His great love says, “Confess to me your sins, turn back to Me. Nothing can separate My love from you.” This earth is temporary, and heaven is forever. Choose Love, receive love and follow Him…everyday. 7/6/2023
ForgivenessThursday Matters- July 6, 2023
Everyday Offense We can say we trust in God to avenge or defend us but when we take matters into our own hands we aren’t putting a lot of trust in God taking care of our hurt. A big challenge is not to pick up the offense of a friend or family member who’s been hurt. I’m guilty there. But when we take on someone else’s offense we’re sucking the poison of their sin and we become bitter along with them. I’ve seen this happen when a parent’s anger towards someone passes on to their children. Remember if only one side of the story is presented you don’t have the whole truth and may have a cocktail of lies. It’s the enemy’s plan to ruin relationships. God’s plan is to restore. Follow Deuteronomy 30:19 which tells us to make the choices which bring life so that we and generations to come may live meaningful lives. More is caught than taught and the way your children trust God will have a lot to do with the way you trusted God in relationship conflicts…everyday. 7/5/2023
Jesus Meets NeedsWednesday Matters- July 5, 2023
Everyday I AM Think about how crazy it was for Moses to hear God speaking from a burning bush. It seems a little weird too. God speaks in love but He’s direct when He tells Moses, “Get to Egypt, get my people and GO!” And when Moses asks “What should I say to the people when they ask me your name?” it seems that God didn’t want to spend a lot of time telling Moses all the things He was, so He simply said in Exodus 3:14, “Tell My people I AM has sent Me to you!” “Okay, whatever that means”, Moses must have thought but upon “seeing” who God was Moses probably realized that I AM meant everything! God IS saying, “What you need… I AM! I AM your navigator, speaker, provider, comforter, and strength …I AM EVERYTHING YOU NEED when you need it…everyday!” 7/4/2023
God Shouts LoveTuesday Matters- July 4, 2023
Everyday God Shouts Emotional pain is harder than physical pain? Can I get an “Amen?!” I mean I get physical pain from my recovery with scoliosis back surgery and having mono and flu where I never thought I’d leave the bathroom floor. However broken relationships, the loss of a loved one, and the failure of a plan or dream, well … that kind of pain is so much harder for me. But it helps to remember God uses pain to get our attention. C.S. Lewis wrote, “God whispers to us in our pleasure, but He shouts to us in our pain.” Pain is God’s megaphone. We rarely change when we see the light. We change when we feel the heat. But why does it get so hot? I hear ya. The answer is God’s love turns-up, it warms when it all seems so cold and hopeless. He’s always aware and He always cares. Proverbs 20:30, “Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.” Yes, God loves you, everyday. |
January 2025