Everyday MattersThere's a reason for everyday.
Despite the bad and the good, everyday matters. |
HopeWednesday Matters- September 18, 2024
Everyday Hope in Darkness I’m trying to focus on God but just can’t seem to do it while I’m in a dark pit,” someone wrote me. “I wish my spouse would give up this other person and want to reconcile, but they have no desire. I’m so sorry if that’s person is you. There’s ALWAYS HOPE. I clung to the words from Micah 7:7-8 when I was in a dark place. “As for me I will wait on the Lord and confident in Him I will keep watch. I will wait with hope and expectancy in the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. So rejoice not against me, oh my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.” Isn’t that powerful? There is light up ahead. Do what you can do while you wait and focus on helping someone else who may be in a dark place. You’ll end up helping yourself. Never give up. Always hope. It’s not because we’re faithful but because He is faithful… …everyday. 9/17/2024
TrialsTuesday Matters- September 17, 2024
Everyday Training Trials Sometimes don’t you feel like you’ve been wandering in the wilderness for an awful long time and it’s high time things should start looking brighter? I’ve been there. And what helps me is to understand that the trials I’m facing are like tests given in a course that God has allowed to prepare me for my future. The class in the wilderness is not easy but knowing that God had to first approve what’s happening to me and it’s also no surprise to Him, helps me to understand the scriptures which say; “He who began a good work in you will complete it so rejoice in your trials because they’ll produce character which will bring you hope.” God permits Satan to contest the believer. We’re given these tests to train us so that by Isaiah 45:3 we will be given treasures hidden in the darkness. But let’s remember the rest of the verse; “He will do this so we may know that He’s the Lord, the One who calls us by name…everyday.” 9/16/2024
CounselingMonday Matters-September 16, 2024
Everyday Mediator I had an argument with a very dear and close friend where there was an exchange of words that had to do more with hurt feelings rather than the topic we were arguing about. We had both allowed time to pile up little hurts and irritations and so that when the disagreement came we had a wall of hurt and anger to bring down. Eventually we both managed to say we were sorry but the hurt had been deep and I thought we would probably never be close friends again. That is until God got a hold of our hearts. He was the Mediator that 1 Timothy 2:5 talks about, the man Christ Jesus who reconciled us back into a deeper relationship than I ever imagined possible. Now there is absolute freedom to share our hearts with one another and a respect and love that ONLY JESUS could have brought about. Our friendship is better and more secure than ever, in Him...everyday. 9/13/2024
WordsFriday Matters- September 13, 2024
Everyday Useful Words Two most useful words that we need to actually use more often are “okay” and “no.” Many times, we’re trying to be such people pleasers, so we say YES instead of NO, or we try and fix ourselves and others when it’s better to say, “Okay” and accept what’s happening. It could go like this, ““No, that is not who God says I am,” or “No, that is not where God wants me” followed by, “No, I will not be an approval addict.” The other useful word “Okay” can work like this; “Okay, you see it this way and I don’t.” “Okay, I am sick right now, but it will pass.” In scripture we read where Jesus didn’t answer at all but allowed people to follow their own folly and He mostly used the word “no” when speaking to the religious leaders. Do you trust God to the extent that even when it's hard you’re at peace to say, “Okay” and “No?” I’m not there but I know with Him it’s possible and useful in moving forward…everyday. 9/12/2024
God’s KnowledgeThursday Matters- September 12, 2024
Everyday God Thoughts We can’t know the mind of God. Isaiah 55:8 says; “His thoughts are nothing like our thoughts.” But we can know the heart of God and hope in His promises. It should be obvious to us that His ways are past finding out. He wouldn't be a very big God if we could fully comprehend Him with our finite minds. Author Walter Wangerin wrote in his book, “The Ragman” concerning some things that are hard to understand, "We chirp theories because we can't stand the silence." I guess that is how it is when we try to fully understand the purposes of suffering. It is better to admit, "We don't understand, but we believe that God loves us and, yes, that 'our Redeemer Lives'." Someone has suggested that in the margins beside many of our life's experiences is simply written: "to be explained later." Success for each day is not waiting for an answer to our whys but walking in the hope with a way from Him…everyday. 9/11/2024
PrayerWednesday Matters- September 11, 2024
Everyday Pray First I imagine when the future King David is dodging Saul, who’s hot on his trail to destroy him; he’s just like, “Really, can I just get a break here God?” God is on David’s side and no longer on Saul’s because Saul has walked away from God. David gets wind of Saul’s plans to kill him, his men and others in a town if David plans on going there. And I’m thinking as I read the story in 1 Samuel that David can certainly go to the town and then ask God for protection. BUT instead, David FIRST prays and asks God; “Will Saul destroy the town, and will the people hand me over to Saul?” The Lord simply replies; “He will, and they will,” so David goes back into hiding. I was really struck by this thinking how often I do the opposite. I decide on my plans and then ask God to bless me rather than asking for God’s direction first. Wisdom is going to God first because He always knows the best plan…everyday. 9/10/2024
FeelingsTuesday Matters- September 10, 2024
Everyday Feelings It’s so important to remember; feelings are indicators, but don’t let them be dictators. Get it? Feelings are valid and they indicate good and bad things happening in our lives, but we shouldn’t let them lead us, especially when we feel afraid. I read this post on Instagram which said, “And then I realized that to be more alive I had to be less afraid, so I did it, I lost my fear and gained my whole life.” We may feel fear but the way to lose “it” is to go forward in courage despite what we feel which I know is insanely difficult but always worth it. The only way we can do that and leave our fears behind is by leaning into the grace and hope God gives us. Think about what God says in Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous.” Don’t give up because of feelings. Don’t let fear immobilize you because God will be the one who keeps on walking with you, and He won’t abandon you EVER…everyday. 9/9/2024
HumilityMonday Matters-September 9, 2024
Everyday Humility Remember that song, “Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in everyday way?” We laugh cuz like yeah right, “as if.” But sometimes we’re so busy pointing out the faults of others that we don’t take time to look at our own that we need to address. My mentor friend Barb wrote, “True humility is not a denial of your positive attributes. It isn’t a humble person who says, “I’m not good at anything.” This is an expression of pride which says, “Look at poor me. I just have to have special consideration because I’m so weak. Please pity me...treat me well.” On the contrary, the truly humble person recognizes their strengths and weaknesses and so rather than a concentration on yourself, humility leads you to look around for opportunities to encourage and help others.” When you understand humility that way it helps you to be confident in the gifts God’s given you rather than feeling bad about what you don’t have. Happy and free people are humble people…everyday. 9/6/2024
Mental IllnessFriday Matters- September 6, 2024
Everyday Emotional Pain Emotional pain is harder than physical pain? Can I get an “Amen?!” I mean I get physical pain from my recovery with scoliosis back surgery and having mono and flu where I never thought I’d leave the bathroom floor. However broken relationships, the loss of a loved one, and the failure of a plan or dream, well … that kind of pain is so much harder for me. But it helps to remember God uses pain to get our attention. C.S. Lewis wrote, “God whispers to us in our pleasure, but He shouts to us in our pain.” Pain is God’s megaphone. We rarely change when we see the light. We change when we feel the heat. But why does it get so hot? I hear ya. The answer is God’s love turns-up, it warms when it all seems so cold and hopeless. He’s always aware and He always cares. Proverbs 20:30, “Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.” Yes, God loves you, everyday. 9/5/2024
GraceThursday Matters- September 5, 2024
Everyday Kidney It’s been thirteen years since Brenda’s best friend, Susan, became ill and needed a kidney transplant. Brenda was a fitting donor and chose to donate one of her healthy kidneys to Susan even after doctors said her chance of survival was only 30%, and that there would be inherent risks to Brenda’s health as well. So, imagine the joy of Brenda getting ready to drive to her best friend’s wedding where she would be her maid of honor as Susan married the love of her life. Susan happened to meet her Prince at the hospital ten years ago when she received her transplant. Proverbs 13 tells us that when a longing is fulfilled, we have life. The “what ifs” never gets us anywhere. It’s like one of my favorite posters which reads; “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.” What gets us somewhere is living life with a transplant of hope in believing there’s something good coming…everyday. |
May 2024